For those of you in the know, we are entering “Bandtober,” that magical time of year dedicated to marching band competitions. While these are typical Saturday affairs, there is a ton of travel, time, and logistics that go into a contest, and as unapologetic band parents, we are just all along for the ride. Things kick off on Saturday, and then it’s an entire month of marching music. Does our fitness journey stop? No, it does not! Let’s do it!

- Cardio: 3.56 miles, walking
After a late night with friends, I did NOT want to get up. No way, no how. But I knew if I wasted the whole day in bed, I would regret it, so I made myself manage a few miles. It was a good thing.

For the rest of the day, we picked on leftovers, watched football, and just chilled out. This would be our last calm weekend until November 6, and we wanted to make the most of it.
- Cardio: Couch to 5K Week 2 Day 1 (2 sessions), 6.53 miles, running + walking
- Strength: Arms (Back Focus) + Abs, 50 minutes
It wasn’t quite as cool as last week, but that was ok. J and I did our miles and felt pretty good about the whole thing.

I quickly changed so I could get to the gym. The newest workout session loaded in the app was a bit different from last week, which I loved to see. In fact, the only thing I didn’t love was the overhead chest press. I feel so strong until I try to do those. Ugh.

Regardless, I pushed through.
Monday was a mess with work, so I canceled my evening plans so I could get everything done by deadline.
- Cardio: 3.04 miles, walking + Stairmaster, 10 minutes
- Strength: Legs + Abs, 50 minutes
It’s easier to just head to the gym before I do my walk, since it’s less crowded, and again, I was please to have new moves on the app. I also decided to try my legs at the stair master, since leg day never feels super difficult to me. That was something else! After the accident, I am really cautious on stairs, so maybe this is the first step in overcoming that little fear.

The night was taken up by a committee meeting, which went a little longer than planned, but that’s ok.
- Cardio: Couch to 5K Week 2 Day 2, 6.22 miles, running + walking
- Strength: Arms (Back Focus) + Abs, 50 minutes
The smoke from the Canadian wildfires was back, making it a tougher run. Everything was pretty hazy, and the air quality was absolutely poor. We did what we could.

I also pushed through at the gym. I think this was my favorite arm workout so far, with some pushes and pulls, and more dumbbell work.

Then I got to treat myself to a new laptop! After five years, it was definitely time. This post comes to you directly from my new computer! Yay! We also took A’s clarinet in for a little tweak before wind ensemble season. He wanted to go himself, but Bandtober rehearsals and practice keep him away from things that need to be done during the day. He was thrilled with the result.
- Cardio: 3.26 miles, walking + Stair Master, 15 minutes
- Strength: Legs + Abs, 50 minutes
Last gym day of the week! I enjoyed today as well, even though I had to go to the “big boy” part of the gym to use the incline board for crunches. Fortunately, I didn’t fall or get stuck. I also bumped up my Stair Master time by five minutes. Yay! I wrapped it all up with a walk. Perfect.

- Cardio: Couch to 5K Week 2 Day 3
- Strength:
Trainer Check InArms + Abs, 50 minutes
Today was going to be A DAY.
First, the fitness. Obviously. So we started with a run.

My meeting with the trainer went well. I actually didn’t expect to do a workout, but apparently, Meeting #2 is a trainer guided workout. Sigh. He did give good encouragement and great tips. I’ll see him again next week for a full trainer session. I’m scared.

Then I had to focus. I had some things to do around the house, pick up my race packet, and get over to the school to help serve dinner to the band. This is their last home game for the year (so early!), so it’s bittersweet.
Finally, we just enjoyed the band doing their stand tunes and having fun.

Before bed, I laid out my flat runner.

- Cardio: Pink Up The Pace 5k
It was so nice to have a race again, especially one for such an important cause.

I got done, and booked it home. A had to report to school at 9AM for practice, and we all had to meet back there at 2PM to start volunteering for the big show. We had 14 bands competing, and it was truly an epic day. What an honor to host such incredible talent at the first comp of Bandtober!
Of course, it was a brutally long day, and we were all just so happy to call it a night.
Thoughts + Goals
Another busy week, yes? It’s not going to calm down for quite a while. I don’t mind, as you know. Being busy makes me happy.
We have a few dinners and holiday events coming up, which are always fun. And of course, lots of crazy band travel. I’ll break that down as we get into it. There will always be time for my rain streak (all I need is one purposeful mile a day).
And on a proud mom and special Bandtober note, A was selected to be part of the county’s honor band. I don’t have all the details, but essentially, he was selected as one of the best clarinet players in the county, and will perform in an ensemble comprised of students from the seven high schools here. We had nine students chosen for regular band, and two for jazz. Absolutely amazing.
Have you been through Bandtober?
What’s going on for you this month?
How is training going?
Weekly Rundown
I am linking up with the Weekly Rundown, with Confessions of A Mother Runner and Running on the Fly! Check them out!

Bandtober sounds intense but amazing. My youth wind band was in the National Festival of Music for Youth finals one year in the 80s and we got to play in the Festival Hall in London (I was a 3rd clarinet so basically going oom-to the tuba’s pah!!). I’ll never forget that. Sounds like you’re having a good time at the gym, I’m glad that’s going well. I need to get a programme to get my fitness back once I’ve got rid of the end of my post-Covid blahs.
Nice job juggling everything! What a busy week. And congrats to your son for being selected for honors band!
How exciting that you’re working with a trainer! I’m sure seeing the results will make you excited for your sessions. And congrats on your 5k!
Wendy recently posted…Big Weekend
I’ve never heard of Bandtober! Sounds intense but great job juggling everything at once. You got in some great workouts!
I am betting that working with a trainer will be a huge help for you. Nice job on an active week during a busy time!
Sounds like a great week- you’re being consistent with your strength training! Oh and we both got on the stair climber this week- it sounds like you enjoyed it more than I did.
Congrats to A! And, Bandtober sounds intense. Like I said before, our band doesn’t do marching competitions and I’m not mad about that! Good luck juggling everything- I hope it’s a fun month.
I should have a trainer at the gym but I just wing it.
Happy to see you racing… that is an important cause.
Congrats on fitting it all in.
It’s great that you enjoy Bandtober so much because it does just about take over your life!
Congrats on the race!
Congrats to A for making the all-county band! Our sons ran cross country and wrestled so I helped out with plenty of carb loading parties the night before races; and as the team mom of the wrestling team for six years straight, I organized plenty of coaches/refs lunches for the all-day tournaments.
Congrats to A! I was in the honor wind ensemble a few times — it was fun!
You’re crushing the gym. I actually do miss having a trainer.
And you’re doing a great job juggling everything. Congrats on your race, too.
Chocolaterunsjudy recently posted…Soothing waters: 10/2 – 10/8 WRD
Glad the strength training is going well! My son played alto sax, so I’ve done the Bandtober gig (though it’s been a few years now).
Good for you for getting it all in each day!
And congrats to A, that’s so wonderful!
Wow, such an amazing accomplishmen for A to be part of the honors band! I do miss band 🙁 My son will be dropping band completely in the spring at college because there are just so many other classes he wants to take. I don’t blame him! College has so much to offer.
Enjoy your busy week!!
Lisa @ TechChick Adventures recently posted…Chicago Marathon 2023 – race recap
That 5k looks so great! Well done. You packed a lot into this week. I’m impressed with your new gym/strength dedication!