Second verse, same as the first: February is all out of love and I’m here to runfess all about it.

For this month’s trip to the runfessional, let’s join up with Marcia’s Healthy Slice…

I runfess…
That I am all about a good theme, but this month, it was hard to stay in the spirit of love. I tried dressing up and getting in the mood, but when my Galentine’s brunch was canceled due to illness, I threw my hand in the air and gave up.

I runfess…
That some days, it’s just really hard to breathe (emotionally, not physically). I’m terrible at breathing on a good day, and the extra stress makes it even worse. I’m trying to set aside quiet time for myself every day, but it’s easier said than done.

I runfess…
That I’m a little behind in my reading. Crying In H Mart came highly recommended, but the subject matter hit a little too close to home. I’m usually pretty good at compartmentalizing, but I guess this was an off month. Finally, I got through it (yes, it’s excellent, and yes, it wrecked me), but I had to force myself to do it.

I runfess…
That the pugs are in a crazy phase. They play so dang hard. The other night, they were racing up and down the family room, including up and down off the couch. All of a sudden, I head a weird noise, and found Luna standing on the couch, alone and confused. No sign of Leonidas. All of a sudden, the drapes started gently swaying. He had fallen over the back of the couch! No one was hurt, but man, my heart stopped. In case you were wondering, they are not sorry, they regret nothing, and they would do it again.

I runfess…
That I signed up for a last-minute race this weekend. I thought it was a 5K, but it’s a 5 mile. Oops. Oh, well. It will be decent training before my 15K next week. That being said, I’ve never done this one before, so at least that will be fun.
What are you runfessing today?
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Life is certainly tough right now, isn’t it? Thank goodness for running! And those pups have to make you smile all day long. Just petting mine makes me feel good. Hang in their Jenn and good luck on your race!
I hate to be dramatic but it’s the worst.
There are some books I can’t read because they hit close to home and are more stressful than relaxing. (((Hugs)))
LOL on the pugs’ antics!
This never happens to me. I just couldn’t get around this one.
The pugs are a mess. It’s been so long since we’ve had all puppies and they are just amazingly exhausting.
That book was a killer! Good luck in your races and have fun!
Seriously. The one I’m reading now isn’t much less emotional. Whoops.
I’ve been avoiding Crying in H Mart because I know it will hit too close to home for me. I know it’s good though.
I’m glad you signed up for that race- it will be an adventure! Good luck with it.
It is beautiful but it wrecked me.
You have my permission to be dramatic.
Sometimes it helps.
Good luck in your race.
Good. Adult tantrum on the way.
The pups and their antics make me laugh (vicariously of course). Max is 13 years old, and I swear he thinks he’s 10 years younger. So much energy and silliness; and he’s his own entertainment because there aren’t any other dogs in the house, LOL.
He seems soooo much younger
Omg those faces! I’m sure your sweet pups are a bright spot through everything. Have so much fun at your race!
They are the best.
I’m sorry you’re dealing with extra stress. I definitely have some books that I just flat-out avoid because they hit too close to home for me.
Oh my gosh I just love that pic of your pups – they both have that “who me?” “what did I do?” looks on their faces LOL.
Have fun with your race!
Yay new races!
And yes, behind on my reading as well. *HUGS*
“In case you were wondering, they are not sorry, they regret nothing, and they would do it again.”I mean duh!
Oh my goodness, it sounds like the pups are acting like middle school boys! I’m happy Leonidas wasn’t injured in the antics.
Yay for a brand-new-to-you race!
Bandit has some trouble jumping sometimes. We keep trying to train him on stairs . . . once in a while he uses them without treats.
I definitely would’ve freaked out about Leo falling behind the couch! Yikes! Glad he’s okay! The cats were most entertaining when it came to jumping. 🙂
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We have dog stairs for the bed and couch. The pugs would rather jump over them. Sigh.