On Wednesday, I went back for more.
I am absolutely serious when I say that I am committed to this speed work thing. And I have to say that I liked it a little this time around. Of course, it’s easier to like something (a little) when the temperatures are civilized (70s rather than 30s), and I feel like this session was far more positive for me, both physically and mentally.
I was for the most part, pleased with my results. Please note that I took my sweet time on the walking portions, because I believe in “recovery” to the fullest extent of the word.
- 6:00 – .62 miles – 9:42 pace
- 3:00 recovery – .17 miles – 17:45 pace
- 5:00 – .50 miles – 10:02 pace (not entirely sure what happened here)
- 2:30 recovery – .14 miles – 17:56 pace
- 4:00 – .45 miles – 8:55 pace
- 2:00 recovery – .11 miles – 18:16 pace
- 3:00 – .32 miles – 9:24 pace
- 1:30 recovery – .08 miles – 19:33 pace
- 2:00 – .23 miles – 8:47 pace
- 1:00 recovery – .06 miles – 16:50 pace
- 1:00 – .13 miles – 7:48 pace
After this round, I didn’t feel as beaten down as I did last week. I’m sure the weather had something to do with it, but I can also see how this will get easier, as well as give me a moving target for my speed goals.
I’m excited to see how this translates to this week’s long run. We have a lot of rain in the forecast, so it might have to wait until Sunday, but I will be sure to report back.
How are your goals going for 2014?
What is your next race or competition?
One more day to register to win a free entry to The Flavor Run! Don’t miss your chance to run this great, tasty twist on this colorful event!

Nice job! I love speed work. Well, I usually don’t love it while it’s happening, but I feel so awesome afterwards. LOL
Diana recently posted…Ice, Ice Baby!
No, definitely not while it’s happening. No love at all while it’s happening 🙂
runswithpugs recently posted…fartleks. again.
Awesome awesome awesome job 🙂 I really need to get better about sticking with my speed work.
Rachel @ Undercover Diva: A Sitcom recently posted…Thinking Out Loud #2
It’s something that I am really, really committed to making work.
runswithpugs recently posted…fartleks. again.
I could never get into the speed work . . . I mean, I know it’s something necessary as the easiest way to improve your overall pace — but I think I just make myself too tired. Good on you for keeping it up, though.
Next race? Garden Spot Village Marathon on April 12. Then the Movie Madness Half Marathon on April 19. Then color runs on May 31 and June 1.
John (Daddy Runs a Lot) recently posted…Where I respond to the challenge that was my wife’s response to my challenge…
Oooh, the Movie Madness Half sounds awesome!
I am going to have three color runs in a month’s time. I’m so excited to be doing them with new runners and friends.
You might be my perfect run buddy. Those paces are pretty spot on with mine during speed work. I’ve been doing it a lot more this winter, too, and mostly enjoying it.
Larissa recently posted…Resolution anxiety disorder
There really needs to be some kind of running blogger exchange program, so we can try running with the people with whom we connect online. It’s really the only way that makes sense.
You go speed demon! I was SO glad I picked up speed training before my half last weekend – it definitely paid off!!!
Kristen @ The Smith Summary recently posted…#RunCMM Course Revealed!
I don’t know about “speed demon” but I am pushing myself out of my comfort zone. I think it will pay off.
I like doing speed work because it mixes it up a little and I like that it’s a new kind of challenge. Great work! 🙂
Lindsey recently posted…Where Do You Run?
Thank you!
I like this speed work out a lot. How you always walk for half as long as you run. I think that is something could remember and do.
Abby @ BackAtSquareZero recently posted…Rock’n’Roll New Orleans Marathon Recap
It seemed like a pretty easy thing to keep in mind, and it also gives me kind of an incentive since it’s always cycling down. Of course, I think I’m supposed to be slow-running instead of walking those recovery breaks, but I’m new at this and breaking in gradually. #breakingrules #sorrynotsorry. 😀
Great job! I love doing speed work and find it really makes a difference for me on race day. Next race is the Jerusalem Half Marathon in March. Time to start cranking my speed workouts for that!