I realize that it is halfway through the week, already, but I am all about consistency, and want to outline my week’s training.
Sunday – rest
We were planning to go to my parents’ neighborhood so little man could practice for his upcoming tri, but we were thundered and lightninged right out. Boo. Instead, we hung out at home, tidying up, running errands, and starting to plan for our drive to Virginia Beach later in the week. It wasn’t quite the day we were hoping for, but my parents came over and we had a nice late lunch together, so it worked out.
Monday – body circuit, 1 hour
I am loving this body circuit class. It’s challenging without being overwhelming and so far, it has been providing just the right cross-training punch. The time is perfect, too – it’s on my days off and after little man goes to school, so there are no excuses. Plus it’s really close to home. I am enjoying the variety, and spending time with friends while working out.
We got a little laugh after school when little man got home. I guess he had earned enough points in class to select something from Treasure Box.
He’s a character.
Tuesday – 3 miles
The ladies and I pushed out a nice three miles as the sun rose. It would be my last run with them for a few weeks, so I really wanted to enjoy it. I was a little dehydrated and was very happy to be stopping at the three-mile mark.
And then after work, I took the time to just chill out. The weather had been awful and stormy at night, and it was good to just kick back with some TV.
Wednesday – rest
I stocked up on snacks, drinks and little activities for the car. I washed off all the sand toys and beach chairs so they would have time to dry before we packed them. So excited.
Thursday – rest
We started out after little man got home from school. It was a pretty long, but uneventful drive. We took a few breaks here and there to stretch our legs and get dinner. It would have been great to go the whole distance, but we were all pretty tired, so we stopped just shy of the Virginia border.
Road trips are hard.
Friday – rest
After a brief drive, we made it to Virginia Beach, just in time for pancakes with the family! Yay!
It was gorgeous, and we were able to check into our hotel and head out to the beach. We spent the day boogie boarding, chatting, and walking along the boardwalk. Fabulous.
We also went to the Rock ‘N’ Roll Virginia Beach Expo, to get our race packets before the crowds came in.
Saturday – rest
The weather took a rather unpleasant turn – even though we got up to see the sunrise, the dark clouds prevented it.
All was not lost, though. I went with my brother- and sister-in-law to Duck Donuts to pick up breakfast. Yum!
Little man really slept in, so the rest of the day was kind of blah. There was some wandering around, some football, and a family dinner, but mostly, we just wanted to relax and rest our legs for the big day on Sunday.
I laid out my outfit and we got to bed early because the alarm was set for 4:15 AM.
Obviously, it was a low miles week, leading up to the race on Sunday. We did plenty of walking in Virginia Beach, which was good to keep things loose, but I was hopeful that fresh legs would be great for the half.
How was your week in training?
How did you spend Labor Day Weekend?

I love Duck Donuts!! Sounds like you had a good week. I had a few days of recovery after my cycling streak in August for the Mariposa Challenge. Then I participated in a track clinic Saturday and raced a local duathlon on Sunday. It was a good week/weekend.
Kelli recently posted…Woman Crush Wednesday – Nicole Davison
Duck Donuts was pretty much the best ever. We just cannot get donuts that aren’t Publix, DD or Krispy Kreme here and these were absolute heaven!
Sounds like a decent week, overall! Little Man is such a ham! Love his hat haha!
Nicole @ Fitful Focus recently posted…Wild Workout Wednesday: The Wedding Workout
Of all the things he could have picked, right? He cracks me up.
What a great week! Little Man’s hat is amazing. He’s adorable. And makes good choices. Clearly.
I can’t wait to read all about Virginia Beach! I’m impressed you drove!
Stacie Seidman recently posted…What’s Up Wednesday!
It was right on the cusp between flying and driving. It was pretty expensive, due to the holiday weekend,and then when you added in the cost of a rental car and all the stress that flying induces in me… Well, driving made more sense. Little man HATED it, though, and so we might have to rethink our strategy going forward.
Sounds like a great way to spend a weekend. I know I walk a ton when I’m sight seeing so while you’re resting, you’re not really resting.
Jen @ Pretty Little Grub recently posted…Becoming a Morning Exerciser and Giveaway Winner
I’ll be honest – I was kind of mad at myself for stopping my Garmin after the race. The trek to lunch and then back to the hotel added some serious mileage to the half!
