Happy Monday! It’s time for the Weekly Wrap with HoHo Runs and MissSippi Piddlin!
If you do a weekly recap post, this is a great way to check in with other active bloggers for extra support, sharing and accountability!
We had an interesting week in the PugRunner home.
Sunday – 26.2 with DONNA Relay, 7 miles running
I took on Leg 1 of a five-person relay team for the 26.2 with DONNA event. You guessed it: full recap to come. This was my first time running on DONNA Sunday, and it was absolutely amazing. I can’t wait to share my experience.
When I got home and cleaned up, we took little man to see the Lego Batman movie. I was absolutely exhausted, but I had promised him and as actually pretty excited to see it, myself. It did not disappoint.
Monday – rest
On Monday, we woke up to the horrible sounds of Bentley hacking. Coughing in dogs is never a good thing, so we whisked him off to the vet. X-rays showed he was clear of tumors and the vet couldn’t detect any heart disease, for which we were so grateful. That being said, it seems he may just have nasty allergies, too. Poor buddy was incredibly uncomfortable.
Tuesday – 5.8 miles, running
Valentine’s Day morning, I got myself together for a solo run of four miles. I missed my running buddy, but she was taking some well-earned rest.
I came home to some heart-shaped pancakes made by Mr PugRunner.
I sent little man off to school with his class Valentines (click here for link to free printable from GluedToMyCrafts.com)
and still had enough time to meet Sharon from Mommy Runs It before work. ZOOMA Florida brought us together several years ago, and we just haven’t been able to catch up. I think we have figured out a way to change that. We talked about blogging and life, and it was really nice to have some writing conversations.
In the afternoon, I laid out another 1.8 miles at run club (we started a little later), and then I brought little man and his friend home for a playdate. We had heart-shaped pizza and gourmet cupcakes for our Valentine’s celebration. February 14 is always pretty low-key for us, but that’s just how we like it.
Wednesday – rest
Wednesdays are somehow the dullest day of my week. Work. Karate. The end.
Thursday – 4.5 miles, hill repeats
I decided it was time to get my butt back to the bridge. It’s been almost a year since I even thought about hill repeats, and I really didn’t have any excuses. I ran that bridge four times, with a small detour to the beach, just because I could. It was the best, most productive run I’ve had in AGES.
Afterwards, I had to take little man to the dentist (no cavities!) and then it was off to lunch with my parents and some last minute shopping. We were leaving on a two-night camping trip to the Daytona International Speedway and needed the rest of our supplies.
Friday – stair climbing (20 flights singles, 20 flights doubles)
I thought about getting up to run, but I just couldn’t get myself going. Instead, I resorted to climbing stairs: 20 flights of singles and 20 flights of doubles. I got the idea from Kim and it definitely got my heart rate pumping.
After lunch, we finished loading the car and drove to the rendezvous point set up by our scout den leader.
Four or five vehicles caravanned into the Daytona Infield together and we set up camp in a field with a great view of Turn 4 of the track.
We dedicated our first night to getting settled. Mr PugRunner had us in charge of food for three families, so I prepped taco meat and we had all the fixings. Our den leader set up a fire ring and had s’mores.
I was pretty impressed with our campsite, even if it was a little noisy from all the people and practice laps on the track.
Saturday – rest
We had a decent night’s sleep in the camp, and even managed to “sleep in” until about 7AM.
Our cub scouts package entitled us to the campsite, the “Fun Zone”, and seats in the stands for the afternoon and evening race. It was a pretty sweet deal. After breakfast and surviving the public shower, our group headed over and spent the morning checking out the sights.
It was quite a day. I never imagined I would enjoy two nights camping on the infield of a major racetrack and watching an actual race. The night event was rained out, much to little man’s disappointment – he has determined that NASCAR may well be “his thing.” We ended up having a nice evening away – we grilled steaks and the kids played until late.
No real cross-training this week (although I think I can count setting up a campsite as some cardio and lifting), but I did get in 17 miles for the Publix Savannah Women’s Half, including some hills. All in all, it ended up being a strong week, and I’m ok with where I finished up.
