The end of April marks the start of a pretty active birthday (and holiday) season in our family. We have A’s birthday, Mother’s Day, my birthday, Father’s Day and my mom’s birthday. Throw in 8th grade “graduation” and we have ourselves a pretty busy few months ahead.

- Cardio: 1.41 miles, walking
After a late night and a bit of pinot noir, I scrambled out of bed for a walk. After all, the fun was about to start!

Fun RunsWithPugs Fact: I love Nicolas Cage. He is my favorite actor. I have seen almost all of his movies (I can’t do the horror ones) and am always thrilled when a new one comes out. Obviously, we had to go see The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent. With friends. And Nic Cage shirts. Obviously. And it was amazing. I laughed through the whole thing.

- Cardio: 4.24 miles, walking (beach)
- Thighs Challenge: 29 plie squats, 29 leg swings (each side), 29 alternating lunges, 29 side leg lifts (each side), 29 inner thigh pulses (each side)
- Core Workout: 3 x :30 hover squat with ball, 3 x :30 weighted march, 3 x :30 heel taps + leg extensions, 3 x :30 reverse planks
- Back Session:3 X 12 bent over row, 3 x 12 lateral raise, 3 x 12 seated chest squeeze to shoulder press, 3 x 12 reach behind (laying down), 3 x 12 chest press
I got to the beach a little late. On the plus side, the Spring Breakers were gone. One the other hand, it was hot and breezeless. Ugh. It was so hot, I didn’t bother with the bridge.

I struggled coming down after such a physical and fun weekend, but somehow I managed to stay ahead of the game. Yay, me.
- Cardio: 6.71 miles, running
- Thighs Challenge: 30 plie squats, 30 leg swings (each side), 30 alternating lunges, 30 side leg lifts (each side), 30 inner thigh pulses (each side)
- Core Workout: 20 in and outs, cocoons, windshield wipers, weighted Russian twists, toe taps, flutter kicks, 20 scissor kicks
It was J’s last day of teaching for the semester so we had to hustle through our run. It was a solid one.

And then just the normal Tuesday things.
- Cardio: 4.79 miles, walking
I was strapped for time, so I did my morning walk and that was it.

And then there was more rushing around: A was selected for National Junior Honor Society and had his induction ceremony that night! We couldn’t have been any more proud. Several of his friends were also inducted so that made it even better.

- Cardio: 6.78 miles, running
- Thighs Challenge: 31 plie squats, 31 leg swings (each side), 31 alternating lunges, 31 side leg lifts (each side), 31 inner thigh pulses (each side)
I was pretty tired, but managed a good run with J. I did manage to get my Thigh Challenge in, but that’s about it. My body just didn’t want to do more than that.

I finished the last of the birthday prep, and did some crafting. This door hanger just spoke to me.

Our mulch coordinator had three more deliveries to finish the rest of the shipment. I didn’t want him to have to do it on his own, so when A got home, I asked if he would help. He was happy to – this has been a great fundraiser for himself and the Troops, and I was really proud of his enthusiasm.
- Cardio: 3.44 miles, walking
- Thighs Challenge: 32 plie squats, 32 leg swings (each side), 32 alternating lunges, 32 side leg lifts (each side), 32 inner thigh pulses (each side)
Happy 14th birthday to the guy who made me a mom! Wow. Time really does fly.

There were birthday donuts and I most certainly scooted out for a few miles.

A didn’t want a super complicated day. We took him to see The Secrets of Dumbledore (loved), and then we went to a local restaurant with my parents for his celebratory dinner. He seemed really happy with that, and that’s what matters.
- Cardio: 7.34 miles, running + walking
- Thighs Challenge: 33 plie squats, 33 leg swings (each side), 33 alternating lunges, 33 side leg lifts (each side), 33 inner thigh pulses (each side)
- Armpit Session: 3 x ;45 arm circles, 3 x :45 front extension pull, 3 x :45 bent over extensions, 3 x :45 in out extensions
- Core Session: 3 x :45 weighted march, 3 x :45 weighted boat hold, 3 x :45 weighted overhead sit ups
This was an early morning. The boys had to get up at 5:00 AM to leave for fishing (the charter had to postpone due to high winds and big waves), so I got up with them to help with the dogs. And then I went running. It was not my best effort.

