One would think that things might ease up with the start of summer, but… eh. One might be wrong. The past week has been a whirlwind, and I’m grateful to finally have most of my work done and my deadlines met. Time to have some fun!

- Cardio: 3.37 miles, walking
- Strength: leg workout, 20 minutes
After a dinner date, it was good to sleep in, just a little. I finally dragged myself out for a morning walk, and that went well. lI also got in some squats and hip thrusters. Yay.

In the afternoon, A and I went out for the birthday present he gave me: lunch and tickets to the first ever jazz performance at the Jacksonville Symphony. We had tacos and the show was incredible. Jazz isn’t my favorite genre of music, but I really enjoyed it.

Just a parenting note: I am loving these teen years. I think all parental figures have a favorite phase, and so far, this is mine.
- Cardio: 5.32 miles, running + 3.07 miles, walking
And another work week begins. I got out there early for my last run with J before she headed out for some summer fun of her own.

I sat down and started churning out as much work as I could. My schedule is flexible, and sometimes it works best to do a little every day, while other times it makes sense to just block out a few days and get as much done as I can.
- Cardio: 4.05 miles, walking
- Strength: Leg + Core Workout, 20 minutes
I started the morning with my walk and then took A to band camp. I know, I know, he just got out of school. But they are starting early with some of their choreography, and honestly, he was excited to be with his buddies. I love that.

I was super happy to have a hair appointment. I don’t have any photos because my session ran late and I had to scoot immediately to an evening meeting. Oh, well.
- Cardio: 5.53 miles, running + 1.26 miles, walking
I didn’t have a ton of time on Global Running Day, but I did get that run in.

And then? It was braces removal day! We showed up at 10AM to have his braces removed, went to lunch (Korean chicken wings), and the returned for the retainer fitting. His smile looks amazing. I loved that his orthodontist gave a goody bag of things like gum, popcorn, and rice krispy treats to celebrate.

We rushed back from that appointment so A could go to work. It was a long day in the car, but the results were so worth it.
- Cardio: 3.43 miles, walking
This was absolutely an anxiety walk for me. It was Philmont Departure Day.

A has been packing and prepping and getting ready for his Philmont trek, and it was time to send him off to New Mexico. We got him bundled off to the airport and on his way. Deep breaths.
Of course, I had to fill the rest of my day with distractions while I waited for him to arrive at his destination. First, I checked out the new Community First Igloo, an ice skating entertainment complex, owned by our local hockey team (the Icemen), and set up for team offices and practice, as well as open skating, watch parties, camps, parties, and so much more. It’s a great space.

And then in the evening, I went out to a charity fashion show, supporting the Betty Griffin House, our local domestic violence shelter. It was an amazing and uplifting evening with a sweet friend.

Cardio: 2.4 miles, running + 3.91 miles, walking
This was a trash run. My foot started hurting and I opted to just switch to walking. I have a 5K on Saturday night and wanted to be in decent condition. But it’s Friday, so here’s a happy jump.

I picked up packets for myself and my friend, worked, and ran some other errands. It was a busy day with a nasty rain storm, but I am very ready for the weekend.
- Cardio: Run For The Pies 5K
First and foremost… Meghan came to town!
We spent the day enjoying time together in St. Augustine, before loading up to run our race.

And what a night. Of course, there will be a race report, but we had terrible weather and the race ended up being delayed by about 30 minutes due to lightning. Yikes.

Thoughts + Goals
All in all, a good week. This guy is off on his trek. I hope he has the most amazing time.

I’ll be doing a little more hanging out about town this weekend, and then it’s right back into work and responsibility.
I was able to fit in a few more strength days this week, and I’m super proud of that. Any start is a good start.
How was your week?
I am linking up with the Weekly Rundown, with Confessions of A Mother Runner and Running on the Fly! Check them out!

Looks like a super busy week for you! Good luck to your son at camp. And to you, mama! I am so happy you are enjoying your teen!
I hope he does great! I can’t wait to have him home.
Nice to see you back with the strength workouts. It is so fun when your kids start to be able to interact with you in different ways. While I miss my kids being young and needing me more I love having adult kids that have become the best of friends too
I just love seeing him find his passions and his way. It’s so amazing.
That’s so funny- my daughter got her braces off Wednesday too!!! She looks so good! No braces makes them look suddenly older, right? Oh and she got a similar goody bag, and was very excited about that. About those teen years- yes, I enjoyed them with my son- my daughter… not so much. At least so far! There’s plenty of room for improvement, ha ha.
Anyway, you had a good week, and yes- any start is a good start. It’s hard to get ourselves to do strength training but it feels so good (afterwards.)
Looking forward to the race recap!
Yay for no more braces!
Even though I love this time, the teen years do come with their own set of challenges. I just feel better equipped to handle them in a lot of ways.
What a great week and fun goodie bag! Mm, Korean chicken wings,
Korean chicken wings are everything!
Even with the weather delay, looks like a cool 5k event! Way to go!
Aww, your son is so sweet with his gift! Sounds like a really nice afternoon together. How cool that you have such a strong relationship.
It was such a wonderful day. I am so grateful for him.
Sounds like a fun but busy week! Nice job on the 5K. I’m so bad at doing any strength training, but I KNOW i need to do it more! Or at all. hope your son has fun on his trek!
I hope he does, too. it’s so long with no contact, but I hope it’s incredible!
Who’s taking your running shots! They’re fabulous 🙂
Sounds like you had a busy, but fun week! Congrats on the 5k!!
Me LOL. I use my Cinematic setting, take a video, and then screenshot.
It was a good week for sure.
Philmont is a great adventure! I know our son enjoyed it 😉 Yay for strength work. I’ve slacked the past couple weeks, with my races and long distance relay, but it felt good to get back to it this morning.
I can’t wait to hear from him! I can’t believe he’s been on trail for two days! I miss him so much!
What a fun week… a little bit of everything – fitness and fun.
I am all about variety.
I love that the orthodontist gave him a good bad of previously forbidden treats – that is so cool!
Awesome job on the strength work – you know I’m a huge fan, lol.
BUSY!!!! oh my it makes me feel not so alone in my busyness! glad you got some good workouts in and your strength training. I can imagine being anxious about A being in New Mexico right now (awesome by the way – I do love my birth state!). So many good things happening for him right now! Exciting to see and run with Meghan again I’m sure!
Yay for ST, A getting his braces off & arriving safely for his trek. What an amazing adventure for him!
Boo on the scary weather & delayed race. I hope it ended as a fun time.
It did end as a fun time and I’m glad we stuck it out!
What a big week for your son!! He looks amazing with that smile 🙂 I also had a hair appointment this week. It was like a transformation from caterpillar to butterfly for me since I had waited far too long between appointments for my highlights That will be quite an adventure for your son. Hope he has a great time!
Busy week, but you got it done. Looking forward to reading your race recap!
I hope A has a great week away!