Wrapping up 2019 is the one thing I really want to do. I am usually very much on board with looking ahead to new things, but it’s harder to do that this year. Optimism is tough to muster up these days, although I’m trying. Mind over matter and all that jazz.
2019 started with the happiest of memories. I learned that I am fairly solid at axe throwing. We got to go on the ice at a Jacksonville Icemen game for the first time. I attended the SOUPer Bowl fundraiser, to end student hunger, which has segued into a volunteer consulting job for me. Oh, and we camped overnight at Sea World, right up against the windows of the dolphin habitat.
February was a tough month: little man contracted a mild case of the flu, which meant I had to race in Daytona alone. However, he still rallied to take home a trophy in his last ever Pinewood Derby, as well as an award for the Sarlaac cake he baked for Cub Scouts. I shared Galentine’s Day with some girlfriends, and we got to go to another hockey game (with ice time) as a Safety Patrol reward.
March was… something. We said goodbye to our sweetest Molly, my partner in crime and best girl, and I still feel the hole in my heart. We also welcomed Hufflepuff the Hedgehog to the family. I raced almost every weekend of the month, and tried yoga at a local brewery. In addition, I got to attend The Players’ Championship, one of the premier events in town, for the first time and can’t wait to go again.
While it was a slow running month, we did get some fun date nights and the like. Little man crossed over to Boy Scouts and turned 11 years old! I got some time out with some girlfriends, and we said goodbye to elementary school.
May was a bit of a quiet month for personal reasons. I ran one 5K, and we celebrated my birthday and Mother’s Day in a low key way. I did get in some SUP yoga, which was nice.
And then June came roaring back. We did a little staycation in Daytona for some family recharging time, and even tried out “glass” kayaks at night. I met up with Meghan and some Best Damn Race ambassadors for a fun little weekend in Orlando. And then we went on an epic vacation to Bar Harbour, Acadia National Park, Portland, Boston and Cape Cod. We hiked, toured, ate and I snagged another state with the BAA 10K!
The travel fun wasn’t quite over! On 4th of July weekend, I flew to Atlanta for the AJC Peachtree Road Race! It was THE BEST with incredible company. Little man attended his first BSA summer camp on his own, and did a phenomenal job scoring merit badges and awards. And we wrapped the month with a long weekend in Orlando for Meghan’s 40th birthday!
Little man started middle school, marking a new season for us all. We started the month at Sea World, and finished it at Universal Studios and Volcano Bay. While in Orlando, we met up with old friends for a Miami Hurricanes game. And yes, there was a 5K at the Jaguars stadium and a little bit of volunteering with the Scouts as well.
With school under way, it was time to get back to work. We pushed through Hurricane Dorian. Little man earned his bo black belt in karate, and attended his first drag race with friends. We said goodbye to the carousel that was a St. Augustine staple for years. I went to Orlando to race with my Meghan, and helped put together a Favorite Things party for the St. Augustine Moms.
The biggest news was completing my 100th workout at 9Round! Wheee! I also did an amazing 5K for breast cancer, with some of my favorite people. It was a time for firsts with little man’s first middle school dance and my very first blow out at Blo Jax. We attended a charity event at the Alligator Farm, enjoyed a birthday dinner with friends and celebrated Halloween in all the ways. At this point in the year, I was really sure we would be wrapping up 2019 with five stars!
And then disaster. As I was gearing up for the best winter and racing season ever, I slipped and fell on my stairs, breaking two bones in my right leg. Womp womp. Prior to that, we celebrated our anniversary, and walked in honor of those we have lost to Alzheimer’s. We still managed to celebrate Thanksgiving, thanks to Mr PugRunner and my parents, and the boys got to attend Wicked and go to Universal Studios for a few days.
Not the December or holiday season I wanted or needed, but wrapping up 2019 was in my sights. I had my third surgery to put plates and screws in my broken bones. Ten days later, I was weight bearing. Little man raced with friends and helped at some Santa events. I got clearance to return to the gym and we saw some beautiful friends for the holidays.
2020 is a fresh start to a whole new adventure, right?
I am linking up for Tuesday Topics with KookyRunner and Zenaida
Please visit these lovely bloggers, plus check out some of the other blogs on the link-up, and don’t forget to share your own post, as well!
