The thing about Florida is that even though it’s technically fall, we don’t usually get cooler weather until winter. We most certainly don’t get to experience the changing leaves, and our pumpkin patches are a bit more like pumpkin piled on pallets, but that doesn’t mean we don’t get in the spirit of things.
Let’s join up with Marcia’s Healthy Slice and talk it out in these September Runfessions.

I runfess that….
I am probably going to register for one more virtual race. It wasn’t the plan, but this Run For Ruth – We Dissent came up, and I can’t resist. My running buddy and I talked about doing the 87 miles, but we are already deep into our Best Damn Race Oregon Trail Virtual Challenge. With a that in mind, we are going to dress up in our Notorious RBG best and stick to 3.1 miles.

I runfess that…
I am super embarrassed by how bad I let my old running shoes get before replacing them. Ugh. I know better, and I would never let any of my friends run around with actual chunks missing out of their soles! Since my injury, I’ve been so superstitious and nervous of the slightest changes or adjustments, and I had myself convinced new shoes would ruin everything. Happily, I was wrong and am back on track in said new shoes.

I runfess that…
I am starting to love getting up with the sunrise again. My scheduled runs have been later because I’m scared of tripping in the dark, but now that we are getting near a time change, I am remembering how much I love early mornings. Now, I’m stronger, and more steady on my feet, so perhaps it’s time to take advantage of these beautiful skies.

I runfess that…
We are super excited for Halloween, but nervous about how it’s going to look this year. Already, we have had several conversations, and it seems like we will stay close to home with a small outdoor gathering for neighbors. We will have pizza and drinks, and set up a movie on the garage door. That way, everyone is in the fresh air and in the festive spirit. Halloween is truly my favorite holiday, and I’m glad we are finding a way to salvage it.
I runfess that…
The first quarter of virtual school was so much harder than we expected in so many ways. While the school itself (the teachers, the staff, the courses, the administration) are fantastic, the expectations for students is very high. A has taken to it well, but we still go through some pretty serious big feelings each week. I hope it will get better, but it can be so discouraging to be the brunt of his emotions on the regular.

I runfess that…
With the loss of Bentley and everything going on, we didn’t celebrate Delilah’s Gotcha Day! Ugh! She’s such a good girl, and even though she didn’t ask for a puppy, she’s been so tolerant of Luna. We will have to celebrate with some delicious chicken nuggets this weekend.

So there we have it: our September Runfessions.
What would you runfess?

