This week was better. Much better. I was still dragging a little bit, due to not feeling great, which was exacerbated by absolutely miserable, rainy weather, but I sucked it up. After all, rain is just water. At some point, I imagine I'm going to have to contend with wet race weather, so there's ...
weekly recap: 9.22-9.28
taper time
With nine days (OMG SINGLE DIGITS!!!!) until I find my place in my corral at Disney's Tower of Terror 10 Miler, it's time for the famous taper: stepping down the intensity of training so I can go into my run with fresh legs. Slowing down has always been a bit of a challenge for me. I don't feel ...
so now we’re being competitive about competition
If you're a runner or interested in all the running things, I'm sure you must have glanced at Kevin Helliker's Wall Street Journal Piece, The Slowest Generation. In it, Helliker takes on the idea that today's runners are slower than their predecessors, that medals for finishers reinforce a spirit of ...
monday, monday
I really don't mind Mondays. I usually feel pretty fresh and energized after the weekend and ready to get started with the week. Tuesdays are usually where the adrenaline wears off and I think "Oh. It's the week. Let's count down til Friday." I'll also admit that I was a little down over the ...
having an off week
The week started off well. I popped out of bed on Monday and put in a peppy 3.4 miles and felt pretty good. For some reason, I have been having a hard time keeping up with my weights this week. Our oldest pug has taken to waking up at about 4:45 to go to the bathroom and eat breakfast (he's such ...
the pug race bucket list
I've been thinking about this for a while, and I think it's time I finally made a Race Bucket List of my very own. I've divided it up by local events, Disney events, and random, someday races. Local Races: ZOOMA Florida - Coming up in January! Gate River Run - The largest 15K in the ...