As always, we are still linking up for the Weekly Wrap with HoHo Runs and Taking The Long Way Home
If you do a weekly recap post, this is a great way to check in with other active bloggers for extra support, sharing and accountability.
Things are moving along beautifully this year.
Sunday – Blogilates Flat Abs/Sleek Arms/Butt Lift 30 Challenges Day 6
Our Sunday was spent getting everything together for the return to school. Mr PugRunner picked up little man from his sleepover and I ended up going grocery shopping and cleaning out the entire refrigerator. Every so often, fridges need a good scrub and overhaul and this was the day.
Sundays are always hard because it means the week is just getting started again, but we took it easy and enjoyed the last official day of the break.
Monday – 6.5 miles, running + Blogilates Flat Abs/Sleek Arms/Butt Lift 30 Challenges Day 7
Even though it was cold, we kicked the week off with a nice run.
After the morning rush, I went back into the school to help with the Welcome Back Teacher Appreciation Luncheon. Prior to the holidays, it’s always hard to put on a PTA lunch for the staff just because of all the parties, field trips and events, so we have made the decision to host something right after break. Even better, the whole meal was donated by one of our parents’ restaurants, and it was extra delicious.
Tuesday – 6.5 miles, running + Blogilates Flat Abs/Sleek Arms/Butt Lift 30 Challenges Day 8
Thanks to scheduling, we had back to back runs. Not my favorite, but we just gutted it out.
After a shower and getting little man off to school, I was tasked with the super fun duty of getting Molly to the vet. She had woken up on Sunday with gunky eyes, and since it hadn’t cleared up, she needed to be checked. The verdict is that she has autoimmune form of dry eye, requiring drops to help stimulate tear production.
Let me share how thrilled she was with the whole ordeal.
That evening, I got word that two Icemen players were going to be at the grand opening of the new Wendy’s in our area. I texted Mr PugRunner to pick up little man and take him over there for dinner, as they were hosting meet & greets and giving out free hockey tickets and swag.
Wednesday – Blogilates Flat Abs/Sleek Arms/Butt Lift 30 Challenges Day 9
It was a quiet day. I did my challenges and worked on taking down the rest of Christmas and the holidays.
Thursday – 5 miles, running + Blogilates Flat Abs/Sleek Arms/Butt Lift 30 Challenges Day 10
It got frosty again, and we had to bundle up for those five miles.
Later that morning, we had a meeting for our local Ready. Set. Glow 5K. It’s an awesome race that a few friends put on and with which I have the privilege to help. The proceeds of the races are split between five of our neighborhood schools, so it’s really an awesome race for an awesome cause.
Friday – Blogilates Flat Abs/Sleek Arms/Butt Lift 30 Challenges Day 11
I spent the morning at a PTA Board Meeting, reviewing the next few month’s of events. We have some really fun things coming up.
And then my weekend really started! I finished getting the house ready and waited for Meghan to arrive! When she pulled up, we headed out for a yummy pre race dinner and stayed up a teensy bit later than we should have, drinking wine and catching up.
Big race in the morning!
Saturday – Best Damn Race 10K + Blogilates Flat Abs/Sleek Arms/Butt Lift 30 Challenges Day 12
We picked up S at around 5:15 to make the drive to Best Damn Race Jacksonville. The 1oK started at 7:00 and we still had to find parking and get to packet pickup. It all went very smoothly and we raced as planned. Yay!
Recap to come! (And will we see you at Best Damn Race in Safety Harbor, Savannah, Orlando or New Orleans? Code RUNPUGS saves you $5 on any distance in any city! I will definitely be running the challenge in Orlando, and am strongly considering Savannah so sign up and say hi!)
After a lovely lunch with Meghan at one of our favorite BBQ joints, I threw together some brownies and a salad for dinner and an evening with some incredible friends.
It was a fabulous day.
Let’s talk about accountability? Are you joining us for the Running Is Our Therapy Link Up?
This week has been great. I am already at 45/90 miles for the month of January, which has me tracking ahead for my goals of 90 miles in January and 1019 miles in 2019. Yay!
I have been absolutely diligent about my Blogilates challenges, doing all three of them every day without fail. Challenges are always extra challenging for me, but we are on Day 14 and going strong. Almost halfway there!
