I am working with the Florida Striders Memorial Day 5K. In exchange for the promotion of their event, I have received race entries for my personal use. All opinions are my own.
It’s coming to be that time of my year: my favorite 5K.

The Florida Striders Memorial Day 5K holds the distinction as my first and favorite 5K. Not only was it first 5K but also my first actual race, and I am more than happy to go back to it, time and time again.

My reasons are pretty simple: it’s a lovely local race, put-on by a great local running organization (the Florida Striders), through a beautiful neighborhood in Orange Park, for a wonderful cause (honoring those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country and our freedom).
The Florida Striders Memorial Day 5K is back with some new twists this year. Yes, of course, all registrants get a bib and a crack at a shaded, USATF certified course. The first 850 registrants are guaranteed a race t-shirt and all finishers get a beautiful custom medal. Enjoy free watermelon after the race and score awards three deep in each age group! Kids are able to run a free one mile fun run after the 5K.
However, there are some new things in store. First, there are special hats for the top 10% finishers (male and female combined)! What an awesome incentive to race harder than ever!
Also, if you aren’t able to run on the day of the event, the Florida Striders are offering a virtual option. For $35, virtual runners can complete the 5K on their honor, and receive a race shirt and medal mailed to them shortly after the actual event is completed. Please visit the Virtual Race page here for more details. Proceeds from the virtual run will go towards the Semper Fi Fund.
For more information, please visit the race website here. Register today to take advantage of lower pricing ($22 for Striders members, $27 for non-members and $15 for kids 13 and under until May 13) and to guarantee a race shirt.
The Florida Striders Memorial Day 5K will take place on Monday, May 27, 2019 at 8:00 AM, starting from the Orange Park Town Hall. One mile Fun Run to follow at 9:00 AM.

I would definitely do this is I were local.
Enjoy it in May!
It’s such a great run!