It’s time for the Weekly Wrap with HoHo Runs and Taking The Long Way Home
Please also take a moment to visit this week’s guest host: lovely Michelle from Running With Attitude.
If you do a weekly recap post, this is a great way to check in with other active bloggers for extra support, sharing and accountability.
This week was fabulous on running, and decent on everything else. They can’t all be winners, but I’m glad for the consistency of the miles and feeling great. Everything else? Well, I’m just pushing through the dreary weather and the less than great news, and hoping for brighter days.
Sunday – 8 miles, running
Sunday started with an eight mile run. In the rain. Which led to a world of hurt for my thighs. I’ll spare you the gory details, but I was quite a mess when I got home.
And then it was time for the Super Bowl. My stepdad came to hang out for the game and spend the night, but I wasn’t really interested in the actual football. I ended up going to bed right at the end of the third quarter, which was more than enough game time for me.
Monday – 6.5 miles, running
Back-to-back runs. Whoo. This one actually went fairly well, except for the chafing. I was happy to have a day to recover following this run.
My mom came to pick up my stepdad and we all had breakfast together after little man went to school. He was a bit bummed to miss out, though.
That evening, we had something a bit different on the books; a meeting with one of our local Boy Scouts Troops. The members of our den are in the process of deciding what Troop they want to join next year, so we are “interviewing” some of them in town. It was really cool and all the kids had a great time.
Tuesday – rest
Tuesday was a fairly quiet day, and I was thrilled for that. I’ll take my downtime wherever I can get it.
Little man made his weekly dinner: tacos. It wasn’t anything different, but he checked all the boxes and even made a side of guacamole! He forgot taco seasoning and tortilla chips at the store, so we had to find a recipe for him to make our own taco seasoning, and he subbed potato chips for tortilla chips, but all in all, it was quite delicious.
(He’s not really a salsa kind of guy, so topping included spinach leaves, green olives, corn and black beans).
Wednesday – 6.5 miles, running
Another solid run. We had planned for something shorter, but once we got out there, neither S nor I was in the mood to back down. It’s funny how that works.
In the evening, the boys went off to karate and I got some work done.
Thursday – rest
Even though I didn’t have a run scheduled, it was a busy day. We had last minute errands for Pinewood Derby, plus I had to pick up more things for the bathroom renovation job.
Everything seems to be going on track.
Friday – 8.5 miles, running
Since Saturday was Pinewood Derby and I had a race in Daytona on Sunday, we moved our long run to Friday. I was almost going to go back out after little man went to school to make it an even 10, but the weather started to turn nasty and I took a pass. I think I got in enough.
The day did not end on a high note. The school nurse called me while I was in the pickup line to say he had a fever. By the time I got him home, he was fine and in decent spirits. He was hungry and had energy, so Mr PugRunner picked up some dinner from our neighborhood food trucks and kept an eye on him.
Mr PugRunner did end up taking him to the doctor that evening, and it turns out that he had the flu. Ugh. Fortunately, once we got though Friday night, he really didn’t present any symptoms, and has been going on as normal here. (He has stayed home all weekend and will miss a few days of school this week just to make sure he’s all healed up).
Saturday – rest
Some of the scout leaders and volunteers met at the school at 6:45AM to get set up for Pinewood Derby Day. There were a few glitches with the AV systems, but once we got going, it was a really great event!
Little man wasn’t able to attend but his car raced, and he ended up winning third place in his den. For his last year, it was really nice for him to get to bring home a trophy. I facetimed with him while he was at home so he could watch some of the excitement.
I was beat when I finally got home and was more than happy to just crash on the couch and watch TV. Mr PugRunner picked me up a giant KitKat and wine from the store, and made us pizza on the Egg, since it was National Pizza Day. Getting to bed was truly one of the highlights of the day.
Now onto accountability! Are you joining us for the Running Is Our Therapy Link Up?
Running was great this week. I got in almost 30 miles and short of chafing, I felt amazing. It’s definitely a motivating feeling.
Mr PugRunner took on this week’s new recipe: Fire Roasted Buffalo Chicken Sausage Mac & Cheese from NibbleMeThis.
It was fabulous and decadent, and we had leftovers for DAYS. Definitely a fun twist on a classic favorite.
Reading has been a big, fat fail. I have a book I need to open, but I’m so afraid that if I do, I’ll get caught up and neglect everything else. I need to just go for it.
You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!
So how was your week in training?
Tell me something new and exciting about your week.

What a great week of running for you. Sorry to hear that your son has the flu. It is going around up here too and even our nurse had it! It’s definitely that time of year.
I love how you get the men involved in cooking and planning some meals! My husband does a lot of the cooking but I’m the planner and shopper. Otherwise, we’d be eating a lot of pasta and jarred sauce.
It’s awful. There were 8 kids out of his class yesterday. Ugh.
Mr PugRunner has always been a really good cook, so we can absolutely tag team on meals. The planning is where I got overwhelmed the last few years, and I implemented this to help me got some fresh ideas and bring a new perspective to dinner time. We are all fairly adventurous eaters, so it’s nice to get to try new things.