Water. Well, I’ve compromised and moved to La Croix or Bubly sparkling water. Google says that sparkling water actually does fill hydration requirements, and it is a lot more palatable than plain for me. I’ve been drinking quite a bit of it, even though it’s tough some days. I realize that I just don’t drink a lot in general, so meeting actual ounce goals can be a struggle.
We tried a new recipe this week: Easy Slow-Cooker Chicken Thighs. It was a different flavor than I normally cook, and I ventured into using boneless, skinless thighs instead of breasts, but it was good and a solid first attempt at a different weeknight meal.
I started reading White Fang along with little man, so I am back to reading. I have a few other books I’d like to start as well.
I would give myself a solid A this week!
Share your progress in the comments or go ahead and link up with us!
You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!
How was your week in training?
What are you reading lately?

You get an A+. Kudos on all those challenges. Just running a few times a week is challenging enough for me.
My goal is to be positive so I am running and healthy. A
I have 43 miles so far so I am ahead…my goal is 84.
I’m looking forward to Florida – Feb 7!!!!
Publix Florida half – Feb 10 in Melbourne – not too late…sometime we will meet!!!!
Darlene recently posted…1.7.19-1.13.19 – Four weeks to go…
Being positive is such a great thing! Mindset makes such a huge difference!
Gah! I am running the Daytona on 2/10 with the family. it was one of my Christmas gifts from them. ONE DAY!!!!
Nice job sticking to your Blogilates challenges! I am in a few daily challenges right now too and it takes lots of planning to get it all done! Have a great week
The challenges aren’t taking a ton of time to complete, but I need to get it done before i get going for the day or else I struggle. It’s just how I work.
I’m still taking my offseason and taking things easy. I’ll be starting back up soon. But I did run outside for the first time in a few months over the weekend and that was great.
So glad you had a great outside run. Running outdoors is totally critical to my mental health. It’s amazing how such a small thing can make such a tremendous difference to my wellbeing.
You had a fantastic week! Looks like you’re doing a great job with those challenges! Congrats on your race – I’ll look forward to reading you recap.
Michelle @ Running with Attitude recently posted…A few goals to wrap up the year
Thanks! The photos just came out so I will get that together!
Bubbles is a necessity if I”m going to get my water in. Funny re: frosty, I remember a friend who volunteers RunDisney saying how cold it was last year for the race. Florida is confused at times. Congrats on awesome start to the year and so cool your son was able to meet the hockey players
Cari recently posted…January, Gyms and Fred Lebow
Florida is super confused all the time. We were at the beach and in the water last weekend and now the heat is back on again and I’m running in fleece and gloves. I don’t even know what’s happening.
So true! Every few months I clean out the fridge and give it a good scrub. It always makes me feel so productive.
That slow cooker dish looks yummy!
Right? Of course, it doesn’t stay lovely, but the act of doing it is very cathartic.
You are unstoppable! Sounds like a fun weekend. We talked about that BDR Savannah. Or Publix. One of them is on the table for next year.
I love a clean fridge!
Keep me posted and I would love to tag along!
My fridge and freezer BOTH need a good purge. DO you make house calls?
LOL! Why the heck not! Take me to a race in your state and I will totally scrub out and organize your fridge and freezer!
Great job sticking to the Blogilates!! I need to do a challenge like this to get back on track!
you are seriously on fire!! so much going on last week and you cranked out the runs and the challenges to boot! I bet the teachers really appreciated their luncheon! And how did Little Man love meeting a couple of the hockey players? I can imagine (and will be checking for the recap – just a bit behind on blogs due to that pesky old thing called my job haha!) you had a GREAT weekend! If I could I would definitely run with you in one of those races. Just a wee bit too far away though. How did you like the chicken thighs? Personally I love thighs but they are a bit fatter than breasts so I have to choose my moments. And bubbly water is just fine! You are trying and that’s what matters!
Super solid week – and your positive energy is really felt here!
He loves meeting “famous” people. He and his daddy both, lol! Doesn’t hurt that he loves hockey, too.
I am not a fan of the thighs. I like white meat so much better and if I made the recipe again, I would do it with breasts. Point is, I got out of the comfort zone and tried something different. The boys enjoyed it though.
I can absolutely stomach the sparkling water, so if that’s what it takes, that’s what I’m going to do.