Much as I wanted to post last week, I just ran out of time, and didn’t. So now, it’s time to catch up! When last we chatted, it was Halloween week and we were ready to go!

Sunday, 10/29
- Cardio: 3.5 miles, walking
After the party, I was wrecked. So tired and so unmotivated. I walked, but I didn’t even get a picture. Oops.
Monday, 10/30
- Cardio: 6.32 miles, running + walking
- Strength: arms + abs, 50 minutes
Another week, and this promised to be a hectic one. I knocked out the run and the gym, and then dug in.

We had packing, shopping, and prepping. All favorite things, for sure.
Tuesday, 10/31
- Cardio: 3.05 miles, walking
- Strength: legs + abs, 50 minutes
Happy Halloween! The foggy morning was extra spooky.

It was kind of a wonky day. I had to carve our pumpkin (thanks to the National Park Service for this one – it’s a bison flinging a person, called “don’t pet the fluffy cows.”).
And then we just hung out. A had to work so he wasn’t home. Our friends came over to hang out for a few before they went trick or treating (they live on a farm, so they bring their little here for the night). And that was it. We handed out some candy, but not a lot. It was just odd.

Wednesday, 11/1
- Cardio: 6.86 miles, running + walking
- Strength: arms + abs, 50 minutes
Happy November! What a week!
Honestly, I didn’t need to recover too much from the night before. It was a good run, and my legs felt strong. We did get to see a possum pretty up close and personal, and that was a highlight.

Thursday, 11/2
- Cardio: 3.04 miles, walking
- Strength: legs + abs, 50 minutes
Knowing that we were going away for a few days, I did my best to make these sessions count.

Friday, 11/3
And so ends this last run streak. I was just about to count it all up, but it didn’t happen. That being said, it’s been going since maybe April of this year? Oh, well.
We dropped A off at school at 5:30 and then started driving to Tallahassee. We met the band at FSU, where they got to rehearse on the Seminoles’ practice field. It was such a cool opportunity for the kids.

After a few hours, we took off on the rest of the trek. We wanted to check in and head to dinner to celebrate our anniversary.
Saturday, 11/4
- Cardio: Casa Superhero 5k
Happy 17th Anniversary to us! Can you believe? It feels like a lifetime.
We started the day up and at ’em. The drive from Troy to Montgomery was almost an hour, and we detoured at the band’s hotel to drop off some motion sickness medication to A. From there, we headed to our race, which I recapped here.

We wrapped up, showered, ate lunch, and made our way to Troy University to watch our band in action. The campus was obscenely hilly, and we trekked for miles back and forth to rehearsal areas, busses, the stadium and back again.
Their show was amazing, and they earned 3rd in their division and got a bid to the finals.

We left for dinner, and returned in time to see their final show of the season. Again, they played their hearts out, and I cried over how wonderful they were.

Sunday, 11/5
And the streak remained broken. We got up at 4:30AM, and hit the road by 5AM. In fairness, with the time changes (one from Eastern and one for daylight savings), it didn’t feel like a terrible drive home from Alabama. But I was so relieved to get home, collect our boy, take a shower and chill. Car days are tough on my body, but I figured I would get after it on Monday.
Monday, 11/6
- Cardio: 6.98 miles, walking
- Straight: Arms, Chest + Abs, 50 minutes
It’s Monday. I was tuckered from the weekend, but it’s good to get back on track. The run felt really good, and I was happy to get back on the run streak.

After spending the day playing catchup, we went out to a Diwali celebration with Yelp at JaxSpice. It was one of the best Yelp events I’ve attended, with tons of people, Bollywood music, cocktails, dancing, and henna tattoos. The food was amazing, and I loved every second of it.

Tuesday, 11/7
- Cardio: 3.03 miles, walking
- Strength: Legs + Abs, 50 minutes
Are we tired yet? I am! But I still had energy to walk and work out. And I put in a lot of effort in the gym, pushing my limits on all my moves. It feels good to bump the weight up!

I was happy that this was a quieter week: just a volunteer committee meeting in the evening.
Wednesday, 11/8
- Cardio: 7.55 miles, running + walking
- Strength: Arms, Chest + Abs, 50 minutes
Is it just me or is this weather fantastic? Oh, running feels so good right now. So. Good.

The gym was ok, too. I hate doing arms, and the calorie burn reflects that it’s a much harder workout for me. But there’s progress so I have to be happy with that.
In the evening, I had a media look at the new Chez L’Amour. It’s a new concept in an old space, and boasts “bites, bubbles, and jazz.” We had flutes of champagne, tastes of some of the small plates (all phenomenal), and a live song from Ramona + The Riot lead singer, Jeanetta Salyer. Heaven. It’s going to make a great date night.

