Another month is in its final week. For those of you keeping track at home, Regis Philbin AND Olivia DeHaviland both passed away, a kitten with rabies was found and euthanized in my immediate area, and, of course, Garmin is under some kind of ransomware attack and all our data is held hostage.
Par for 2020, right?
Sunday – rest
Happy National Ice Cream Day! I woke up with a pounding headache, and chose to opt out of all exercise. We did get a delicious lunch, however.

And we celebrated the momentous day with ice cream for dinner.

Monday – 3.85 miles, walking
Happy Monday. We planned to lay extra low this week so that little man could rest and so we could be sure we were clear for his Black Belt test on Saturday. I walked,
And since Sunday had been a bust, I spent the morning prepping Mr PugRunner’s lunches for the week: chicken meatballs with sautéed spinach, and vegetable pasta.

For dinner, we did a sausage, peppers, and onions sheet pan meal, which was also quite easy and delicious.

Tuesday – 3 miles, running + 2.22 miles, walking
I got in my run and a nice walk on Tuesday.

Little man helped me pull a bunch of stuff out of the office and I started painting the walls. I love the new color and now I want it everywhere in my house.

Little man also helped make an incredible dinner with a meal kit from Raddish Kids. We had Chicken Parmesan and Garlicky Green Beans, completely cooked by him, and it was even adapted to fit Mr. PugRunner’s dietary needs. Win!

Wednesday – 3.45 miles, walking
I was really sore from being up and down on the ladder painting, as well as hauling and assembling furniture. This morning’s walk as slow, and served as a warm up to more of the same.

Little man made the seasoning for these garlic butter beef tips. He and I had them with cous cous while Mr. PugRunner had his with leftover peppers.

Thursday – 3 miles, running + 1.12 miles, walking
This was a bit of a scary run. It started beautifully, but another storm rolled in once we started our walking portion. We made the call to hightail it for home, but the lightning started and my friend’s husband had to rescue us with the car! Yikes!

Little man and I worked with Luna on her longboard skills, and little man rode his new board a bit before he had to go to karate.

For dinner, we enjoyed French Onion Chicken Breast, with roasted broccoli.
Friday – 3.81 miles, walking
On Friday, little man had instructions to stay home and chill. So that’s exactly what we did.
I walked my miles.

We watched some tv, chatted, and walked to the neighborhood food trucks for dinner.

Saturday – 3 miles, running
The big day was here! Little man set his alarm to get up. We got him fed, double-checked his gear and Mr PugRunner drove him to his dojo. The testing students had an hour-long PT test before parents needed to arrive.
I used the time to run my three miles.

Then we made our way to the test. Six students were in attendance. Two were testing for their 1st Dan Black Belt, like little man, and four testing for their 2nd Dan. Ii was nothing short of intense. Only immediate family was invited (pre-COVID, the tests were open to extended family, friends, and other karate students), and the students had to wear masks when they were engaged in self-defense and other close maneuvers. It was definitely a different experience.
For three hours, little man demonstrated his knowledge and mastery of the skills he has learned in his past five years. He had one terrifying moment where he froze during a form, but he was able to recover beautifully, and he earned that black belt!

He was exhausted. Four hours of physical (and mental) activity in long sleeves and long pants, in no air conditioning will do that to you. We celebrated with ice cream and will plan a small party when things loosen up again. We are so proud, and even more so that he decided he would like to continue his training.
I admit that this was a hard week. Stormy days and a need to adhere to a more strict lockdown so we could be part of little man’s test got very draining very quickly. Not that we are doing much anyway, but I rely on my running and walking more than ever. This week, I look forward to getting back to the beach and pool.
The office renovation is exactly the distraction I needed. We are mostly finished, and I will reveal the finished product once all the photos and wall decor arrive. It’s just what I envisioned.
Luna continues to make us laugh. This week, she met a lizard for the first time. She also decided that she enjoys climbing the laundry pile and making burrows like a fox. She’s so lucky she’s cute.
Here’s a look at what we have on the menu this week. I had to move some things around to accommodate a food truck, but the spirit of the meal plan is still there.