Great job on your mileage this week. Look at that renovation project. Bet it will be beautiful when you are done!
The reno is sucking the life out of me.The guys are doing a fabulous job, but I’m all wonky about it. My brain wasn’t in the right headspace to pick things an dI don’t know if it’s all going to come out right. I think it will be good, and they keep assuring me that everything will come together once it’s in, but I don’t know. Plus there’s a lot I have to do once they are finished with the tile and the shower glass.
so what is your accountability group? Is it a link up or a facebook group?
Deborah Brooks recently posted…Hot Date Chocolate Valentine Brownies
It’s a linkup. You should be able to click right on it and add. We are off to a slow start, but I keep updating to keep myself going strong 🙂
Ouch sorry about the chaffing – never fun!
Sorry your son got sick. Huge congrats to him for his car taking 3rd place! And, I know I’ve probably said it before, but I love that he likes to cook! My oldest son does too – such a great skill!
You had a great week of running!
It’s a wonderful skill, and I love that he can figure out substitutions and things like wrong or missing ingredients. It will definitely serve him well.
Hey, fabulous and decent sounds like a good week to me! Sorry your son has been sick. We try so hard to stay healthy around here since my 89 year old mom lives with us. I remember those PWD days! My kids still have all their cars, but it in the final years my husband started ‘borrowing’ parts from old ones to help build the new ones!
Oh, yeah. Kids and elderly have to be extra careful. My parents were supposed to come over this weekend, but I put the kibosh on that right quick.
He has made a brand new car every year. They have all looked a little different, but the same general shape has worked well for him, so that’s what he stuck with.
Awesome week for you! I also love that your little man loves to cook – I wish I had that talent and passion at his age!
We are lucky that he enjoys it.I think it’s super important that he knows ho.
Oh, this makes me nostalgic for the Pinewood Derby Days! We had so much fun with that; bummer it doesn’t continue on as they get older and move through the ranks. You had a great week of running!
I know! I have a love/hate relationship with PWD. It’s so fun for the kids (who actually do their own cars LOL), but I want them all to win, because they work so hard. He’s had a solid showing in all three years of scouts, and I’m proud of him for that. We will miss it.
I had some chafing after my long run this past Saturday! Ouch, not fun! So sorry to here your son’s been down with the flu. Hopefully he is feeling a lot better now. Well done on a solid week of running! 🙂
Oh, it was absolutely awful! I haven’t chafed in ages.
He’s doing much better. We are super grateful.
I felt great with all the running, and I love that there is more to come.
It sounds like a great week of running mileage! I am loving all the meals you shared here too. Hope your son is feeling better, my kids have had rotating illnesses, so I know how hard that can be!!
The meals have definitely kept me motivated. They’re not always super healthy or fitness-y but they are different and out of our normal rotation.l
He’s doing much better, thanks. We are lucky it wasn’t a heck of a lot worse.
That mac n cheese is drool worthy. Looks so good! My week flew by but training was a welcomed routine. Hope you have a good week!
It was so delicious. I certainly couldn’t eat as much of it as I would have liked, but I hope he make its again in the near future.
So many miles! Great job with that! I’m sorry little man had the flu, but glad it sounds like a mild case. Hope the pug parents can stay healthy!
We are washing our hands and I’m obsessively bleaching the house and doing laundry. He really didn’t have a bad case at all (literally one night), so we are just playing it safe right now.
how did you manage to get so chafed? are you wearing shorts still? (OMG I can’t imagine!).
it’s so cute that your son is doing dinners every week. is he doing most of the cooking (supervised I suppose) as well? what a great idea and really prepares him for the future. I was so freaked out about my stepkids cooking (because once, when I was about 8 I made a grilled cheese at home alone and left the stove on – nothing happened but my mother has yet to let me forget it) that i now feel I did them a bit of a disservice. I am almost 100% their mother also doesn’t let them cook at home.
it’s a bummer that he also had the flu – but he still got a trophy for his car!
you got some good runs in and even if the rest of the week wasn’t as stellar I’d say it was a decent week.
Heavens yes we are in shorts! This morning it was 67*F! And I have “athletic” thighs, so…
He is doing most of the cooking. If it’s something on the grill, Mr PugRunner handles it and we pull things out of the oven for him, but the rest he can do. He is not allowed to cook when we aren’t home, but the rest of it, he manages. I was never allowed to cook growing up (although we were a very home-cooked meal centered family) and I think everyone should move out with a few tried and true recipes that don’t include the blue box of mac and cheese.
Little man is feeling great, actually. It was a very, VERY mild case, so it was more me going around doing laundry and bleaching everything.The kid is BEGGING me to let him go back to school.
Congrats to Little Man and finishing in third place at the Pinewood Derby – too bad he couldn’t be there to accept his trophy in person. I hope he’s feeling better!
Debbie @ Deb Runs recently posted…Physical Therapy and Dry Needling: Getting me Closer to the Running Trail with Each Visit
Lady, you are rocking it with the runs! Hope your legs are feeling better!
Yay for the pinewood derby! I used to love those when I was a kid! Hope little man is feeling better!
Hope the renovation goes well!
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