How was your week in training?
Have you ever gone to a NASCAR event?

I’ve never been to Nascar — or any racing for that matter. Looks like you guys had fun! And great week of running!
Rachel recently posted…Anti-Inflammatory Breakfast Smoothie
It was an incredibly different experience, for sure!
runswithpugs recently posted…tuesdays on the run: three running wishes
Great job this week! I bet that stair workout is tough. Nice work with the bridge run. And those heart-shaped pancakes are adorable!
Lisa @ Mile by Mile recently posted…An Uneventful Week of Workouts + Dry Needling
The stairs are tough! Definitely got me moving!
runswithpugs recently posted…tuesdays on the run: three running wishes
I’ve never been to a race track! How cool! Those popcorn Valentines are adorable too!
Gina recently posted…Grandma’s Training – Week TWO – Recap
It was a really cool experience!
I swear, you have the most fun!!!
BTW, my BFF from HS bought a condo in St Augustine. So there may be a trip in the future…
Wendy@Taking the Long Way Home recently posted…Practicing Kindness
Gasp! Don’t tease! That would be so cool!
I have a friend in St Augistine and one in Flagler Beach.
Darlene recently posted…TOTR: Three Wishes
Um. There’s a lot of great races here. Just putting it out there.
I love how many fun family events that you do! Camping too so much fun. Looks like you had a great week
Deborah @ Confessions of a mother runner recently posted…Vegetable Enchilada Soup-Meatless Monday
It was a lot of fun. We had a blast.
runswithpugs recently posted…tuesdays on the run: three running wishes
I’ve never been to Nascar, but my cousins are die-hard fans. Those heart-shaped pancakes look so fun!
The Accidental Marathoner recently posted…The Calming Effects of Running
My mom loves NASCAR, so she was giving us all kinds of tips and advice about the day.
runswithpugs recently posted…tuesdays on the run: three running wishes
NASCAR! how fun was that! I bet it was really noisy too. Looks like a great time all around. Hope your pooch is feeling so much better by now. Allergies are so hard on the little guys.
Incredibly noisy. You got used to it after a while, but those cars are LOUD.
He’s doing so much better, thank you.
Camping in the infield of a NASCAR event sounds like quite the experience. I’ll bet the boys loved it! Yay for hitting the bridge and all those stairs!
Marcia recently posted…Spring in the Dead of Winter
Little man thought it was awesome. Mr PugRunner… well, he wasn’t digging it so much. It’s definitely outside our wheelhouse, but I had a really open mind about it and was pleasantly surprised.
I’m glad nothing was seriously wrong with your pup. Karate is part of your rest day? You have an active definition of rest! NASCAR camping, now there’s a combination I never thought I’d see together!
Mary recently posted…Microendosopic Discectomy
Karate for my son, not for me. I still have to drive him and wait through his session (and the dojo isn’t air-conditioned, so sometimes, it feels like I’m working out with him LOL).
Apparently, camping at Daytona is a huge thing, especially during Speedweek and the Daytona 500 week. You could bring in an RV, or a tent, and the setups on some of these rigs was insane! It’s this whole subculture I never knew existed, and it was honestly kind of cool. Not an all-the-time thing, for sure, but if the opportunity comes up with the scouts again, we’ll be back for sure.
Super cute valentines! And I love your pink pancakes. Sounds like a great week!
Coco recently posted…Wrapping Up My NYC Half Long Runs
I love coming home to food!
Camping on the infield and seeing the race sounds like quite an adventure! Looking forward to reading your recap of your relay – I’ve heard great things about that race!
Michelle @ Running with Attitude recently posted…Hitting the Training Reset Button
It was one of the most amazing events in which I have ever participated. The crowd support and inspiration was incredible. I would absolutely do it again.
I am SO not a camper…but the infield of a track might be a fun adventure. Was it loud?
Kimberly Hatting recently posted…Three Running Wishes
Incredibly loud. We had wax ear plugs and little man had those big headphones for over that. It was tolerable with the headphones, but you could feel the noise in your bones.
