Here we are: the last week of 2019. I’ll be honest, I won’t be sorry to see it go. These last two months have been sad and hard and not anything like what I thought it would be. I hate not being my normal, cheerleader self, but I’m feeling lonely and isolated and that’s when the negative thoughts creep in. Going into the last week of 2019, I need to get a handle on that.
Sunday – pt exercises + recumbent bike
I was pretty exhausted after our party on Saturday, but I had big plans for Sunday. First, I wanted to get into our neighborhood gym. I can do my range of motion stretches on the weight bench and then ride the recumbent bike and make use of the dumbbells.

And then I wanted to go to Target. If you can believe it, I haven’t been to a Target since the accident. What? I got to do a little holiday shopping for the boys, and celebrated with a peppermint mocha.

After that, I was done. I ate lunch and crawled into bed, while the boys went to see Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. It killed me to miss it, but there was no way I could navigate a movie theater in my current condition.
Monday – physical therapy, 60 minutes
I was still tired on Monday, so I took it easy until it was time for physical therapy. This time, my PT was a woman who actually fitted me for one of my first pairs of running shoes! We went through old and new exercises, and I ended the session on the bike again.

Tuesday – pt exercises + upper body + recumbent bike
Welcome Christmas Eve! We got up and out to the gym fairly early as we had a lot going on for the rest of the day.
Today, I incorporated some chest presses, flys and tricep extensions into the workout.

From there, we went home and Mr PugRunner started cleaning and prepping for tomorrow. My parents came over in the early afternoon and my mom (saint that she is) wrapped all my presents for me.
We ordered our traditional Christmas Eve dinner: Chinese food, and enjoyed it with some fun holiday movies.

When my parents left, the boys took it upon themselves to put all the gifts (except the Santa gifts) under the tree and call it a night. I was really sad to not be able to join in the tradition this year, but they did a great job.

Wednesday – rest
So on Christmas, we rest. Or something like that. The boys let me sleep until 8:00 AM, but then it was time for presents and breakfast. Little man was so excited!

I was really hurting and uncomfortable while we opened our gifts, but I did my best to put on my bravest face. Little man was totally stoked with everything and started suiting up immediately.

We ate breakfast with poinsettias and I went back to bed for a two hour nap. Oops.

My parents came back in the afternoon and we had a lovely time with them again. I wished I was feeling better, but I did my best, and even got dressed enough for a family photo by the tree.

Thursday – pt exercises + arms + recumbent bike
On Thursday, I worked a little more on my flexibility. Being laid up has done a number on that and I am trying to figure out ways to get my stretchiness back.

After our gym time, I asked if Mr PugRunner would take me to the nail salon. My last SNS fill was prior to the accident and my nails were a mess. They were gracious enough to slide me right in and I finally got that handled.

Friday – physical therapy, 60 minutes
Due to the holidays, I had a visiting PT for this appointment, and he meant business. He started me on the bike, and then absolutely went to town on my foot and toes. I found out he was a former triathlete, and gave some really great pointers about things I should be doing during my stretches to help get me back to running, which I appreciated.
He also told me that I could do anything that got me sweating as long as I didn’t involve twisting or turning my ankle: core work, floor work, and upper body. Fantastic.
Saturday – pt exercises + arms + core + recumbent bike
I went back and forth about going to the gym. Friday’s PT session wrecked me, but I was afraid to skip a day. If things tighten up, then it will be harder to move the following day. It’s a vicious cycle.
I ended up going, and was really happy to feel great after doing a series of Russian twists, flutter kicks, and overhead sit-ups with a weighted ball.

And again, that about did me in, so I watched some TV with the boys and begged off a neighborhood cookie event. I just didn’t have the energy to be “on” for people. Wild Saturday night, no?
I’m proud that I’ve been consistent with my PT and working out. It’s frustrating that I am still in some pain and discomfort, but apparently, that’s all very normal. Blah.
I am mostly off my crutches while wearing the boot and I can walk up stairs in my boot! This is a huge victory. Sadly, I am too scared to try going downstairs, so I am still booty scooting to get down.
I’m through two books (The Body In The Woods and Glass Sword) and I have two more I got for Christmas. I also got a Cricut vinyl cutter and heat press, so I need to figure that out this week.
Nutrition is going well, as is hydration. It’s amazing how easy it is to keep eating in check when it takes so much energy to get your own food. I guess we can celebrate new habits.
This week, we have New Year’s Eve and Mr PugRunner’s birthday, so it’s going to be lots more fun! Stay tuned!
I am linking up with the new Weekly Rundown, with Confessions of A Mother Runner and Running on the Fly! Check them out!

Will you be joining me at any of the Best Damn Races? Don’t forget to register with my BDR discount code RUNSWITHPUGS to save on any distance at any BDR location!

How was your week in training?
How are you spending this last week of 2019?

