Dynamic stretches are (or should be) a critical part of every runner’s routine. These are stretches designed to move the body, and get the muscles and joints warmed up and moving.
(This is a repost from August 17, 2022)
Before you hit the road running, check out some of these dynamic stretches, designed to get your blood flowing, your heart pumping, and your muscles loose and ready to go!
Hip Openers
Start with your feet hip-width apart. Balance on one leg, while lifting your opposite knee to a 90º angle (your quad should be parallel to the ground). In one smooth motion, lift your leg up and rotate to the side, before returning your lifted foot to the ground. Repeat ten times on each side.
Cross-Legged Squat
Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Again, balance one leg, while lifting the other and crossing your ankle over the knee of your grounded leg. Allow your lifted knee to drop as comfort allows, opening your hips. Squat and lift on the supporting leg, approximately five times on each side.

You guessed it: we are going to stand with our feet hip-width apart. Keeping your arms and legs straight, extend and lift your left leg to meet your extended right hand. Alternate legs and hands, ten on each side.
Leg Swings
Leg swings are a favorite. There are two variations: lateral and front-to-back. In both cases, you will balance on one leg, and then swing the other. In the front-to-back variety, swing your leg forward and then smoothly through back, in one controlled motion. Try to keep the moving leg in a sweep parallel to the grounded leg.

In the lateral version, you will swing your leg out to the side and then cross over the front of your supporting leg. Again, stay controlled and smooth. Repeat each type of swing ten times on each side.

Knee Hugs
Knee hugs can be performed as a static or dynamic stretch. For the dynamic version, stand on one leg, and grasp the opposite knee with both arms. Wrap your arms around the knee and draw it upwards, hugging it gently to your chest. Relax the posture and repeat five times on each side.

Heel-To-Butt Stretches
These are another favorites. With your feet hip-width apart, balanced on one leg and lift the other leg behind you. Grasp your foot with your hand and gently draw your heel as close to your booty as is comfortable. Relax and repeat, five times on each side, being sure not to strain your knee.

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What are your favorite dynamic stretches?

Great tips! I do many of these.
I’m not sure I can do that cross-legged squat without toppling over. I’ll need to try before my run this morning!
These are some of my favorites! I also like to do standing CARS to really get my hips moving in all directions while keeping it slow and controlled.
Love these. I do them when I think of it… not often enough.
I never start a run without stretching. These are some of my favorites too
Thanks for the reminder. All are great.
Warm ups are a must for me and these are all in my routine!
Leg swings! I always forget these. They are easy to do and very effective! Thanks, Jenn!
I am bad at doing these before my run. You’d think that by now I would know better.