I often talk about how I avoid the treadmill like the plague. No matter how bad the weather is (and in Florida, it can get quite terrible), the treadmill is always my very last resort. Let’s talk about it.
The Treadmill Display Is Overstimulating
I am a pretty simple human with simple needs. This makes the display of the treadmill an overstimulating challenge for me. Since I don’t regularly use the kind of machine, it takes me a while to get it set up correctly. The lights and changing values as it switches information district me, and really keep me tied to the idea of what I’m doing, rather than letting me get lost in the whole activity. Most times, I end up covering the whole display with my towel, to try to mitigate any lights or beeps.
The Treadmill Triggers My Claustrophobia
When I’m outside, I have the whole world to explore. I never feel hemmed in or trapped. When I’m on the treadmill, the same does not hold true, especially after my unwanted touching incident a few years ago. In gyms, it seems like treadmills are always super close together, or the gyms are small and confined. This combination makes me incredibly uneasy, which does nothing to improve my run or walk.
The Treadmill Is Boring
Sorry. I said it. Treadmills are the most boring of the boring things. I know that most people watch tv or movies, put on a podcast or audio book or listen to music, but that’s not my thing. As strange as it may be, tv doesn’t appeal to me much, I do not do well with accepting information aurally, and I hate having ear buds in, especially when I feel claustrophobic. So it’s just me, my breathing, the sound of the equipment, and my feet on the belt.This just makes it pretty darn dull and isolating for me.
The Treadmill Doesn’t Feel Good
At the end of the day, the I avoid the treadmill because it doesn’t feel good. My strides don’t feel natural, and I am always worrying about my foot placement. Additionally, my hips and my repaired ankle always ache when I’m finished with a workout. Not the good ache of a job well done, but the niggling ache where you worry that something might be wrong. Would this change if I used the equipment more? Maybe. But I have zero interest in finding out for sure.
Ultimately, for me, the treadmill doesn’t have to be a regular part of my running and walking journey. I have access to one if I absolutely must use it, but I prefer to avoid it, if I can. Even when traveling, I prefer to get out and explore my destination city, rather than sticking to the hotel gym, if I’m comfortable. The one good thing about living in the southeast is that the weather is usually decent enough to be outside, and so that’s where I stay.
Are you Team Treadmill or do you prefer to take it outside like me?
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Catrina says
Me too! I can’t stand the treadmill, I find it excruciatingly boring.
The last time I remember was on a business trip to India, where I used it in the hotel in the early morning before work. The next day, I was outside in the streets, which felt much better!
runswithpugs says
Outside is ALWAYS better.
Deborah Brooks says
Me too! I use it as a last result for running. I find it boring as well and I also feel like I cannot hit my normal stride. I will however use it for a walk warmup before strength.
runswithpugs says
I can see it working well in that case.
Jenny says
I went back and read the post about the touching incident, and ugh. Why in the world would someone come up and put his arm around you while you’re on the treadmill? Or, at any time. You obviously didn’t know that man well at all- what was he thinking? What an unpleasant experience.
Anyway, I just finished a treadmill workout this morning! I go through phases where I never run on the treadmill (it’s really not necessary, in Florida) but sometimes I do speed work on the treadmill (in this case, I was doing hill repeats.) I don’t mind it if I’m doing something with intervals- but I agree it’s VERY boring if you’re just doing a regular run. In that situation, putting a towel over the display would help a lot. For me, I do like to listen to something while I do a treadmill run, and having my headphones in helps me tune out the people around me. But it sounds like it’s definitely not your thing.
runswithpugs says
I’m still not over it. It was so uncomfortable and upsetting.
Lisa @ Mile by Mile says
I totally get it! I used to HATE the treadmill before I had one. I would sometimes run on them in my gym but I avoided it as much as possible. Once I got my own it was so different. The quality is better and I don’t need to worry about other people around. And the more I run on it, the less it bothers me.
runswithpugs says
I can’t imagine quality would make a huge difference. Maybe in the pain factor, but that’s it.
Debbie says
I’m definitely on team outdoors! I hate the treadmill too and agree it is sooooo boring (and I do listen to a book).
runswithpugs says
I wish I could! I don’t even have decent ear buds anymore. Maybe it’s time to treat myself to some air pods.
Darlene Cardillo says
That’s me too. I hate it. I’d skip a run first.
runswithpugs says