Aww Happy Gotcha Day to Delilah! Some of the schools around here are starting to have their primary grades go to a hybrid plan. The middle school is scheduled to go hybrid in late-October. Should be interesting. Thanks for fessing!
She’s over here, getting all kinds of love.
Our district didn’t offer a hybrid model. You either went back or did distance learning for 9 weeks. If you didn’t want that, you had to find another option. We were lucky to have those other options, but it’s been a bumpy adjustment.
I bet it is really challenging for you all with the school situation. I don’t envy my friends w school age kids hope it gets better for you. Sometimes the worn out shoes catch you by surprise!
I knew they were grinding down, but not the extent of it lol.
I don’t envy us either! Every night, I go to bed and lay awake, wondering if we made the right choice. Florida is still very high for cases and deaths, but our area is not, so it’s just this bizarre feeling of wondering what the answers really are.
I am glad to read you replaced your running shoes. Ever since a bout of plantar fasciitis brought about by running in worn out shoes, I am a fanatic about replacing them on time.
Wow! the first marking period is over already? That went fast. Hang in there, mom. It must be a challenging situation for everyone.
PF is awful! I’m usually really good about it, but since it’s hard to get to a running store right now, I’ve been limited to ordering my model online and hoping it feels ok. With my foot, it takes a little bit to get comfortable, so it’s just different.
Pretty much. In non-COVID times, we go back to school the first week of August. Our virtual school got pushed back to mid-August, and he is now about 30-40% done with his courses. It’s crazy. He will have a week off for Thanksgiving (different from our public school), and he will go on holiday break a bit sooner than he did in public school. I’m here for it.
Glad to hear the new shoes are feeling good and working well for you. I trust my brand of shoes, but I know they tweak the design from time to time. My feet are pretty high-maintenance, so I can feel a difference. It’s always a relief when the new ones feel just as good as the old one 😉
Yeah, the new Adrenalines are a little stiffer than the ones I had before. They are also a little cushier around the ankle, which is hard now that my ankle is bulkier from hardware. It’s manageable, but it took a bit of getting used to.
I runfess that I have taken full advantage of all the running opportunities that the pandemic had to offer, including being able to sleep in and still run at sunrise;-) To think that this time last year all of my workouts had to be done by 7 and this year all of my workouts have to be done by 9 (OK, 8:50 on days when I’m feeling professional and shower BEFORE work instead of between emails).
Beckett @ Birchwood Pie recently posted…Weekly Eats: OMG a Trader Joe’s Haul!
When I was stuck in bed with my leg, I didn’t ever set the alarm. There was absolutely no need to wake up at any particular time in the morning. If we were back in public school, my workouts would have to be done by 6:30 to make sure A was out the door at 6:45 for his bike ride to school. Now, his earliest class is 10, and so jI just need to be back to make sure he’s set up and ready to learn. Going earlier helps me in terms of sun and heat.
I feel for parents trying to make it through with their children in virtual school. I can’t imagine… Good luck to A for continued success. Our county is going hybrid for K – 2nd grade in late October for those parents who choose that for their children. I think they plan to gradually work their way up to the older students.
Those shoes! Shocking! I always feel it when my shoes are going and change them as soon as I need to – fortunately we have a few options for cheaper last-season models etc as I do seem to go through them!
We are not having any trick or treating here but we are being encouraged to do pumpkin window displays and then the kids can look out for them and have a nice time – as we did with a bear hunt and Easter eggs earlier in lockdown. Some orange card just might have been purchased …
Happy gotcha day to Delilah, she sounds like a Very Good Girl and I’m sure she’ll enjoy those treats.
That’s a good idea to put pumpkins in the window. I might suggest that or luminaries. We will take each day at a time because what else can we do?
Awww, sweet Delilah. Bandit really doesn’t understand why no one but the humans can go in the bedroom during the day. Despite stairs by the bed, it’s the one place Lola has taken a tumble more than once — in fact, reinjuring herself after the initial injury. I runfess I think that we’ll have to close it off during the day for the rest of her life (no joke).
He is, however, enjoying the solo walks with his humans. Until the day we did a 5k walk and had to pass our house at the end. He was not at all amused!
I LOVED Winters in TX. I didn’t even miss the Fall — I’ve lived in the NE for about half of my life and I’ve had enough Falls (and Winters) to last a lifetime.
I do enjoy having more time to myself in the mornings right now, with the mostly cooler weathr.
Big hugs about schooling to all of you. No matter how good the staff is, it’s just not easy. 🙁
I’m sitting with him right now as he does his work and I am white knuckling through. He stalls and dallies quite a bit, and I lean more towards efficiency, so it’s pretty awful LOL!
I feel your pain on the school situation – it’s so hard on the kids (and parents)!
Glad you made the switch to new shoes and all is well! Did you change models or just get the newest version?
That Run for Ruth sounds like a good one! I can’t wait to see how you dress up! 🙂
Same model, but newer version.
I’m excited to Run for Ruth! I’m all registered!
I wonder if we will get trick or treaters.
I love the color changes of fall but the cold of the morning and the darkness after work. I would be happy in Florida
It seems like we will have trick or treaters in our neighborhood, but we don’t get many down our street. That will work to our advantage.
I never realized how much I missed seasons until we didn’t really have them in Japan.
I’m looking forward to the early morning light if I can get myself going again.
LOL re: Delilah not asking for a puppy. I can just “hear” her. “Mo-om she’s in my hair”
Delilah makes it very clear on the regular that she is NOT interested in the puppy. I feel bad for her, but she can be a bit of a grump.
This is my first time seeing the RBG virtual run – I may have to register for that one! Congratulations to your son for embracing remote learning. I’m always amazed at how resilient kids can be.
Happy Gotcha Day to Delilah 🙂
It’s so cute! I’m still torn between the 5K and 87 miles…
Kids can be amazing. I’m so proud of him.
I haven’t been running at all (not enough hours in the day!) but I did register for the virtual Run for Ruth. How could I not, right?
We need that medal! You’ve been doing so much riding, though!