Happy Black Friday!
Honestly, this is one of those days to which I don’t pay much attention – is that a runfession? Nah, just a fact. But let’s get into it!

For this month’s trip to the runfessional, let’s join up with Marcia’s Healthy Slice…
First, I would runfess…
That as I was sitting here, writing about how I don’t really pay much attention to Black, Friday, I got an email from Brooks Running. They have my favorite shoes on sale for 36% off, so $89.95 instead of $140. Mr PugRunner was napping, so I ordered them for him to give them to me for Christmas.

Next, I would tell you…
That Thanksgiving isn’t my favorite holiday. I love the gratitude and the gathering, but of the four end of the year holidays that we celebrate (Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s), it’s my least favorite. It’s a holiday that comes with a lot of expectations, and those can be hard to manage. I’m glad we’re doing something a little untraditional this year.

There is ONE tradition I did uphold…
And that’s an annual Turkey Trot! Meghan, Mr. PugRunner and I headed out on 3.1 miles through the streets of Charleston! Did I get South Carolina as state #9? You know it! It was a nice course and the weather was gorgeous. My only complaint was that they ran out of beer – people, were taking two and three at a time, and non runners also partook. We still had a great time with great people!

Would you believe….
I had my first every Bloody Mary after the Turkey Trot at the runners’ brunch at the Dewberry? True facts. I enjoyed about half of it. Mr PugRunner said I would like it with horseradish but I think I am one and done. It was still fun to try.

And finally, I runfess that…
I have been lazy about making decisions about my business. In fact, I’ve set up a lot of goals and then ignored them. I feel like I am in a good place to maybe start taking myself al little more seriously. No promises, of course, because my track record of keeping those promises to myself has not been the best, but that’s ok. I feel like over the Christmas break, I can try to set myself up for success and change the course of this ship.

What do you have to runfess?
Welcome to Fit Five Friday, our linkup!
We’ve got FIVE incredible co-hosts, and we are ready to link up every Friday to share YOUR weekly fitness favorites! Join My First 5K and More, Running With Attitude, Run Laugh Eat Pie, Runs with Pugs, and Zenaida every Friday for Fit Five Friday! Who’s ready for some fun?

I am ignoring Black Friday. I don’t think we will even exchange gifts this year… but I like your idea of ordering your own gift. Brilliant.
Yes, it’s also fun to trot on Thanksgiving. It would feel weird if I didn’t.
Bloody Mary is one of my favorite drinks. I like it with horse radish.
Hope you had a great holiday. Good luck with your business goals.
LOL! I ordered a bunch for myself last year. Mr. PugRunner wasn’t well, although we didn’t know what was wrong, so I just handled everyone. It was the right call.
Hope you had a wonderful holiday as well.
Thanksgiving is actually my favorite holiday! I don’t feel the pressure of gifts or religious things just family and friends getting together. It is a ton of work though. Absolutely all about ordering your own gifts that way you get what you want and need
I do love the friends, and family. I even love cooking. But that’s it.
UGH- I hate Bloody Mary’s. It all stems back to an “incident” in my 20s, of which we shall not speak. I can’t drink them now.
How nice of you to take care of the gift giving for your husband! One less thing for him to have to worry about.
I want to hear more about Charleston!
LOL. I’m a giver like that.
I had a similar “incident” with tequila shots. And with chardonnay. It’s ok. I probably won’t drink another one.
I can’t wait to share some more details. It was amazing.
I love how you did your holiday shopping (for you) for your hubby! Classic! Haha! Did you love Charleston? We visited College of Charleston with Thing 2 but did not love. We do love the city though! I runfess I’ve never had a bloody Mary at all.
LOVED Charleston. LOVED. We weren’t there nearly long enough, and I hope we can go back, maybe for my birthday. I have lots of unfinished business there lol.
Good move on the self-purchased gift 🙂 I got a Second pair of them a month ago, and I thought all was well. My glute is feeling similar to a year ago, though, so I’m thinking the 22’s just aren’t a good fit for me. Such a bummer….
Ugh. I don’t have anywhere to try the 23s, so I figure I’ll take the 22s until they’re gone. So frustrating for you, for sure.
Great idea on getting those shoes for your husband to give to you!
I did a bit of shopping yesterday. Ironically now I am waiting for a 10% Black Friday sale to end so I can use a 20% off reward they won’t stack ….
It sounds like a good time of year to figure out what business goals you really want to achieve, and then make a plan to implement in the new year.
I hope I can get myself together. I feel like I’m in this eternal “failure to launch” in my real life, because i’m doing so many other things.
Thanksgiving isn’t my favorite either, but it was my mom’s big holiday back in the day. Nothing wrong with non traditional in my book — I encourage it!
Business is hard. This is my second “business” & it started off well but between my parents & the Pandemic . . . but I know I’ll stay the course just like I do with running!
I did avail myself of some Black Friday deals. Some are things that I order anyway, but discounted. And then there are courses . . . I’m a sucker for education. It does get to be annoying though with the constant emails.
Chocolaterunsjudy recently posted…A Quiet Thanksgiving: 11/20 – 26 WRD
Staying the course is just what I need to do. I ordered some new planning tools, am tightening my ponytail and jumping back in.
Staying the course is just what I needed to hear. I ordered some organizational tools, tightened my ponytail, and plan to see what I can do.