I am linking up with the Weekly Rundown, with Confessions of A Mother Runner and Running on the Fly! Check them out!

How was your week in training?
Have you ever been stuck in a lightning storm?

Congrats to your son! We need all the good news we can get these days, right? And what a good idea to redo your office. We’re stuck inside today with the heat–so disgusting outside–so I’m heading to the basement to start a purge of the toys..yep, still have a few…
Thank you! It’s a really tough test, and he was so nervous going into it. He was at the dojo four days last week, from early afternoon through dinner.
The only problem with redoing the office is now I want to redo everything. Mr PugRunner is not amused.
My worst rainstorm experience was a hailstorm. I was about half a mile from home and I’m sure that to date getting home was my fastest half mile.
Woot woot to your son for his black belt!!! Congratulations.
I bet it was! Hail is scary!
Congrats to your son that does take quite a bit of discipline and hard work. I think you know who you need to watch your back 🙂 That’s a lot of chicken breasts on the menu! 2020 sure has been a doozy-waiting for a real sharknado or something
I confess: he CAN defend himself but he is NOT an aggressor. It’s literally the last thing he wants to do ever. I’m grateful for that, but it makes sparring more challenging for him.
I know it’s a lot of chicken. Mr PugRunner can have some beef, and we mix in some pork where we can. We also all love seafood, but that means another trip to the store to get it fresh. It’s not forever.
I love that there is a meal kit program for kids! What a great way to encourage them to experiment with different recipes.
Congratulations to your son! What an amazing accomplishment and I’m sure he was thrilled to see all of his hard work pay off.
I am loving all of you meal prep ideas/meals – it’s giving me some ideas for what I want to prep for this week!
Me, too! And I love that it focuses on technique and also different cuisines and flavor profiles.
He was so thrilled. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to go through with it, but I had to tell him that this is one of those lifetime achievements. No matter what happens in his life, he’s always going to be a black belt in karate. You don’t walk away from that opportunity, no matter how nervous you get. He’s a rockstar.
Let me know if you need any recipes. I have been pinning everything to my meal prep board on Pinterest, too. He’s not really keto, nor is it really Wholel 30, so I do modify for his specifications, but the basic concepts are all solid.
Well done to your son – all that cooking and then his black belt! Sterling work!
And a good week for you, too. Luna is too cute for words, fortunately!
It was a great week for him, for sure <3
Luna is something else. Pure sass. All the time.
I have, indeed, gotten stuck in a lightning storm — 3 times! Once in my own neighborhood — it does something great for your pace. Once on a long run, 5 miles from basically anywhere. That was terrifying. And once in Miami — also quite terrifying (also on my anniversary).
Congrats to Little Man! Just the mental part would be exhausting. Adding in all that other crap . . .
I don’t think either of my dogs would enjoy being on a skateboard. Luna’s a cool customer. 🙂 I once put Lola in a shopping cart at Petco & she freaked out & jumped out of it. Chester liked them, though. The problem was that we use a double leash!
So scary! Especially in Miami! They have HUGE lightning strikes there.
I guess I should add that in addition to the long test, he also had to write a 2-3 page essay about his karate journey. In addition to the long hours he put in the gym before Saturday. It’s a pretty harrowing exam from start to finish.
I shamelessly bribe her. I figure she’s young enough that she can get used to it. Then again, this is the dog who jumps on the very top of my couch and on her sister’s giant crate. So she has zero fear.
Huge congrats to your son – that’s a heck of an accomplishment!
That look on Luna’s face on the longboard is priceless 🙂
Looks like you all are doing great with the meal planning!
Thank you!
Isn’t she too much?
Congrats to your son! I love that he enjoy being in the kitchen to make some delicious meals.
Luna looks hilarious in that photo. She is saying “You want me to do what?”
A few years ago while marathon training we had to hide in the bathroom due to a storm. We weren’t there that long but still a scary experience.
I am very grateful he likes to cook.
Yes, her hilarious face gets her out of all kinds of trouble.
Storms are scary. It was literally a beautiful day and then we turned around and BAM. Black sky and lightning. Eek!
