Now that it’s the end of the year, it’s time to start locking in those last minute, 2022 goals. What a year, am I right?

Honestly, I didn’t set a lot of goals this year. It just didn’t feel right. In a way, I’m glad. I didn’t need any additional pressure. This was a hard year in many ways, and I’ll be glad to put it behind me.
Resume My Running Streak.
I was really sad to see my streak end. I twas the right thing to do, but I worked hard maintaining it for almost 500 days. I said I would resume after Election Day, and I did, even with a hurricane raging. So let’s call this Day 3.

Figure Out My Apple Watch
Mr PugRunner gifted me an Apple Watch for our anniversary and I love a lot of things about it. However, it’s been challenging to transition between it and my faithful Garmin. New tech is fun, but change is hard, so I’m hopeful to make it work productively and efficiently for me.

Run Some Races!
I now have two whole races on the calendar for the end of the year. I’s been challenging to work around the band schedule, but the Gingerbread Man 5K worked out just fine. It’s in a new location and I’m ready for it. I’m also running a Turkey Trot, and that should be fun.
Complete Planksgiving
Planksgiving is a beast. There’s no two ways about it. I’ve been engaging in planks daily since October 26, and I hate every second of it. That being said, I have increased my stamina and I’m getting it done.
Plan For Another Half Marathon
I think it’s time for me to get back out there and run another big race. My last 13.1 was in February and it was fun. I think I can manage that again. I do need to ramp up my training a little, but I think I can do it.
What are your end of year goals?
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How about a trip up north to ft lauderdale Feb 19?
All great goals. And very achievable.
Thanks to you I’m planking. Not streaking but I try to walk or run everyday.
I have quite a few races to keep me busy. We are both turkey trotting.
Good reminder for me to write down my end of the year goals. This is such a busy time with holidays and travel
What a GREAT idea Jenn! I tend to slow down towards the end of the year, but this blog has just inspired me to actually set a few end-of-the-year goals! So please excuse me as I steal some of yours!
Ooh – great idea! I definitely want to set some goals for the end of the year.
Off the top of my head:
– Get organized with content/blog follow ups
– Be mindful of holiday “splurging” and enjoy the holidays without overindulging too much
– Plan 2023 race calendar
– Run less and cross train more
Thanks for the motivation!
This is a good idea! I am gong to do something similar. Erica has some good ideas!
All great goals! You’ve inspired me to think about how I want to wrap up this year.