Today, I completed the 5-10K program!
One more step on the way to my 10-miler and upcoming half marathons!
It was a hard run today, even though I was only scheduled for 30 minutes. I woke up at 2:30 AM with a brutal allergy attack and because our oldest pug needed to go to the bathroom (Poor guy. It’s hard getting old.) For whatever reason, I just could not get back to sleep. I tossed, and turned, played some Candy Crush, tried reading and counting sheep and it was just an utter fail. I finally just got up and started getting ready for my day, because lying there was infuriating.
Luckily for me, the real 6.2 mile test was in last week’s training sessions.
Hot, red, sweaty, but happy, happy, happy.
I think the thing that kept me most positive was taking my new Lululemon Cool Racerback tank (in Pizzaz) for a spin. I have been eyeing some pieces in the store, trying them on, weighing my options, and finally I took the plunge. (Thanks to A Mom On The Run for the final push in the right direction. I am putting a couple of PaceSetter skirts on my Christmas list.) It was so comfortable and light and even though it was way more form-fitting than the running tops I am used to wearing, the saleswomen swore up and down that it was very flattering and I wouldn’t be mocked in public. Fingers crossed that they were telling the truth.
But enough about my fashion and insecurities.
On Wednesday, provided my allergies give me a break, I’m going to get started building up my miles from my former high of 6.2. Sadly, there isn’t an app that does this like the’s C25K and 5-10K did, but I have some Galloway and Train Like a Mother training schedules so I will do my best with those.
How do you celebrate your training milestones?
Do you follow pre-set training schedules or just make your own?

I use training schedules as a guide, sometimes life just gets in the way and you have to move things around, it happens.
I don’t really celebrate training milestones, besides acknowledging that I did it and didn’t think I could.
Well done on your running graduation.
Matilda recently posted…Oh dear
Thank you! I have a hard time adjusting when life gets in the way. I try to be flexible, but sometimes, it’s hard.
Congrats on your “graduation!” =)
Diana recently posted…Bullets (not the kind that hurt!)
Thank you!
YAY!! Great job!! My running partner did training schedules for us when we ran my first 2 halfs. I Googled one and modified it for my schedule for our full which she may or may not be able to do because she moved. I also haven’t stuck with it well because of the train wreck my life became when I got back from vacation in early July. So, I have this full marathon in 5.5 weeks, and I haven’t managed more than 9 miles yet. 🙁
DragonLady recently posted…“You have to do the weekday runs!”
Just do your best! I’ll be pulling for you!
runswithpugs recently posted…i’d like to share some awesome news!
Congrats on graduating! I loved the transition from 5K to 10K / half marathon! The best part? Every time I went out and hit those longer runs it felt like such as accomplishment!
Enjoy! and good luck on your upcoming training.
Wornout Soles recently posted…Sharing Secrets – Goals for Big George
Thank you! I’m excited to move on. It feels like any time I hit a distance greater than 6.2, it’s going to feel like busting through another wall. Stoked to get to experience that!
Congratulations!! We will have to meet up at the TOT 10-miler! I created my own training plan this time around, but I based it off of the training plan I used for the Princess Half. Good luck with the rest of your training!
Rachel @ Undercover Diva: A Sitcom recently posted…Week 1 #TOT10Miler Training Recap
Oh, we do! I am so excited and scared and overwhelmed! There are going to be so many incredible people there that I want to meet and hang out with (yourself included), as well as the amazing group of people I’ll be there with! I can’t believe it’s practically a month away!