Thursday, 11/9
- Cardio: 3.22 minutes, walking
- Strength: Legs + Abs, 50 minutes
Good morning! Usually, on my off days, I work out in the gym first and then walk, but I mixed it up today.

Also, would you believe it’s Day 28 of weights and strength? I said I would do it, and I meant it! I am going to do a 30 day update next week, and I have lots to share about the experience.
It was busy day of work, with lots of writing and catching up, but I got it done and then got fancied up for a night at the Magic Hideaway. This is an intimate, resident magic show at the Casa Monica: it’s our second time attending and it keeps getting better! If you’re local, you should check it out. This was a media night, so we enjoyed a cocktail and small bites beforehand and everything was just fantastic.

Friday, 11/10
- Cardio: 5.14 miles, running + 1.58 miles, walking
It was a day off and that was simply magical! Even though we were out late, I got up to run on my own. J had another engagement, and we had things to do. It was a fabulous run and I was so happy.

Even though A was home, I had a meeting, and spent a lot of the morning prepping for it. Fortunately, it ended up being quite productive and I was in good spirits when my parents came to visit. A had some social time, which he is loving now that band is done for the moment, and we stayed up late watching “Lessons In Chemistry”, which is turning out to be a really good show (said from someone who rarely watches TV).
Saturday, 11/11
- Cardio: 3.9 miles, walking
Happy Veterans Day! Thank you for your service.
I started the day with a walk, and it was still pleasant enough.

And then, honestly, I just wanted to hang out until we left for a rooftop dinner and drinks with our friends. Sometimes, a couch day is just what is needed.
Thoughts & Goals
Feeling GREAT. The holidays are here, my last 5K was fabulous, I’m reading, and work is good.
I want to have a fantastic Thanksgiving run, and I want to sign up for a Christmas/lights run. Should I do it on my own or stick close to home? That remains to be seen. The events keep on coming, and I can’t wait to share even more fun things. I also have a December bucket list going and I hope to cross some things off that going forward.
How was your last week or two? Ready for the end of the year? What’s exciting you lately?
Weekly Rundown
I am linking up with the Weekly Rundown, with Confessions of A Mother Runner and Running on the Fly! Check them out!

Whew! I need a couch day after reading this, lol. Actually, I had one of those yesterday :p. You packed at lot in. I’m glad you took advantage of being so close to Alabama to do that 5k. Congrats!
The Alabama 5K was a stroke of genius on my part! Normally, I wouldn’t, but I can’t see that I’m going back anytime soon, so why not?
Nice job on your workouts! Sounds like you wove lots of fun into your days, too!
It’s been a good few weeks. I’m ready for the winter holidays!
It sounds like you had a great couple of weeks. I love your pumpkin!
Congrats on your strength streak. I’ve really gotten hooked on it, although I love my cardio too. Looking forward to your reflections!
I am pretty devoted to cardio. I keep wanting to skip the weights and take a dance or yoga class, but I’m trying to ignore that voice.
You have been busy these last few weeks! So happy that you have gotten into a routine with strength training as well. Looking forward to hearing your summary of how it went. Have a great week
Tomorrow will be 30 days of strength! Eek!
Happy anniversary!
I love that flowered dress!
Congrats on your streak.
Definitely not a streaker for anything but I do what I can whenever I can.
Wow- you are BUSY. But it sounds like everything is going well, and I’m happy to hear it. What a fun trip for A and the band! Our band has been going to some fun away games because our team is in the playoffs, which hasn’t happened in a LONG time.
To answer your question, I’m not quite ready for the end of the year- but I’m excited about Thanksgiving and my son coming home! I’ll start getting ready for Christmas after that.
We are not a playoff team lol. Again, the school is only in its third year. The programs need time to grow and develop, band included.
I was wondering if I forgot to comment on your blog last week. Guess not! You’ve been busy! Congrats to A’s band & Happy Anniversary!
Chocolaterunsjudy recently posted…How bout the time change?: 11/6 – 11/12 WRD
Nope! I was just delayed. I didn’t bring my computer with me to Alabama, and so that was on me.
Looks like a great two weeks! Congrats on your race, and yay for all the strength-training 😉
Boo strength training! Why isn’t it more fun?
Happy anniversary! You did a lot of fun things in this past two weeks. Big congrats to A and the band on the great performance. How exciting!!
It was a great two weeks!
On to indoor winds for those kids! No breaks, ever!
What a busy few weeks!! Happy anniversary to you too! Congrats on the race and yay for a good band performance!
What a busy few weeks!! Happy anniversary to you too! Congrats on the race and yay for a good band performance!