I know all the PT and strength work are tough, but think about all the progress you’re making. You haven’t been able to be very active until recently, so all the work you’re doing now will get easier as you get your strength back. Chin UP! You’re doing great!
I really hope so. It doesn’t feel like progress right now, and I’m frustrated with myself and my efforts. I just keep plugging away and hoping for the best.
runswithpugs recently posted…week #50: working with a less than jolly holiday
You are doing so well with all the PT exercises! I like that your PT told you that you could do anything that got you sweating as long as you don’t move your ankle. When I had my Achilles problems, I went to sooo many Pilates classes! It was very helpful to strengthen my core, and I think it was helpful to getting back into running.
Catrina recently posted…Running with Music – Yes or No?
My PTs have all been so supportive and empathetic. It’s really reassuring and is helping me get through the darker times.
I don’t think I’m ready for Pilates or anything like that (although I did look at chair yoga), but it’s nice that I have options.
I’m in awe. You are a rock star.
I appreciate that. I’m not feeling like it right now, but one day, I will look back on this and feel proud.
Yay Yay Yay that you’re back to working out! All of the PT work is going to pay off, you’re going to come back stronger than ever. Keep it up!
I love it. I hate spending that much time in the gym, but it’s so good to get a little burn going.
I always said that the PT felt like workout when I was doing it. I would be out of breathe and so sweaty. It was a struggle but it really paid off in the end, and I know that it what will happen for you!
Wishing you a very happy and healthy 2020 Jenn!
There are people who show up in jeans and I’m in shorts and tank and DRIPPING sweat. It’s embarrassing and I feel like I’m doing something wrong, but I’m there to work and get better.
I really hope to be able to put this behind me soon.
Way to go being consistent with all that PT and strength work! I’m sure it will pay off in the long run and help with recovery. That’s great that the visiting PT was able to provide some extra tips.
Chaitali recently posted…Weekly Review
I appreciated his perspective although I do like my original PT the best. We click a little better. I do hope it gets me back to where I need to be.
Look how far you have come already! A good mani makes everything feel better too
Deborah Brooks recently posted…Smashed Pea and White Bean Toast ~ Breakfast update
My nails were so gross. Even the nail tech was like “how long did you say it’s been?” Just wasn’t a priority with everything going on.
I don’t feel like I’ve come far, but I’m also a terribly impatient human being, so there’s that.
I really admire your dedication to your PT. It’s going to pay off in spades! I know it’s hard to depend on others, to not be able to do what you took for granted before, but believe or not soon it’ll just be a memory.
You’re doing great, Jen! Enjoy the festivities this week!
It’s driving me insane not to be able to do anything. I am terrified to drive again, even when I have the clearance to do so. I know my leg will hold up logically, but mentally, the idea of slamming on the brakes scares the crap out of me. Ugh.
Happy New Year to you!
You are doing such an awesome job with your PT exercises! You really are making great progress. I’m sending more speedy healing vibes your way!
Thanks. I need them!
I’m so proud of you Jenn. You are doing your very best and that really shows. I know it’s exhausting and frustrating, but you are going to get through all this my friend! It’s never a good time to have to go through this crap (you have had to deal with it through the holidays; I had to deal with it before my birthday which made it feel totally non-existent) but whether you realise it or not, you putting on a brave face and pushing through is the thing that is going to catapult you further. Next year is going to be even more amazing than you wanted this year to be, I just know it!
I am all about it faking it til making it. Today is hard day. I cried this morning – I’m just so tired of feeling like crud. I just want to sleep. This is just crushing for my psyche.
Seriously you are doing so great with everything! I love your sweet family pic in front of the tree. Little man is growing up SO much. Isn’t it nice to have a PT that “gets it”? Once I was in PT and the therapists stood there talking among themselves about how stupid marathons were and of course told me I needed to stop running. Um yeah, that’s a no from me. Happy New Year Jenn!
I just love how you’re embracing your recovery! Enjoy the New year and I think good things are coming your way!!
You are doing so well with your PT exercises. For sure you will recover quickly and will be out there running soon. Glad you made the best of this week despite the pain.
I. Can’t. Wait.
I haven’t been blogging for a while so this is the first I read of your accident. Really sorry to hear this – I can just imagine the anguish you feel. But so pleased you did the best you could this week especially with Christmas and making it fun for Little Man. Here’s wishing you a quick recovery and many healthy miles in the new year.
Anguish is a good word.
I am really looking forward to being out of this boot and back in the swing of my regular life.
You’re going to be so bad ass after all the weights you’re doing instead of running! Awesome that the visiting PT had great advice to help you get ready for a running comeback. You’re doing great work!
I hope so. I missed a few days of lifting and I want to get back to it so badly.
Wow, the SNS fill lasted a long time! I somehow got four weeks from this gel – it will never happen again, but I loved it
Cari recently posted…Oh my right knee, you old frenemy
It was insane! I mean, it was ragged and ready to go, but it served its purpose. Not planning on doing that again.