The boys had a great time and spent most of the day fishing. They didn’t catch anything they could keep, but they had a blast anyway.

We finished the day with margaritas and snacks with friend, and then a frozen custard cake for A. I think 14 is going to be amazing for him.
Goal-getting + Thoughts
As I mentioned, A’s birthday is this week. He’s got some fun and special plans, and I’m so excited for him. He’s also got about a month more of school, and then he can say farewell to 8th grade!
My birthday is also right around the corner. We’ve already started celebrating a little bit, and I can’t wait to share that!
Remember how I said I wasn’t feeling so strong the other day? Well, that’s changing, and I am glad to say that I am commtting to the changes that are helping me overcome.

I am linking up with the Weekly Rundown, with Confessions of A Mother Runner and Running on the Fly! Check them out!
How was your week in training? Do you feel like you have a “busy season” as far as birthdays and holidays?

We also have a very busy month of graduation, birthdays, and anniversaries and lots of travel oh my! Glad to read you are starting to feel stronger. That mindset is everything!
I am a huge fan of Nicolas Cage, ever since seeing him in Raising Arizona. He broke my heart in Leaving Las Vegas, tho. Devastating! I’ll have to check out this movie.
Sounds like another busy week. I’m glad you are feeling stronger! Looking forward to hearing more about your birthday celebrations. Enjoy!
You have to see it! It was soooo Nicolas Cage. Seriously.
I’m so excited for The Secrets of Dumbledore!!! I’m waiting for my son to get home so we can see it together.
Happy Birthday to A! He’s really growing up. Sounds like you guys had a productive and celebratory week. I’m excited to hear about your birthday celebrations, because you know how to do it up right!
It was much better than expected. I hope you get to see it soon!
We have a slew of birthdays that start mid-March (me) and end at the end of August (sis-in-law)., with someone celebrating almost every 2-3 weeks. It’s busy, but fun!
I wish we were a little more spread out but what can you do?
Such a busy week for you. How do you fit it all in?? Happy Birthday to A! Looks like he had an awesome celebration.
Wow, its going to be a busy but fun month for you!
No sleep? He seemed to have a great weekend, so I’m glad.
Sounds like an exciting month!
Always jealous of your sunshine, tank tops, and beach runs! Even though they are hot 🙂
LOL! So hot! But I do like it better than being actually freezing.
Happy Birthday to A, and congrats on the Honor Society! You have so many reasons to be proud.
I am not ready for hot running weather yet. It’s supposed to be in the 80s here tomorrow, but at least it’s still cool in the morning.
Happy celebrating!
It’s already gross here. Not happy about it at all.
I’m going to Fla for my birthday… woo hoo!!
My hubby’s birthday is in May too!!
Yay! I hope you have fun!
Happy birthday to A. It sounds like he had a lovely celebration and it’s really nice that your parents are close by and you can include them.
I love that door decoration as well!
Debbie @ Deb Runs recently posted…Weekly RunDown: April 24 – 30 / Spring in SWVA
I am very grateful my parents are close. I’m sad his charter didn’t work out this weekend, but he’ll get another chance at it.
Cheers to birthday season! Ours started in April with nieces and nephews and will intensify in June/July and go through August, lol! It’s all good though! Huge congrats to A for making JNHS! Awesome!
We are super proud! He is really rocking 8th grade!
Family birthday seasons are funny, aren’t they – I have a friends one May-June and the family one is Oct-Feb! Have wonderful celebrations and I love your jolly pictures as ever.
<3 The party is going on and on and on!
Whew! Party on! The first half of our year is busier on the birthday front. Although it never really seems to end, does it?
You’re doing a great job with your goals. It’s never about perfection.
Chocolaterunsjudy recently posted…Let the Sun Shine: 4/25 – 5/1 WRD
You are absolutely right.
Happy Birthday to A! Best time of year for a Birthday! Sounds like you all had a great week!
The very best! Happy birthday to you too!