I hate when things get so busy that I have to skip a week and catch up later! But, here we are.

- Cardio: 4.77, running + walking
Due to scheduling, I made Sunday my beach run day.

And then we spent the afternoon at a local public pool. It was fun to have drinks and music while swimming and lounging, and we would totally go back.

- Cardio: 2.4 miles, walking
It was a quick walk day. I just didn’t have time for much more.

My parents came over to have lunch and hang out in the afternoon, which was nice and low-key. It was just enough.
- Cardio: 5.01 miles, running + walking
Sunrise run.

Meet the teacher.

Fancy breakfast.

- Cardio: 4.35 miles, walking
I did need these miles. First days of school are always nerve-wracking.

And then our guy went off to his first day of ninth grade. All the tears.

I did the mom thing and made homemade chocolate chip cookies.

And when I picked the kids up from school, it was to take A to his first official day of work! He’s been training for a bit, but now he’s absolutely official.

- Cardio: 7 miles, running+ walking
Yay for good runs.

And we all got negative COVID tests in advance of our trip. Yay!
- Cardio: 4.03 miles, walking

It was a great day. The kids completed their first three days of high school and all was moving along beautifully.
- Cardio: 9.16 miles, running + walking
We had a solid long run, and I was grateful for that. Apparently, I was in such a crazy rush that even my photo was blurry.

But the important thing was that Meghan was coming!!!!!
She arrived and we immediately dove into our day. It included tacos, books, ice cream, and more books.

- Cardio: 3.49 miles, walking
Meghan and I went for a little walk. Yay for miles with long-distance friends.

We went to a local coffee shop for breakfast, and then got glammed up for lunch and a Yelp Summer Event in Fernandina Beach. We got to visit a super amazing distillery, and enjoy cocktails, charcuterie, sweets, and so much fun!

- Cardio: 3.00 miles, running + walking
Sadly, it was time for Meghan to leave. We had one last breakfast, and then she hit the road. I went to a quick meeting and then got in my miles.

From there, I got myself organized for the first full week of A being at high school. There is a serious time shift, so everything has to adjust.
- Cardio: 7.03 miles, running + walking
Tuesday was a good run, thank goodness. I needed it, too.

I was very grateful to get my nails done. I went with school spirit colors.

In the evening, we had a Court of Honor for the Scouts. A was unable to attend, but he earned several merit badges, and recognition for some other achievements. I will never not be proud of this kid.
- Cardio: 1.9 miles, walking
Happy Early Voting Day! At least the early voting day at which I would be working. Obviously, my miles were skimpy, but what can you do.

I got coffee and made my way to the polling location to which I was assigned. It was such a cool experience, and I am so glad I pushed outside my comfort zone to do it.

- Cardio: 4.64 miles, running + walking
After a day at the polls, I was wiped out. Seriously. This was a terrible run.

It was also a scramble, because I had to get to coffee and breakfast with my St. A Mom friends!
And then I went to cast my own vote. I got a super warm welcome from the clerks and the poll workers who came back for that day. It was nice to see everyone, and to do my civic duty.

- Cardio: 4.03 miles, walking
I slept in and was able to get a bit of a longer4 walk. That made me happy.

But then, we had to prep for Friday Night Lights! Whoooooo!
There was a terrible storm with lightning that delayed our preseason game by 45 minutes. After that, the weather settled into something beautiful, and we kicked back for some football. But mostly marching band. The band played on the field, but in a still position due to the wet field. They sounded amazing!

Oh, and both Varsity and JV teams won!
- Cardio: 7.19 miles, running + walking
I was just so tired. The early mornings and late night are getting to me. We did our best, but it was not fabulous.

After the dismal run, I showered up and headed to the dojo for the monthly belt test. It was A’s first time assisting as an official employee, and I needed to get some footage for the studio. Belt tests are always so incredible. I love seeing he students do heir best, show off their skills and earn their next rank. Of course, they feel so much shorter when your own child isn’t involved!

In the evening, we attended a 50th birthday party for a Scout friend. There were burgers and live music and it was a lovely way to spend and evening. I have zero pictures from that. Whoops.
Goal-getting + Thoughts
Thanks for sticking with me on these crazy two weeks! Now I’m back on track and ready for more!

I am linking up with the Weekly Rundown, with Confessions of A Mother Runner and Running on the Fly! Check them out!
Anyone else have a fun couple of weeks? Are you voting or have you already done so?

Wowza a jammed-packed couple of weeks for sure! Transitioning back into school mode always takes some adjustment I think. Congrats to A on starting high school and the new job!
You’ve been busy! Great job getting all the details covered and keeping the fitness alive 😉
you sure have had a jam packed few weeks! Way to keep moving!
It looks like you have made the most of the end of Summer!
A has gotten so tall & mature! You have definitely been busy. Just remember the rule of thirds for your runs. 🙂
Chocolaterunsjudy recently posted…It’s been a tough week on the old body: 8/15 – 21 WRD
Sounds like back to school kept you busy. Way to keep your workouts going. I love Friday night lights. The band is our favorite around here. Of course, my husband was band geek and my nephews are band geeks so, you know, it’s where we gravitate towards.
It’s a busy time of year for a lot of reasons. I always love the pictures of your beach runs. I’m looking forward to getting to the beach myself!
I hope A has a great school year!
You certainly pack a lot of activities into your week – both fitness and fun!!
Both are equally important.
I have a co-worker who works the polls.. he really enjoys it.
Darlene recently posted…What Happened from Ages 60-64?
Yes, the first couple weeks of school are a tough transition, especially if there’s a change in start times. Our middle school starts at 9:30, but high school starts at 7:30. This is our last year of middle school and I will be weeping at the early, early wakeups next year. But so exciting for A! I LOVED the high school football games and am excited to start going again next year.
Nice job on getting those runs in even when things are so crazy- it definitely helps to get the miles done before the rest of the day begins.
Your son looks just so happy at the dojo! Congrats to him. Glad his first week of school went so well.
Just keep moving Jenn!!!
The start of the school year is always so hectic. Great job making time for fitness. A is getting so tall!
What a busy two weeks you’ve had! Here’s to an amazing first year of high school for A!