This has been quite the week. With all the wonderful things (little man's birthday celebration, for example), we had to expect there would be some hiccups. Rain. Mr PugRunner suffering from the crud along with his eye. Little man coming home from school, burning up with fever (he never gets ...
yay weekend.
6th birthday celebration
For the past five years, we have hosted little man's birthday parties at home. They have always been a lot of fun, but we agreed that after year #5, we would end the big soirees and try something new. It was hard for me to give those up - I love planning parties and all the DIY and creativity that ...
time transitions
After what can only be described as a brutal winter (by our standards), we are now preparing for what promises to be, and I quote "The hottest summer in Florida's history." Joy. I like the heat. I really do. I love sunshine and long days and margaritas by the pool (preferably served under an ...
six years
Six years ago today, our lives were forever changed (for the better), by the arrival of our first and only son. Impatient like his mother, little man was born on April 29, instead of on or around his May 17 due date. It took us all by surprise when my water broke in the wee hours of the morning ...
week in review
TGIF! I'm pretty well ready. This week has had some major ups and downs, and I am looking forward to a fun-filled weekend to celebrate the highs and distract myself from the lows. The weather has taken a turn, and it's been gorgeous. Towards the beginning of the week, temperatures were cooler, ...
easter, boston and some thoughts
I don't often post weekend recaps, but I've been out of the blogging loop for longer than I should have been, and want to play catch up. First off, as I'm sure you know, yesterday was the 118th running of the Boston Marathon. After last year's horrific and devastating attacks, to see the ...