How do you plan running routes on vacation? This is something that I always try to plan in advance before I go on vacation or travel to a new area. I’m a planner by nature, so my running gets a spot on my pre-travel to-do list.
Find a local run group
Before you head out on your next vacation adventure, check into local running groups. Most cities do have local groups or national chapters that are absolutely welcoming of visitors. She Runs This Town is one organization that can be contacted to find a welcoming group run. You can also google running stores in the area you are visiting and they should be able to help connect you with a local group for your stay.
Run around your resort
If you are staying at a resort, you can find tons of room to create a scenic running route. So many big resorts are built to sprawling properties, with lots of little paths. Benefits include being contained in one area, and getting to explore the grounds, especially if you go out early before the rest of the guests start stirring. Resort running is a fairly safe way to get in your miles while you’re away from home.
Ask your hotel concierge
Hotel concierges are an incredibly valuable resource for travelers, and runners can certainly take advantage. Ask about safe running routes at your hotel front desk. One of my favorite things was when a hotel gave me this card for routes around San Francisco. It was easy to carry, easy to follow, and easy to share with my husband/travel partner.
Stick to the landmarks + popular areas
If you’re striking out on your own, plan a path that goes by bigger landmarks and popular areas. I always feel more comfortable in well-traveled areas with lots of people, just in case something goes wrong. As a bonus, you get to see some local sights.
Sign up for a running tour
Running tours are all the rage, and there are plenty of destinations that offer them to visitors, and even locals who wants a guided tour of their area. You’ll meet up with a running tour guide, who will provide both company and historical details and interesting facts about the area you’re visiting. You’ll also have someone to take photos of you by cool landmarks.
Take advantage of your hotel gym
Worst case scenario, your hotel gym should have a treadmill for you to get in some miles if there aren’t any other options. It’s not nearly as fun or exciting as the rest of the things we discussed, but miles are miles, and new do what we have to do.
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How do you plan running routes when you’re on vacation?
Lisa @ Mile by Mile says
I love running on vacation. When we go to the beach (where I was last week) I know all the places to run since I’ve been going there for 25+ years. When we’ve gone somewhere new Rob and I usually run together- although that was before Grayson was born so I’m not sure what we will do now if we don’t have the stroller with us!
Catrina says
Great tips!
I usually have a look at the map and run to the popular landmarks. Usually you also see runners while sightseeing so you also get a feel for where people run.
I really want to take a running tour one day!
Darlene Cardillo says
Yes I always try to run when I travel. All good ideas.
I have tried them all I think… Sometimes I just venture out on my own… GPS watches are a Godsend.
Jenny says
I also really want to take a running tour! Sometimes when I’m traveling I’ll google “best places to run in xxx” and I’ve gotten some great ideas that way. Last August when I took my son to Texas I ended up running on the side of the highway one day and on the hotel gym treadmill another. THIS time I’m really hoping to find some interesting places to run. We’ll see! Like you said- miles are miles.
Denise says
The treadmill is the absolute last resort and only if I’m in the middle of training for something. I usually map out my own route but I like your ideas better.
Deborah Brooks says
my specialty these days! I love to run on vacation always fun to explore new places on foot
Chocolaterunsjudy says
Well, I haven’t stayed at a resort but I think I’ve done most of these things. Often I just go — not always the best plan but sometimes you find cool stuff that way!
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