No matter how hard it is to hear, runners need variety… in their training, in their workouts, and in their goals. One might think running is enough, but running on its own isn’t part of a balanced fitness lifestyle. it can be hard to hear, and even harder to change, but let’s talk about the why.
Variety Allows For Rest
When you’re pounding the pavement (or trails) day after day, you’re surely enjoying your run. But you’re also punishing your body and muscles by repeating the same motions over and over. Switching up your workout routine allows you to rest the parts you use for running, and give them a break. This is a great way to stay strong and help prevent injury.
Variety Can Promote Motivation
Sometimes (not always), switching things up can help keep you from feelings of burnout. Continued repetitive behaviors can be boring, and after a while, even the most dedicated runner can get tired of their miles. A little variety can mitigate that response.
Variety Helps You Get Stronger In Other Areas
When you introduce variety to your workouts, you give different muscles an opportunity to develop. Running makes use of one set of muscles, but cross training gives you the chance to work soon others. You’ll build muscles and strength in more places, and that’s never a bad idea.
Variety Makes You A Better Runner
That’s right! Variety improves your running. It might feel contrary, but the truth is, mixing other workouts into your runs makes you faster, stronger, more efficient and less prone to injury. All of this indisputably makes for better (happier) runners! So take a break, mix things up, and see what a little variety can do for you!
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Lisa @ Mile by Mile says
It’s definitely helpful to change things up, both for the mind and the body! Only running can lead to injuries and burnout.
Deborah Brooks says
I could not agree more! I’ve always been a fan of supplementing running with strength training, cycling and mobility/stretching.
Jenny says
In the past couple years I’ve really embraced strength training like never before. I used to HATE it, now I like it, a little. Given the choice I would just run, but that doesn’t work for me (in my advanced age, ha.) I still don’t have any cross training that I like- whenever I feel a niggle I reluctantly get in the pool or on the stair climber, but I don’t enjoy them. I would probably be better off replacing one run a week with some cross training, but I’m resisting that at the moment.
Darlene S Cardillo says
So true and even if you just run you can very from a trail to a tack to a bike path to the road.
I do wish I enjoyed other activities such as swimming, biking or yoga.
Michelle says
I so agree with all of this!