ugh, your food pics always make me so hungry!!! That fried chicken for your lunch looks amazing. You’re so good at meal prep too!
Congrats to your son! What an accomplishment!
That fried chicken was everything LOL! The meal prep isn’t the easiest, but I’m working hard to find things to keep it semi interesting.
Thank you. He did so great.
Huge congrats to your son on the black belt! That’s an awesome accomplishment! Great job on all that food prep…way more discipline than I have LOL
He has worked so hard and it was so momentous. We are so proud.
The meal prep isn’t hard, but it takes some forethought. Not my favorite, but in a few more weeks it will be habit. Mr PugRunner is already seeing a difference, so that’s a plus.
I love Mr Pug’s lunch setup. What a great way to have it all done. So glad I found Luna’s instagram. Congrats to your son, that’s really amazing dedication. No AC for COVID reasons, or never do in the dojo
It’s annoying as heck on Sunday, but now he just grabs a container and goes. It’s that prep that helps him stay on track.
There is no climate control in “the big room” at the dojo. They have it in the offices and small room (for kids 7 and under), but the sensei believes that the students should be able to practice in any conditions. So it’s broiling in the summer and freezing in the winter, but the students are prepared (and he’s really good about water breaks making sure everyone is safe).
Congrats to your son! That’s a huge accomplishment, especially with recent classes being virtual earlier this year. And yay on loving the new paint color. We had once experience hating the color we picked and have sought professional advice since then.
My scariest lightning experience was getting caught in a sudden storm biking on the south rim of the grand canyon. It was so bad, the bike rental company sent a van out to rescue people.
I am really free wheeling when it comes to paint. Like I told the paint guy in Home Depot, what’s the worst that can happen? I hate it and to paint over it.
That does sound terrifying! I would have been the first one in the van lol!
Congrats to your son! I’m glad you could be there to watch his accomplishment. I don’t think I’ve ever been caught out in lightening. If I think there is a chance for storms I usually stay pretty close to home.
I’m glad we could be there too. I would have understood if they said no parents, but it would have been hard.
It’s hurricane season, so there will be storms all over the place. Usually, they are complete surprise lol!
Congrats to your son on that black belt test! That’s really impressive, especially with everything going on. I love that color you’re painting the office. I look forward to seeing the final photos.
Chaitali recently posted…Weekly Review
Super proud of him. He lost a lot of training time – he had virtual classes, but you can’t spar or work on self-defense without a partner, you know? These kids all did so great.
A bunch of things should arrive tomorrow so I will be able to frame and finish it all.
We too are painting most of our house, such a nice change and refreshing! Oh that ice cream….we’ve enjoyed quiet a bit of ice cream lately, so good!
I love painting. And ice cream LOL! It’s all just perfect!
Huge congrats to A! What a wonderful accomplishment. Your meal prep and food ideas look so great. I need to take notes as the rotation here is pretty stale. Having picky eaters doesn’t help. I was at mile 12 of a half once, running on the edge of a forest in a wicked thunderstorm. Lightning struck a tree a little ahead of me and it fell across the road. It was terrifying. There was nowhere to go but run it in.
We have definitely added a different kind of variety to dinner. Little man isn’t picky, but he does have specific tastes. It’s a work in progress.
Lightning is soooo scary and deadly!
Congrats to the Little Man! That’s HUGE! And I love that he wants to continue and keep achieving goals.
Little Luna is just the cutest. I can’t handle it.
Thank you! I am so proud of him for wanting to continue!
I didn’t realize so much work went into achieving those belts. What a great accomplishment! And the no AC part sounds really tough too. I think I am going to go into withdrawal when my ice cream shop closes for the season. We have been good supporters of them during all of this 🙂
Great meal planning. All I saw was Mr Softee lol
I do wish someone else would cook for me!!
We’ve had a lot of storms or storm threats. So far I’ve gotten lucky and stayed dry.
Ice cream for dinner? You’re my kind of girl!
Congrats to Little Man on his huge accomplishment! You must be so proud of his hard work during these crazy times when training couldn’t have been easy.
Have a great week, Jenn!