Can you believe it’s time to look at fall racing plans? Mine are very slowly coming together. It’s certainly a challenge, considering A’s very rigorous marching band schedule, but I’m determined to get back to the start line.
RunJax Labor Day 5K
This is a race I normally run. I haven’t registered yet, but some friends are attending, so I figure, why not? I like to run on holidays, especially holiday Mondays, so this will be a great start to my fall racing schedule.
ZOOMA Amelia Island 12K
Somehow, the weekend of ZOOMA Amelia Island is a bye week and free of any competitions. How lucky am I? I would love to take on the Half Marathon, or one of the challenges, but I think I am going to play this one safe with the 12k. It’s a good and manageable distance, and I’ll be happy to enjoy all the amenities the race and surrounding town have to offer. Also, look at all the swag I’ll be walking away with.

Cottonmouth Quarter Marathon & 5K
In the past, I’ve done the 5K but I may take on the quarter marathon this year. That’s just a little more than a 10K, which is totally manageable, especially on the heels of a 12K. This is a super fun local race, with a great shirt and medal, so why not?
Any Turkey Trot
I am not 100% sure where I’m going to be on Thanksgiving, but wherever it is, I want to Turkey Trot. It’s always fun to get in a 5K before the giant feast, and if there is one available, I’m going to be there, wobbling before the gobbling.

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What are your fall racing plans?

I’ve never heard of a quarter marathon race, but it definitely sounds like an interesting idea!
With 10.5k, it’s very close to a 10k, but the label “marathon” definitely gives it a different spin. Have fun with your fall races, Jenn!
I hope to! We will see how the schedule goes!
Sounds like a good plan! I haven’t signed up for any fall races. My husband is running a fall marathon so I probably couldn’t do one until after his race is over since Ill need to be on mom duty while he is out doing his long runs.
Iit’s tough coordinating training when the littles are young. Can’t wait to hear what you do next.
Looks like a great list of races.
I have a big list that I’ll post later.
Having races on my schedule keep me motivated.
One of these days we’ll have plan one together
YES! We do need to do that. I would love to start getting out to other bloggers’ states.
I only have one race for the fall so far–it’s a trail half that I had to defer last year when I broke my ankle and foot. I also am hoping to do the Mammoth Hiking Challenge again this year. We”ll see how that fits into my plans!
I like the idea of a quarter marathon! Hopefully, you don’t see any cottonmouths on the course!
I don’t think there will be snakes. It’s in a rural area, but the roads are paved. Mostly.
I am just starting to plan my fall races. It is daunting with the heat we have right now! Amelia Island is a fab location and the 12K sounds like a fun distance. Can’t wait to hear more
I’m sure Zooma will be good. I haven’t done it in quite a few years.
I’m ready for winter.
These sound fun! I’ve never heard of a quarter marathon being an official race distance- I’m surprised it’s not more popular.
I work on Labor Day but have a 5K at the end of September. i still have to choose a race for October, and then of course the Turkey Trot! We have one very close to where we live so we always do that one.
Glad you’re thinking about races again.
It’s good to feel like I’ve got some goals.
Those all sound like fun races. I love the Zooma swag. They always do it right! I haven’t made any plans for fall! What with my plantar fasciitis and now my recovery from my Mohs surgery my running has been very spotty. Hopefully I can find a local 5k or a trail race to add to the schedule.
Zooma does have great swag. I hope you are feeling better and recovering well.
Sounds like you picked some great goal races! Something to look forward to!
Chocolaterunsjudy recently posted…What to do with Coconut Water: Tea/coffee Date August 2022
I am always nervous about the future these days, but i hope everything goes smoothly!
You got a lot of great races coming up! Happy training!
Sorry for accidentally linking up to this instead of The Ultimate Coffee Date. It was quite the morning waking up to our internet being out and discovering that the loud boom we heard just after midnight was lightning hitting our deck. 🙁
I don’t even know where I am anymore! We’ll get the linkup figured out!