With St. Patrick’s Day on Sunday, now seems like a great time to talk about all my running superstitions. I do believe in making my own luck, and avoiding these five things are helpful in doing so.

I Never Wear A Race Shirt Before The Event
Race shirts are great, but I will never wear one before I cross the finish line of said race. I believe that it’s bad luck to wear the shirt of an event I haven’t completed, and I don’t want to bring that bad luck down on myself before I toe the start line. Once the race is over, I’m happy to change, but not a moment before.

I Have To Be One Of The First To Arrive
I am convinced that, as far as race day arrivals, if you’re not first. you’re last. For some reason, it’s in my head that if I’m not one of the earliest people to show up, I’ll run into traffic, never find a parking spot, and miss the start of the race. Ridiculous? Yes. But that’ why I leave way early to arrive at my race.

Nothing New On Race Day
This is one I break from time to time and it always ends up biting me in the butt. On more than one occasion, I’ve tried a new outfit or accessory, and the malfunctions have been wretched. Last year, I actually had to hold my phone under my chin so I could knot the drawstring of my new shorts to keep them from falling off. While running. Yup. That happened. No bueno.

It’s Critical That I’m In Bed By 9PM Before A Race
Obviously, if I don’t get to bed on time, I will be unable to fall asleep. It’s a bizarre thought process, but I will get myself worked up about not having enough time to rest, and then be too old edge to actually sleep. Self-fulfilling prophecy? You know it! I ran into this the night before Gate, when I ended up not dozing off until 2AM with a 5AM alarm. Boo.

No Green Veggies Before Race Day
Friends, I have a sensitive stomach, and I need to cut off vegetables the day before a big race or long run. I can manage potatoes or corn just fine, but the rest is absolutely off limits. Hilariously, I usually have a salad for lunch or dinner after the race in question, but I am not interested in any GI distress brought on by greens. Talk about awful luck!

And there you have it! The things that I believe will bring me bad luck on race day!
Tell me yours!
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These are fun!! I’m with you on the never wear a race shirt before a race. That’s just asking for something to happen! I’m the opposite about the veggies though – I like to have a veggie sandwich or veggie burger the night before a race. It’s what works for me usually!
I am with you on the veggies. My digestive system is super sensitive as well! Even the nights before a really long run I have to be careful what I eat. I am used to it at this point but sometimes wish I had a stomach made of steel!
I never wear the race shirt before the race either and agree about nothing new on race day. My stomach also can be picky so I usually try to eat a meal on the night before a race similar to what I eat before long runs.
I am not superstitious at all. I think once or twice I’ve worn the race shirt on the course. I rarely keep them anyway. I do like to go to bed early because it makes it easier to wake up the next morning. 🙂
I agree with all except the 9 pm bed time. I can’t fall asleep that early. And I don’t sleep before a race.
And always pizza the night before. Coffee and oatmeal the morning before.
Never coffee before a race for me. I would never leave the restroom!