This is fun. Wornout Soles tagged me to complete this a-to-z survey and I had a blast. Feel free to copy and paste these questions to your own blog and join in the old-school good times.
A. Attached or Single? Attached. Happily married for almost 7 years.
B. Best Friend? This guy
C. Cake or pie? I like making cakes. I like eating pie.
D. Day of choice? I’m partial to Friday.
E. Essential Item? My iPhone. Music, books, internet, photos, all in one. It’s really the perfect package.
F. Favorite color? Orange. Although I’m going through a gray period. Such a perfect neutral.
G. Gummy bears or worms? Gummy bears.
H. Home town? A little place called Parsippany. You may have heard of it in The (original) Karate Kid. Or Seinfeld. So famous.
I. Favorite Indulgence? Ice cream sundaes.
J. January or July? July. I don’t do winter. Even southern winter. Also? Fireworks, beer and apple pie. Perfection.
K. Kids? One. He’s a Jedi. We’re lucky that way.
L. Life isn’t complete without? Family and friends
M. Marriage date? November 4
N. Number of brothers/sisters? Zero. I’m an only child.
O. Oranges or Apples? Apples. Granny Smith, please.
P. Phobias? Fire. Zombies. The bogeyman in the closet, and the one under the bed. Clowns.
Q. Quotes? “Comparison is the thief of joy.” – Theodore Roosevelt. “Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.” – Anonymous. “Double tap.” – Columbus, Zombieland
R. Reasons to smile? My life. No matter what happens, I am surrounded by people (and pugs) that I love. If that’s not a reason to smile, I don’t know what is.
S. Season of choice? Spring.
T. Tag 5 People. You. You. You, you and you. It’s fun. Play along.
U. Unknown fact about me? Well, if I tell you, then it won’t be unknown. Sheesh. I can’t give up all my secrets.
V. Vegetable? Pretty much all of them. And raw. I can’t get behind squash though, which is a shame, because it’s really good for you.
W. Worst habit? Staying up too late. Worrying too much.
X. Xray or Ultrasound? I’m going to stick with what I know and go with ultrasound.
Y. Your favorite food? Good pizza. Innovative sushi. Enchiladas verdes. I like food. It’s so hard to narrow it down.
Z. Zodiac sign? Taurus. So stubborn. So grounded.
Your turn! Blog about your own a-to-z’s or tell me what we have in common!

I don’t like squash either. It’s.. mushy.. and weird. Just eat zucchini instead.
Kristin Smith @ A Mom on the Run recently posted…Run for the Pies 5K
I can handle raw zucchini, but that’s as far as it goes. I don’t know why it bothers me so.
Ahh, you’re an old child, too. No wonder I like you so much. 🙂 Your kiddo is so cute! Love the “Jedi”. Must be really handy to have a kid w/ the force. LOL
jan recently posted…Toddler Water Safety
LOL! Solidarity for the onlies!
And yes, it’s great having a Jedi in the family. He learned all his best skills from me. 🙂
Ah! A fellow Granny Smith apple lover! Excellent. Also, your son is ADORABLE! Hope recovery is going well!
Kristen @ Medium Roast recently posted…Food Lately.
They are the best apples. If you like grilled cheese, try making one with cheddar and thinly sliced Granny Smiths. Most delicious thing ever.
And thanks. He keeps us on our toes 🙂
CAKE! I’d gladly take a piece of the one pictured but it might just be too pretty to eat!
Angela @ Happy Fit Mama recently posted…Confession
I love frosting. Can’t stand cake. Is that bizarre? I will eat the frosting from between the layers, and also pull of the bottom of cupcakes so I can eat the tops. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.
Love the Jedi Pic!! He’s awesome!
Ron @RunningFromDebt recently posted…Marathon Training Monday-Week 2
We are quite fond of him. 🙂
runswithpugs recently posted…recovery
I found this survey via Kloe, and low and behold you’ve got it too.
Mine will be up tomorrow. Love reading everyone else’s response.
Matilda recently posted…June Running Stats
I had fun with it! Can’t wait to read your a-to-z’s.
runswithpugs recently posted…recovery
You made that cake? WOW, it’s gorgeous!!!
Debbie @ DebRuns recently posted…Road ID Giveaway, It’s Like Christmas in July!
Thanks! It’s one of my hobbies.
Wow – you made that cake???!!!! That’s awesome!!! I love to bake but I’m not good at the decorating part.
Kristen @ The Smith Summary recently posted…ABCs of Me
Yes, ma’am. I love decorating 🙂
Love your Jedi! Noticed you said you were an only child – were you happy with that (if you don’t mind me being nosy!) 🙂
Meghan @ Crazy Casa K recently posted…Best of the Week!
I don’t mind you being nosy at all. 🙂
I loved being an only child. Obviously, I have nothing to compare it to, but there were a lot of benefits for me and I’m pretty happy with how my life is, so I wouldn’t want it any different.