Schools everywhere celebrated Dr. Seuss' birthday today. Our son's teacher was very excited, and planned an entire day of activities and treats around the event. They made green eggs and ham, colored some birthday-themed sheets, made a Cat in the Hat hat and enjoyed some parent-created treats. ...
happy birthday, dr seuss
it starts with tonsillitis, a princess and water.
Because all journeys start somewhere. I consider myself pretty active. I power walk about four to five days a week, usually doing two to three miles. Mr. PugRunner has been working on doing brisk afternoon walks, and has lately incorporated our youngest pug in his endeavors. Nothing too ...
couch 2 5k: week 1, day 1 {2.28.2013}
Last day of Week 1! It's a small thing, but the accomplishment feels oh, so good. I noticed that I was getting impatient for the walking portions to be over so I could get to the jogging. And that I wasn't necessarily ready to stop when the jogging intervals switched back to walking. I ...
couch 2 5k: week 1, day 2 {2.27.2013}
We learned one thing from our first Couch 2 5K outing. Little man was not going to be able to keep up. I did some plotting and figured out a plan. I would do my sessions of Couch 2 5K in the morning, when I was accustomed to working out. Then, in the afternoon, when Mr PugRunner wanted to do ...
couch 2 5k: week 1, day 1 {2.25.2013}
And so it begins. My normal habit is to walk in the mornings, while the little one is in school. It's some free time for me, before the heat of the day really sets in (yes, even in winter, it can be hot when the noon sun is high in the sky). I feel like I can knock out my routine, shower and get ...
oven-baked meatballs