I like circuit classes too great workouts. People are very into those Duck Donuts all of the sudden. I am kind of glad that I am not a donut person doesn’t do it for me. I am a chocolate girl
Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner recently posted…Orange Theory-What’s All The Buzz About?
Duck Donuts was awesome! I wish we had a place around here that made custom, from-scratch donuts, but all we have are DD and Krispy Kreme. 🙁
I love chocolate too. That chocolate-dipped, sprinkle one was mine!
runswithpugs recently posted…week in review: 9.6 â 9.12
little man is so adorable. Love that hat! VA Beach is so lovely. I normally do RNRVB but decided to spend labor Day with the family! looking forward to your race recap!
Mar @ Mar on the Run recently posted…Health Coaching at Georgetown, Part I
Spending the day with family is pretty awesome, too. We had a blast. Recap up this week!
runswithpugs recently posted…week in review: 9.6 â 9.12
I’ve read so many recaps this week with absolutely gorgeous sunrise pics. Not going to lie, I’m a bit jealous of the gorgeous scenes that everybody has been capturing!
Kathryn @ Dancing to Running recently posted…My Current Plan for Rock ‘n’ Roll Philly
Beautiful sunrises make it all worthwhile, don’t they?
runswithpugs recently posted…week in review: 9.6 â 9.12
I’m looking forward to reading your recap of the race! I hope you enjoyed Virginia Beach!
Wendy@Taking the Long Way Home recently posted…Bringing Carefree Back
I really did. It was a different kind of vacation for us, but I’m glad we got to experience it!
runswithpugs recently posted…week in review: 9.6 â 9.12
That body circuit class sounds fun!
My last week of training has gone really well. I’ve struggled juggling everything on my to-do list lately, and while I’ve managed to get in 4-5 workouts per week, I’ve been missing my 6-day weeks! I finally got one and I felt good and sore by the time Sunday rolled around 🙂
Ariana recently posted…Coconut Oil Coffee
Body circuit has been amazing! It’s just the right amount of effort, and there are so many fun people in it. Plus, it helps that I don’t have to be there at 5AM.
Sounds like your training has been going great! So glad to hear it!
runswithpugs recently posted…week in review: 9.6 â 9.12
Circuit training is probably one of my favorite ways to exercise. Very effective. We all need some rest days and time to unwind.
Ivanna recently posted…Here’s the Skinny: All About Counting Calories
This is my first experience with body circuit, and it’s been fantastic. I am sore, but not wrecked after classes, and I can already see small results. Hopefully, it will show through in my running.
runswithpugs recently posted…week in review: 9.6 â 9.12
Looks like a good training week and love all the photos of you and your son. Duck doughnuts looks tasty!
Becki S recently posted…I’m not even competitive…
They were so delicious!
runswithpugs recently posted…week in review: 9.6 â 9.12
Seems like a good week with lots of rest which is warranted! I had the same this labour day weekend, went to calgary to spend time with the family and didn’t work out much at all. It was lovely 🙂 You and your son are too cute for words!
Beverley @ sweaty&fit recently posted…14 Minute INSANE Butt & Arm Workout
Aw, thank you! <3
I hope you had some great time away. Sometimes, a break is just the thing we need.
Sounds like a good week, but wow, a LONG drive! I’m excited to read your race recap. Hope you’re having a great week 🙂
Briana recently posted…2015 Disneyland Half Marathon Recap
REALLY long drive. Flying was so expensive, and it was right on the threshold of being a reasonable drive vs a necessary flight. Little man couldn’t do it like that again, though, that’s for sure.
runswithpugs recently posted…week in review: 9.6 â 9.12
Can’t wait for that recap. And loved the hat! lol
Frank@The Fat Runner recently posted…Kamikaze WDW – The Magic Kingdom
I just ordered my pictures and will get cracking!
runswithpugs recently posted…week in review: 9.6 â 9.12
sounds like a great week leading up to the race! I am so looking forward to my taper time before chicago…I will gladly rest and run much less 🙂
Taper time can be amazing! Enjoy it!
runswithpugs recently posted…week in review: 9.6 â 9.12
So awesome that you had family in VB so you got to vacation, visit, and race.
Abby @ BackAtSquareZero recently posted…Best Instagram Apps
It really was such a nice experience!
runswithpugs recently posted…week in review: 9.6 â 9.12