Now that March is here, it may be that my luck is running out. I got knocked out by what I think was dehydration on one of my busiest weeks and I did not like it one bit. Brace yourself for a fairly dull week.
- Cardio: 10 miles, hiking
Mr. PugRunner took A to pick up his new hiking backpack, so of course he had to try it out. We hiked ten miles on a deceptively warm day, where I’m pretty sure I did not hydrate enough. Oops.
- Cardio: 6.38 miles, running + 1.43 miles, walking
I was a little tired when I got up, but got my butt out to run. It felt great.
I went to get my nails done for March.
And by the time I got home and had lunch, I felt awful. I went to bed, and slept for about six hours, then through the night.
- Rest
I actually woke up feeling fine. More than fine. I decided to sleep in a bit and skip walking and strength entirely.
I spent most of the day lounging around and reading, and felt fine to go to A’s pre-MPA concert.
They were amazing.
- Rest
I didn’t feel great Wednesday again. By this time, I had tested for CV19 several times, and came up negative each time. Through my symptoms (fatigue and sinus pressure), it seemed like I was having a mix of dehydration from a long weekend of being active in the sudden heat and sun, and allergies (our pollen is out of control). Maybe with a little dose of not eating enough.
Of course, I started hydrating and fueling like crazy. The addition of allergy meds helped.
- Cardio: 3.21 miles, walking
I made a turn for the better. Yay. I took a slow stroll.
I went to the Gate Expo to pick up my packet. I still hadn’t decided if I was going to run or not. There is no day-of pickup, so I had to get it.
And then it was time for A’s actual MPA performance. All Superiors. We expected nothing less. They were amazing.
- Cardio: 3.78 miles, walking
J and I finally got back together for a walk. I was feeling much better, although still just tired.
I rested most of the day. It seemed the right thing to do.
Flat runner ready. Just in case.
Cardio: GATE River Run 15K, running + walking
You pay your money, you run (or walk) your race, am I right? I wasn’t feeling badly enough to skip, although certainly not great enough for any heroics.
So I went. The weather was straight garbage, the race got delayed, and then it poured. So. But I listened to my body and did what I had to do to finish safely.
While I was slogging it out, the boys went to the music store and finally got A his new sax (they have been out of stock).
Goal-getting + Thoughts
So that’s the end of that week. I’ve been doing really well on illness and injury, but I guess all good things have to come to an end? Blah.
Sunday, I have a fun 3k to run, and then it’s the last week before Spring Break. I was tempted to register for a race during my time off, but instead, I signed up for Alpaca Yoga. It’s going to be amazing.
I am linking up with the Weekly Rundown, with Confessions of A Mother Runner and Running on the Fly! Check them out!
How was your week in training? Do you ever feel like the hits just keep coming?
Wendy says
Yay! You did your race! I bet it felt great to cross the finish line. Enjoy that Alpaca yoga. I can’t wait to hear about it!
runswithpugs says
I did it! And it is going to be amazing!
Deborah Brooks says
I am happy to see you made it to he race! Way to get out there and complete your goal even after not have the best few days. Hoping things look up from here!
runswithpugs says
I am happy I made it, too!
Coco says
Gosh, a 10 mile hike is huge! It can be hard to recover from dehydration. I’m not sure a rainy race is the way to do it though. 😉
I hope the 3K really is fun and gets you back in the groove.
runswithpugs says
And at that rainy race were shots of fireball. Honestly, it was just a stroll.
I’m still going slowly this week.
Marcia says
Sorry you weren’t feeling well. You’re a good sport to do the race, especially in poor conditions. Congrats to A!
runswithpugs says
it started as “might as well just pick up my packet.” and then “if I have my packet, I might as well just go and see how i feel.” and then “well, i’m here, so i might was well start.” You see how quickly it all unravels.
Jessie says
Oh, that sounds like a rough little go of it, but glad you’re on the mend and were able to do your race and stay healthy/safe!
runswithpugs says
I’m still a little tired and in rest mode this week, but that’s ok.
Kimberly Hatting says
Sorry for the rough week, but congrats on the race. That finish line probably felt like huge victory given the circumstances.
runswithpugs says
Debbie says
I’m glad you’re feeling better. And even if you weren’t, I would think Alpaca Yoga could cure anything! 😀
Congrats to A on his new sax.
runswithpugs says
Alpacas make me happy. There was even a sign up for pig yoga! I love piggies but I wasn’t feeling that.
Jenny says
Ugh, sorry you had such a tough week- but you did the race! That must feel good. Did A switch to saxophone, or does he play both clarinet and sax? He started on clarinet, right? Anyway… I hope you feel much better this week. And Alpaca yoga??? I want to hear all about that!
runswithpugs says
I’m glad I did it.
A started on clarinet and will stay on it for marching and wind ensemble. He is not happy with the electives at school so he wanted another band class, which would be jazz band. His director told him he could either learn the sax, or write his own music for clarinet, with a third option of taking another class in the arts. And so now, he’s playing sax lol.
Darlene S. Cardillo says
Glad to hear that you did the race rather than sitting it out.
I’m having a hard time skipping my races. I know I can’t run. But still.
Enjoy your break. Alpaca yoga? How cute.
runswithpugs says
It’s hard to miss out when you’re physically able to cover the distance, even if it’s slow and miserable.
I love alpacas almost more than goats.
Lisa @ TechChick Adventures says
Hope the Alpaca yoga was fun! None of them jump on your back like the baby goats I’m guessing? My training has gone to crap this week, and I have a race coming up on Saturday. Not sure how that will go, if at all. Ugh. Being down and out stinks! A new instrument is always exciting! Did A switch or is he playing different instruments in marching band vs concert band? Congrats to the band on the superior rating!
runswithpugs says
It’s in two weeks! The plan, I guess, is that you do the yoga overlooking the “alpaca play yard” (sounds MAGICAL), and then get a mimosa and go see the alpacas! Yay!
So A will continue to play clarinet in marching band and in wind ensemble. He hates all the electives the school offers, so would like to play in jazz band, so his director told him he could write his own music and play clarinet in jazz band, get on sax, or off he goes to the visual arts or theater. And now we are the proud renters of a shiny, new sax! He’s already playing well on it so he’s happy.
Liz Dexter says
Well done for getting your race done, and safely, it’s hard when you’ve been under the weather, I know. Take care of yourself.
runswithpugs says
I’m trying. I’m totally the last priority it seems.
Chocolaterunsjudy says
I have never done a 10 mile hike & definitely not in very hot conditions! I’m sorry it took you so long to recover from it. A quiet week once in a while, for whatever reason, is not the end of the world. Hopefully you’ll be back to normal this week!
Chocolaterunsjudy recently posted…Slowly & Steadily: 2/27 – 3/5 WRD
runswithpugs says
I have two more 10 milers, plus a 15 and a 20. Ugh.
It will all work out.
Kim G says
Glad that it wasn’t CV19 and that you are feeling better. Allergy season is definitely picking up here – I can feel the difference in my sinuses already. I’m just going to hope and pray that Zyrtec continues to do what it’s supposed to do this season, lol.
runswithpugs says
Oh, it’s awful. Our cars are all so yellow. And it will be cold again this week, so we have to go through it all over again.