It seems I am in a season of short trips, which is pretty amazing. Granted, it means scrambling to get everything done in between trips, but that’s ok. It’s worth it. This week was full of fun, like a boat day and a birthday celebration! Let’s check it out.

- Cardio: 5.15 miles, walking
- Strength: Biceps workout, 20 minutes
It was nice having a full Sunday after returning from Orlando, and I took advantage. I started with my morning walk.

Then I followed with some bicep work. Yay, strength!
For the rest of the day, we just did the regular: laundry, cleaning, and restocking groceries. Adulting is never super fun.
- Cardio: 4.22 miles, running + 4.94 miles, walking
- Strength: Shoulder workout, 20 minutes
I wish I could impart just how hot and humid things are down here. Yes, Florida summers are rough but it’s just extra difficult right now. It feels like any amount of miles is a victory.

- Cardio: 4.8 miles, walking
- Strength: Leg Day, 20 minutes
Up and out again.

It was a slide work day, followed by an evening meeting. Meetings at night are tough – it always makes it harder for me to get to sleep that night.
- Cardio: 5 miles, running + 3.26 miles, walking
Ugh. Another hot one.

This was a big day for me. I had a huge meeting/training session with a new client. It was pretty informative and I’m very excited for the future.
- Cardio: 4.03 miles, walking
I had to get out super early and I had a lot on my mind. But, I got it done.

A had been asking for a trip to Bass Pro Shops with his friend, and so off we went. They had a great time shopping and I took them to lunch.
That evening, we had a date night at the soft open for a new lounge in Jacksonville: The RL Lounge. It’s attached to the Beyond King Tut exhibit, so as an added treat, we got to walk through the experience a second time.

We had fun trying some new cocktails and getting a nearly private viewing of the immersive show. Loved it.
- Cardio: 3.37 miles, running + 4 miles, walking
Another brutal day. We did what we could.

I got cleaned up and had another Zoom call. And then it was time to pack for my weekend at Meghan’s for her birthday! It was a bit of a stressful drive, but I got there in time for happy hour and ice cream.

- Cardio: 1 miles, walking
Boat day! The big plan for the weekend was to take a pontoon on the Chain of Lakes with Meghan’s friends! What a day! We had the boat from 10AM-6PM, and there was a full itinerary with stops for sandbars, lunch, drinks, and chilling. There were mimosas, jello shots, and snacks onboard, and frozen boat drinks on land. It was fabulous.

Of course, we were all absolutely exhausted at the end of the ride, so we said our goodbyes, grabbed some quesadillas for dinner and called it a night.
Thoughts + Goals
It’s definitely been nice to get a change of scenery and do some exciting things over the last few weeks. And it’s going to continue through the rest of the summer. Travel is my favorite.
I’m feeling a bit of a burst of creativity, which makes me super happy, too. It’s good to feel focused, and like you’re moving in a good direction. I’m glad to be in that position.
Coming up this week on the blog, I’m writing about…
- Wednesday: When Is Hot Too Hot For Runners? on The Runners’ Roundup
- Friday: 5 Favorite Rest/Recovery Tips on Fit Five Friday
Also, check out see of my work elsewhere…
I am linking up with the Weekly Rundown, with Confessions of A Mother Runner and Running on the Fly! Check them out!

I’m doing a lot of short trips this summer too! It feels as if I just got home and I’m heading to Alabama to see Holly. I’ll get some of your heat and humidity down there, although I don’t think we are doing any running. Just waterskiing.
Just wondering, do you have the opportunity to run on a treadmill indoors in the summer? I’ll do that when it’s really hot and humid here. No need to suffer, am I right?
Oh, I hope she is doing well! Our neighborhood gym has a treadmill, but it really hurts my foot to run on it, so I would rather just suck it up and go outside. Glutton for punishment right here. I’ll be in Alabama in November!
Short trips can be a lot of fun! So many places just here in NY. Ah well. Sounds like you had a great little trip!
It’s not FL hot, but it’s been disgustingly hot & humid here a lot, too. Plus the air quality sometimes! I’m trying to be optimistic & hoping for some better weather . . . soon!
Chocolaterunsjudy recently posted…Brighter Days: 7/10 – 16 WRD
So many places in NY! I love getting to do little things. It will get better, for sure. One day.
Short trips can be so fun, without the extra planning and preparation a longer trip takes. Plus a trip to see girlfriends is always a blast!
Congrats on your new client — and your feature for Orlando Parenting Magazine — that’s awesome!
Absolutely! We had such a good time and it was much needed.
Yep, the heat has been insane. Somehow I remember a time when it didn’t bother me so much, but now it’s just brutal. But you did a great job of getting out there! And you did some strength- that always feels good.
That boat day sounds SO FUN. And I’m glad you’re feeling good- I was feeling really depleted this week, which I suspect had SOMETHING to do with having no AC. Hopefully now that it’s fixed I’ll get a burst of creativity too- I need one.
Depleted is such a great word. The heat has sucked me absolutely dry. I have like nothing left. Ugh. The boat day was just what I needed. I’m glad your AC is back!
Short trips are ideal, in my opinion…one gets to “get out,” and there isn’t too much time away form the household. That said, not much happening for me on that front, LOL. I’m headed to the Van Gogh Experience tomorrow afternoon, and I’ll have some RAGBRAI riding the following week.
Great to see you have added some strength training back in. Your boat trip looks fun have a great week ahead
I am always in awe of your outside time in the summer. I know it’s tough but you are such a badass for getting it done. And what an AMAZING trip for Meghan’s birthday!!!
I just can’t stay cooped up, but it’s hard to get out and stay motivated. It was so fun.
Ah, how fun to spend time with your friend Meghan while celebrating her birthday!
Great article in Orlando Parenting Magazine, congrats!