Actually, that should probably be “for whom do I run?” Those dangling participles are always so irritating.
But that’s not the point.
The point is, something pretty awesome happened, to give even more meaning to my running.
I’ve told the story of what got me started on this running journey, and how I got hooked and keep filling my race calendar.
But this past weekend, I got matched with a very special running buddy, named Z. And Z is one more big reason that I’m going to keep going, as long as I’m able.
I was matched with Z through a group called Who I Run 4. The premise?
“We all have friends who say “run some for me” because they don’t WANT to run… what about those who physically CAN’T run?…”
The purpose of the website is to match runners and other athletes with people who are unable to run or participate in physical activities. Runners and their buddies share stories and pictures, encouraging each other and providing support along the way.
I signed up for a match sometime back in August. While it did take about six weeks to get my match email, I wasn’t that impatient – it meant that there were a lot of people in line, which leads to more awareness for Who I Run 4 and more honorary matches getting runners. All good in my book.
The wait was worth it. Z is awesome and I am so excited to be running in honor of him.
Z lives with his family approximately 1,202 miles away from us. That’s pretty far. Since we were matched, I’ve logged about 13 miles, so only 1,189 to go!
Z is seven years old. He was born at 28 weeks at 2 lbs 13 oz and 14.25 inches long and spent two months in the NICU. He has cerebral palsy, and cannot sit up, crawl or walk and needs assistance with eating. However, he is super smart and funny. He loves the color purple, and singing and the Chicago Cubs. He has a special tricycle that he can ride with his mom’s help, and he loves ice cream (whoo hoo!). He sounds truly amazing, and is clearly a hard working and determined little boy!
I am honored and privileged to be able to dedicate my miles to Z. And I hope that he’s just as excited to have me running for him.
Saturday’s big race is for you, buddy!
Kristen @ Medium Roast says
That’s so wonderful! What a great organization 🙂
Also, the grammar nazi in me approves of your first sentence – hehe.
Kristen @ Medium Roast recently posted…How I Make the Perfect Cup of Coffee.
runswithpugs says
LOL! We shall shake our fists at participles together!
Tammy says
Awesome Jenn!!
runswithpugs says
Thanks, girl!
Diana says
Yay! So excited that you were matched! =) Z is lucky to have you!
Diana recently posted…The Heat Is On
Rachel @ Undercover Diva: A Sitcom says
I have a running buddy, too! One of the main reasons for me signing up for ToT is that the beneficiary is Autism Speaks. I do a lot of work with children with special needs, so of course I had to sign up! There was no question.
Rachel @ Undercover Diva: A Sitcom recently posted…Goals Check-in: September Recap
runswithpugs says
That’s awesome!
Anne @ says
How amazing and inspiring! When I really just CANNOT find the motivation to run, I check myself and think about those people who CANT run. I know that they would give so much to have the ability to run, and it helps put my funk in perspective.
What a wonderful organization!
Anne @ recently posted…Happy Birthday to All of Us!
runswithpugs says
It really is!
runswithpugs recently posted…tower of terror 10 miler: expo & checking in
Meghan says
I’ve been following your blog as I have been working on becoming a runner myself over the last couple of months. I love the idea of being matched through Who I Run 4.
Good luck at the Tower of Terror this weekend!! You will be great! Have fun!
runswithpugs says
Awww, thank you! You should definitely sign up for a match! It’s a great motivator!
Nikki says
Wow what an awesome thing to run for! Z is so lucky to have you! You are such an awesome athlete 🙂
Nikki recently posted…Spirit Week
runswithpugs says
Oh wow. No one has ever called me that before! <3 Thanks.
Debbie @ DebRuns says
I love how “Who I Run 4” has matched so many runners with people who would love to run, but can’t! Good for you for participating!
I hope Tower of Terror was a great experience for you! Can’t wait to read your recap!
Debbie @ DebRuns recently posted…Fall Is The Time For… Racing!
runswithpugs says
It’s really a great organization.
I’ve finally had a chance to process everything so I can write my recap. It was a really good experience.
Abby @ BackAtSquareZero says
How awesome. I love that you have another wonderful reason to run.
Abby @ BackAtSquareZero recently posted…Crock Pot Chicken Salsa Verde Review
runswithpugs says
It definitely helps when my brain starts telling me that I can’t go anymore.
carolyn says
Very cool! I hope the race went well, I’m sure Z is proud!
carolyn recently posted…Easy Listening, Half Training, FFLinkUp!
runswithpugs says
I hope so 🙂
Andrea says
This is amazing! I just signed up! Thank you for making me aware of it!
Andrea recently posted…September Villains Weekend–Hoop-Dee-Doo Musical Review