Do you have good running form? Is your form allowing you to make the most of your runs? Are you an efficient runner? Here are some tips on improving your form for your best runs yet!
Keep Your Eyes Up!
The first rule of running form is to keep your eyes (and chin) up. Instinctively, you may want to watch your feet or the ground but bending your neck down will make it harder to fill your lungs. With your eyes up, you can scan ahead of you for trip hazards. A straighter neck will also help keep your posture more upright, which will improve efficiency.

No T-Rex Arms!
Running is a sport of the legs, but arms are also super important. Keep your arms loose and long. Use them to pull your upper body through space. Let them work FOR you, instead of keeping them tensed up and less mobile. You’ll notice a huge difference.

Lean Your Body Forward!
I know it’s scary, but if you just lean into your run, you’ll move faster. Part of it is that you want your body aligned with the direction you’re moving. The other part is you’ll move more quickly to keep gravity from taking you down. You don’t need to lean far, but I promise you’ll feel a difference immediately.

Avoid Heel-Striking!
When you’re running, it may feel more natural to land n your heel and then roll through to your toe before pushing for again. However, if you’re leaning forward as previously mentioned, you’ll find yourself able to land more on your midfoot. A midfoot landing keeps your running body lined up properly, and gives you more power for your next push off. This will conserve energy and offer more force to your strides.

Keep Your Stride Short!
You may feel it’s best to stretch those legs and use a long stride, but you are far more efficient and waste much less energy if you shorten it up. Experts generally agree that an average cadence of 180 strides per minute is ideal, which equates to shorter steps and even quicker turnover of your legs.

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So how’s your form? Are there any tips you feel you need to improve?

Analyzing your running from and making a few tweaks can really be beneficial. I am always amazed when I see video of my own running
I do try. And I know when I get tired I fall back into those bad habits.
And good form makes all the difference is your time and avoiding injuries.
No matter how hard I try I cannot consistently land on my forefoot. Lately I’ve been working on quickening my turnover.
It’s really tricky! I don’t always get it right!
Excellent tips, Jenn!
Somebody once told me to think of running across hot lava if I want to correct my form. It works quite well!
Well, where I live, the ground practically IS lava, so that should be easy.
Ugh, my form has some issues, but I’m working on it! I’ve realized that what you think you’re doing is usually very different from what you’re actually doing- I discovered my problems after watching videos of myself running (ack!). All your tips are great- I wish I could just implement them immediately.
I weep when I see videos of me running. I have an awful hitch in my getalong, and I hate seeing it.
the one that sticks in my brain from Peloton is “bring your butt with you” which like using the arms as light sabers helps do what we know we should. One day!
I am a t-rex who likes my butt to stay as far away as possible. These are the facts.
Although heel striking can lead to injuries, so can trying to change your running form! Running is a simple sport that isn’t so simple.
Another good tip is to pay attention to cadence — although mine generally sucks. Do as I say, not as I do!
Obviously good form is much more about injury prevention than speed for many runners so a great topic & great tips!
Chocolaterunsjudy recently posted…I Tried It: Squirrel’s Nut Butter
Right? Didn’t they tell us this was a simple sport that didn’t cost a lot of money? Excuse me while I laugh.