Several other bloggers have pointed out that May brings the “may-hem” and I would like to proudly say we are close to finished! Le4t’ts get through this month strong!
- Cardio: 4.29 miles, walking
Welcome to Sunday, and another week. I started the day with a walk, because that’s what we do.
And then we waited for A to come home from his Brotherhood weekend. He showed up, sporting a brand new sash and lots of smiles.
- Cardio: 5 miles, running + walking (beach + bridge)
It was a gorgeous beach day. I think it helped that I left a little earlier and got a jump on the sunrise.
We are in the last weeks of school, literally, but A had the chance to go to a mini band camp at his new high school. It was weird having him gone for three hours of the evening Monday through Thursday, but that’s going to be the reality next year.
- Cardio: 5.89 miles, running + walking
- Core + Glute Session: 3 x 20 glute bridges, 3 x 20 frog pumps, 3 x 20 single leg raises (each side), 3 x 20 side leg raises (each side), 3 x 20 donkey kicks (each side), 3 x :20 side plank (each side)
Off I went for my morning run. The humidity is definitely back and it’s making everything pretty awful. This is what we have to deal with now.
Mr PugRunner and i had a date breakfast and then I headed out to the store to pick up some more white shirts and black shorts for A’s band camp. He will need the items for summer, too, so might as well be prepared.
- Cardio: 5.06 miles, walking
- Tricep Session: 2 x 16 shoulder taps, 2 x 16 reverse chest presses, 3 x 8 inverted chest flys, 2 x 16 diamond chest presses, 3 x 8 skull crushers.
I got my walk done.
Leonidas had what we thought was a bug bite on his foot, but it wasn’t getting better. Back to the vet we went. The diagnosis was a benign cyst that got infected. Sweet puppy got a shot of antibiotics, and a lot of cuddles. Then he came home to hang with sissy.
- Cardio: 4.64 miles, running + walking
- Core + Glute Session: 3 x 20 glute bridges, 3 x 20 frog pumps, 3 x 20 single leg raises (each side), 3 x 20 side leg raises (each side), 3 x 20 donkey kicks (each side), 3 x :20 side plank (each side)
I had an early morning so we had to rush through our run.
I got cleaned up and went to a meeting for St. Augustine Mom! We are back and I am so ready to resume my role of contributor!
Mr PugRunner and his buddy went to the Welcome To Rockville festival in Daytona, while I held down the fort at home. A had his last day of mini camp and parents were invited to watch the last hour of practice.
Friends, I was blown away by the band and guard. In only four short days (12 hours), they have come so far. I could not be more proud and we are all so excited for what comes next.
- Cardio: 4.76 miles, walking
It was another busy, busy day.
I worked on getting everything ready for the weekend, and then gott ready for action. A had his 8th grade dance at school. Mr PugRunner wanted to help get him ready, so I headed to my volunteer assignment at the school, and the boys went out to dinner.
It was a bittersweet evening. This would be my last time volunteering at a major event in middle school. I do plan to continue, but under the umbrella of the Arts Boosters for this high school. I have been in the PTA/PTSO since A was in kindergarten, and I think it’s time to shift to something new.
- Cardio: 8.27 miles. running + walking
- Tricep Session: 2 x 16 shoulder taps, 2 x 16 reverse chest presses, 3 x 8 inverted chest flys, 2 x 16 diamond chest presses, 3 x 8 skull crushers.
I was just exhausted after Friday night. I slept in a little, and hoped to work around the forecasted rain storms. J was able to join me for the morning miles, so that was good.
While I was doing that, A went to karate: he had his pre-test for his upcoming 2nd Dan test. His sensei likes to check in with students who might be ready to ensure they are prepared. A is ready to go. He has a few things to work on and tidy up, but he will test in June. Eek.
And after that, Mr PugRunner brought him to meet up with his Scouts troop on their campout. He hated missing any of it, but it was for a good cause.
Goal-getting + Thoughts
Now that summer is here, it’s time to slow down, hydrate, and ride it all out. Sigh.
I’m having a lot of feelings. We are very much at the end of an era, and it’s crazy to think that my little guy will be entering 9th grade. It’s great, really, but also mind-blowing.
On the plus side, Leonidas is doing really well, and healing fine, and Luna is still being amazing as big sister. And running is going, as it does.
I am linking up with the Weekly Rundown, with Confessions of A Mother Runner and Running on the Fly! Check them out!
How was your week in training? Anyone have anything to which they are saying goodbye?
Kimberly Hatting says
Congrats on the Order of the Arrow (I recognize the sash, LOL)! It is a bittersweet time when the “kids” move on to high school…hold on tight, it goes fast!
Jenny says
I love that picture of you running on the beach!
Yes- my daughter has one more year of middle school and I’m already feeling melancholy about her moving on to high school! It’s a big transition. It sounds like A is going to have an amazing time though. My son went through the high school band program and my daughter will too- it’s the best thing ever. They do so many fun activities, have amazing trips and make really good friends. I’m excited to hear all about it!
Darlene Cardillo says
That beach pic is awesome… I miss the ocean!
Hopefully A’s high school years will be just as rewarding… but you will have more free time for yourself.
Kim G says
Awwe poor Leonidas 🙁 Glad that it wasn’t anything too serious. Also, I love the Its a Bones Day pillow – super cute!
Chocolaterunsjudy says
Sounds like a good week, despite the emotions & vet visit & releasing so many memories & activities. It’s really wonderful that Luna & Leo get along so well together!
Michelle says
Lots of big milestones for your son! The transition from middle to high school is definitely filled with emotions.
I love that photo of you running on the beach!
Cari says
Bones Day <3
Glad he's OK.
So how old does A have to be before he learns what makes us all giggle about band camp?
Love the frog jump shot.
Marcia says
I well remember the goodbye to middle school. It’s exciting but sad as well because they grow up so darn fast. Glad Leonidas is ok and it’s nothing serious. It is finals week here and then it is officially summer for us!
Coco says
A looks so handsome in his suit! I hope he had a lot of fun. I’m glad Leonidas is doing better. Poor pup! You did great keeping up with your fitness with everything else going on.
Debbie @ Deb Runs says
Congrats to A on so many successes, from Scouts, to karate, to band, to graduating middle school! I remember how busy the final weeks of school were and how relieved I felt when the last day of school finally arrived.
It sounds like you had a great week of running and walking despite how busy you were!
Debbie @ Deb Runs recently posted…Weekly RunDown: May 15 – 21 / Taking a Baby Break from Running
Lisa @ TechChick Adventures says
Busy week!! It was so weird for me when my kids started high school. I thought it was going to be scary, but they did just fine! I didn’t really help out much at all in middle school and junior high. I volunteered a lot at their primary school, but as they got older I felt like the kids were just embarrassed to have me around (like kids often do!). I’m thankful that I am able to help out as secretary of the band boosters. It’s going to be a busy school year in the fall but I’m looking forward to it!! Congrats to A on all of his successes. What a great way to end the school year!
runswithpugs says
I’m so excited for boosters. I always ask if he minds that I help – I was actually surprised that he said he was fine if I volunteered at the dance. the good thing is that in middle school, I could be volunteering in the school all day and never see him. It wasn’t like grade school where you would be in the classroom. That helped a lot.