What are some of your highlights of 2019?
What are you most looking forward to in 2020?
Rachel says
Oh wow, I’ve been out of the loop. I’m so sorry to hear about your injury! But at least you’re on the mend and you’ll be good as new soon. Happy new year!
runswithpugs says
Happy New Year! It’s been quite the ride 🙁
Kim G says
I know that the year didn’t end as you had hoped, but you still had such an amazing year. I’m still in awe at how you’re always able to fit everything in.
The great thing about a new year is the opportunity for a fresh new start! Here’s to nothing but positive vibes and good health in 2020!
Kim G recently posted…Experience Open Ear Listening with Aftershokz
runswithpugs says
I wish I could be boot-free to start the year, but it is what it is. I just need to focus on getting out of this boot and getting stronger.
Deborah Brooks says
Your year certainly did not end as expected. You are already making so much progress and I know you will be “back on your feet” very soon
Deborah Brooks recently posted…6 Essentials to Create Your Own Home Yoga Space
runswithpugs says
I really need to be. I am going crazy without my regular outlets.
Stacie Seidman says
2019 definitely didn’t close out like you would have wanted, but you did get to have lots of amazing adventures this year! I’m hoping 2020 brings many more along with healthy running legs!
runswithpugs says
I really did. I would just like to have some more. I am in desperate need of some travel and some excitement.
Kimberly Hatting says
Sorry for the detour your 2019 took, but you’ve done a great job moving forward. Alas, 2020 is here…onward!
runswithpugs says
It’s here! Let’s do this!
Darlene says
I predict you will have a full and healthy 2020. It just May start slowly but you’ll finish with a bang. And not a painful one lol
runswithpugs says
Sooooo slowly. But it’s ok. I am feeling a little less discomfort which helps my overall mindset. I’m starting to see my way clear to the next steps, and that’s really helpful
Catrina says
Aw, Jenn, that’s a tough one. Such a great and happy year and then in November disaster strikes. You did well on focusing on the silver lining on the horizon – the things you can do, like getting back to the gym. 2020, here we come!
runswithpugs says
Oh, yes! I am beyond ready!
Marcia says
If you remove the stair incident in November and of course losing your sweetie, the rest of the year was amazing. I keep saying this but here it comes again: You are healing up and moving on so nicely. Soon the whole thing will be a blip on the radar. Cheers to 2020!
runswithpugs says
It was, but those were definitely two hard to handle moments. I need that blip to come soon!
Renée says
you had such a dynamic year Jenn. Lots of ups and quite a few downs. But I think when you look at it in its entirety it’s been a good year, it just ended on kind of a crap note. I still feel so bad for you and your injury, probably because I know what a mindf**k it is to suddenly be the person who can’t do the things that makes you who you are. The runner, the caretaker (and not just of her family), the independent woman, the goaldigger. But I know you are going to come out of this so strong. This is a blip in your life and you will see the other side of this soon.
runswithpugs says
I know you know. It’s the mental side of this that’s really throwing me for a loop. The physical stuff is one thing, but the mental and emotional hurdles are something else entirely. I know it will pass, but this is climb.
Zenaida Arroyo says
Despite what happened at the end of the year, overall you had a great year with so many fun events and activities. You’ve been doing so well with your PT exercises so I know you will quickly recover and be active again.
runswithpugs says
I appreciate the good wishes and I do hope so. I need all the encouragement I can get right now.
Lisa @ Mile by Mile says
It seems like overall you had a really good year! Its too bad it ended the way it did. You are working so hard and will come back even stronger than before!
runswithpugs says
I am really trying so hard but it’s daunting. 2020 has to be better.
runswithpugs recently posted…five post-surgical side effects i didn’t see coming
Debbie @ Deb Runs says
Wow, what a year you had! It’s hard to believe Little Man is in middle school. He was just a little dude when I started following your blog.
Here’s to fast healing in early 2020 leading to a fun and great year of running for you! Happy New Year!
Debbie @ Deb Runs recently posted…2019 : My Year in Bling
runswithpugs says
Right? He was just little nugget LOL!
runswithpugs recently posted…five post-surgical side effects i didn’t see coming