Happy National Donut Day! It works out that today is our Ultimate Coffee Date, because coffee and donuts go together like peas and carrots.
After reading here, head on over to visit Coco and Deborah, our awesome link-up hosts.
Over coffee, I would tell you…
My friend and I sampled A LOT of donuts over the last two weeks to get some Donut Day content. Is there such a thing as too many donuts? Maybe? I regret nothing.
Over coffee, I would tell you…
That middle school is officially over. Cue the tears. For some reason, “graduating” 8th grade hit me harder than did 5th. Maybe because high school is the last frontier before adulthood. I don’t know. I confess that this past year was not the best experience. We were very disappointed and disenchanted with a lot of things that went on at school, so none of us are sorry to bid farewell in that regard. It was our first negative experience in our school district, and I know high school will be so much better (we are familiar with the staff and culture there and it is already so welcoming). In the meantime, huge props to our guy who earned honor roll every quarter in sixth, seventh, and eighth grade, was inducted to NJHS, scored a position in the high school marching band, and never ceases to make us proud.
Over coffee, I would tell you…
That it’s the end of an era for me as well. I’ve been a member of the PTA or PTSO since A was in Kindergarten, usually serving on a board or committee position. Through the years, I’ve served with many of the same women, making a fairly incredible and unstoppable team. With A going into band, I’m switching over to the Arts Boosters, and sitting out of an official position, at least for this year. So it will be a brand new experience for me as well. That being said, I am so grateful for these moms and grandmothers, in addition to those not pictured, for being such a huge part of my life for the past nine years.
Over coffee, I would tell you…
That I finished one 365-day run streak, and am starting on another. The plan is to at least get 30 more days, but if I can go for year two, that would be fabulous. I never thought I would be much of a streaker, but here we are.
Over coffee, I would tell you…
That I have felt super unmotivated and lazy. I’m definitely phoning it in with workouts, and I need to snap out of it. I know, I know. I’ve said this before, but now that summer is here with the heat and humidity, I need to get a grip. If you see me slacking out there, yell at me!
What would you share over coffee? Any fun summer plans?
Welcome to Fit Five Friday, our new linkup!
We’ve got FIVE incredible co-hosts, and we are ready to link up every Friday to share YOUR weekly fitness favorites! Join My First 5K and More, Running With Attitude, Run Laugh Eat Pie, Runs with Pugs, and Zenaida every Friday for Fit Five Friday! Who’s ready for some fun?
Grab our graphic and share the love!
Kim G says
I’ve noticed that every week I have 1-2 days when I don’t feel motivated to workout. Not sure why it’s happening so frequently, but totally understand where you are coming from.
So cool that you’re starting another run streak!
Michelle says
Huge congrats to your son on all of his accomplishments! And big hugs to you…middle school graduation hit more than I thought it would too. It’s great that you all are looking forward to the high school experience.
Congrats on completing a whole year of streaking! That’s dedication for sure.
And no…there’s no such thing as too many donuts! 😉
runswithpugs says
It’s such a crazy time!
Wendy says
I’m sure you’ll find a way to stay active in high school too! You will be fine, mama. Hang in there.
And no, there aren’t too many donuts…
runswithpugs says
Haha! Never too many!
Coco says
I ^almost^ went into the office today to partake in donut day, but even a donut couldn’t get me motivated enough to deal with commuting.
Huge congrats to A! I understand why it is a bittersweet time for you.
I’m not sure continuing a run streak fits with being lazy. Perhaps you’re being too hard on yourself. 😉
runswithpugs says
I am just one of those people who always has to be doing something. When I feel bogged down, I feel lazy.
Kimberly Hatting says
Congrats on the streaking! I did a lot of time with PTO’s as well when the kids were young, then morphed to the athletic booster board for a few years, and the prom committee encompassed nine years. Yikes…it kept me busy (behind the scenes), but I had the time so I felt like it was my duty to be available
runswithpugs says
I haven’t heard anything about any prom committee! That would be a fun one for sure!
Renée says
Massive congrats to A, Jenn! I’m sure it also has a lot to do with you and Mr Pugrunner supporting him throughout everything. Some milestones are tough and going into high school is a big deal. My stepkids are 21 and 24 now which is absolutely mind-boggling. It feels like it was only yesterday that they were still in school!! But you get through all the milestones even if you have a bit of a lump in your throat or some dust in your eye 😉
You do a lot lady, I can imagine that sometimes you don’t “feel” like working out. Just remember that it’s also part of caring for yourself to take some down time. You are definitely not lazy though, so put that to rest right away!
runswithpugs says
That’s so sweet of you to say!
Like I am so happy for the opportunities he has ahead of him. It’s hard to be sad when t seems like more cool things are coming!
Debbie @ Deb Runs says
Congrats to A on having such a great school year and so many accomplishments! I hope you all have a great summer before the business of high school begins!
Congrats on your run/walk/jog streak!
runswithpugs says
I hope we do, too!
Zenaida Arroyo says
A huge congratulations to your son! What a year it was! So now you have a high school kid? 🙂 Congrats on the streak!
Marcia says
Congrats to A! It’s such an exciting time and buckle in because high school goes even faster. Sigh. I runfess I completely missed out on donut day. What can you do?