I never thought I was a camper. But it turns out I don’t hate it.
I think stair climbing counts as cross-training!
Sounds like a really fun week! I love all the heart shaped food on Valentine’s Day. Can’t wait to hear more about the relay!
Kudos to you for surviving camping at Nascar (no less!). I’m not sure I could make it through…
Stacie Seidman recently posted…Thursdays Threads
Eh. I guess it was. It was a pretty intense little workout.
Wine was allowed – you totally could have made it through!
Looks like you had a great week of training! We watched the Lego Batman movie yesterday and we loved it!
It was so well done.
runswithpugs recently posted…tuesdays on the run: three running wishes
I can’t wait to hear more about the half marathon relay- that sounds like a lot of fun! Kudos to you for camping out at NASCAR- that place can great crazy! I worked the July race a couple years in a row selling beer to earn money while my daughter was in band- it is definitely a one of a kind adventure!
Mary Beth Jackson recently posted…My 3 running wishes in case I meet a Genie!
It was a full marathon relay – talk about a long day. But it was a great way to get the race done.
What a cool way to make some cash! I imagine you were swamped on those days!
runswithpugs recently posted…tuesdays on the run: three running wishes
I’ve done a lot of camping in my days with my boys and their scout troops but never in the infield of a racetrack …cool Mom!!
Those heart shaped pancakes look delicious and almost too pretty to eat ..the hubs did good!
I have a friend that lives in Jacksonville and run the Donna half every year ….she raves about how wonderful it is!
Teresa recently posted…This Week’s Gallivantin’: Love is in the Air
Hubs did very good. He loves to make breakfast.
DONNA is wonderful. It’s such a beautiful cause and so many people get involved. I loved it.
I don’t know how cool I am, but kiddo loved it, so I’m going to take the credit.
runswithpugs recently posted…tuesdays on the run: three running wishes
Good for you for starting your hill repeats back up. I don’t have any hilly races coming up, but I think I’m going to add them in every two weeks just because I miss doing them.
Debbie @ Deb Runs recently posted…Ask Coach Deb – Sixth Installment
It’s just good for you, hilly race or no (and here, it’s usually no). It’s definitely a great way to mix things up.
runswithpugs recently posted…tuesdays on the run: three running wishes
I can’t wait to hear about the relay, and I hope Bentley feels better!
Nicole @ Fitful Focus recently posted…Cherry Pie Overnight Oats (gluten free, vegan)
Bentley is doing great. It was so nice to come home from our weekend and not hear any coughing out of him.
runswithpugs recently posted…tuesdays on the run: three running wishes
I can’t wait to read your Donna recap. I’ve heard nothing but great things about this event.
Kathryn @ Dancing to Running recently posted…Rock ‘n’ Roll DC Half Marathon Training Log – Week 7
It’s going to be a good recap, too 🙂
runswithpugs recently posted…tuesdays on the run: three running wishes
Coming to you via the Weekly Wrap! I’ve heard great things about the Donna! So many marathons I want to run! Good luck with your Savannah training!
Jolene recently posted…Track life
Ohh I would be all on top of this! I’m in the South you know we love Nascar here! Although I’ve never been to a live race. 🙁
It’s odd cause Talladega isn’t too far from me.
My husband has gone several times and even camped and keeps saying we’re taking the RV there.
You look so fierce for your Donna Race! I just love a sparkle skirt!
Still trying to get back your way!
Tricia@MissSippipiddlin recently posted…Weekly Wrap 81 Repeat
It was so cool! I never imagined I would enjoy ANYTHING like this, but it was so unique and fun. You would love the RV setups – people had couches and rugs and full bars and huge grills. They were definitely not missing out on any of the creature comforts.
I’m glad I threw on the sparkle skirt. It made the difference.
The camping event looks like so much fun! I’ve never been to a NASCAR race but did run the Talladega Half one year. It was pretty awesome to get to run on the actual racetrack. Running the Donna relay sounds cool. I’ve never done one but sure would like too. Thanks for linking, Jenn!