This is Leap Week, where February 29 makes one extra day in our year, an event that occurs every four years. It’s an interesting twist to our calendar, for sure. But I am always complaining about not having enough hours in the day, so here I get 24 more. Huzzah!
- Cardio: 3 miles, treadmill walk
The torrential downpour this weekend made everything absolutely miserable. I had to take it to the gym for a treadmill session, and I hated it. Even worse? My Apple watch didn’t record the same 3 miles that the treadmill did. Garbage.
But then I came home and went absolutely nuts on the pantry. We took out EVERYTHING. Scrubbed the floor and shelves. Tossed expired or stale items, cleaned storage jars, and now it looks almost aesthetic. It felt great to just detox a large space in that manner, and the boys have been advised that it needs to remain in a similar state.
- Cardio: 7.11 miles, running + 1.34 miles, walking
- Strength: Arms + Abs, 50 minutes
Happy Monday, and goodbye rain! It was also a day off, so it was nice not to have to rush around in the morning. Of course, I couldn’t skip my run or gym session, so I got those checked off quickly.
When I got home, I recruited A for some errands and lunch. I had some returns to make, he had a birthday gift to buy, and we ended up at a newer noodle and ramen place for lunch, which was fun. Schedules make it hard to have that time together, so it was all good.
- Cardio: 2.6 miles, running + 1.83 miles, walking
- Strength: Legs + Abs, 50 minutes
Not going to lie. Tuesday was so cold. It was in the 30s and windy. Boo. I had to bundle up, which we all know is rare. J and I started Week 3 of Couch to 5K, which is two sets of 1:30walk/1:30run/3:00walk/3:00 run, and managed to get it done.
Sadly, the rest of the day was dedicated to work and meetings. There was also some heaviness with which to contend, which is never fun.
- Cardio: 4.62 miles, walking
- Strength: Legs + Abs, 50 minutes
I struggled to get out of bed, and after literally 20 steps of running, I knew it wasn’t going to happen. The motivation and desire just wasn’t there. Of course, I was mad at myself, but I turned things into a nice walk on a pretty day. My face says otherwise, and I know it was the correct call.
My struggle bus continued for the rest of the day. There was a networking event I was scheduled to attend, but it was far away and I don’t know a ton of people. I spent most of the day talking myself out of going, but Mr PugRunner finally just told me to go. This month was at a distillery that creates the best pop ups and theming. The traffic was so bad I almost canceled the whole thing. In the end, it was the right call, because I have a potential business new business connection, and I got to see all the Barbie/Mean Girls/Pink decor!
- Cardio: 2.6 miles, running + 1.81 miles, walking
- Strength: Legs + Abs, 50 minutes
Another busy day on the books! I met up with J and this time, we got a runfie! I told her it’s ridiculous that we walk and run together all the time and keep forgetting to get a photo of us because we’re so busy talking and laughing. Peep the awesome puppy in the picture as well. He is a fabulous running buddy, too.
Once I got home, it was a bit of a chaotic whirlwind to get everything wrapped up in time. That evening was the Pre-MPA concert for our wind ensemble and choirs, and we had the most wonderful concert. A was featured several times, and I’m so proud of all the talented musicians. They will head to MPA next week for adjudication.
- Cardio: 6.46 miles, running + 2.54 miles, walking
After Wednesday’s fiasco, I thought this run would be trash, but it turned out beautifully. I did a few miles on my own, and then some Couch to 5K with J, wrapping it all up with a solid cool down walk. It’s a relief to feel a little better and more energized, and I’m hanging on to that feeling hard! No gym on Fridays – let’s hear it for extra rest time!
Fridays are always reserved for weekly client meetings (I should really move those to Mondays), but things were productive and that’s all I can ask for.
- Cardio: 4 miles, walking
Since it’s still chilly, I took advantage of sleeping in a bit and taking a walk. I had to dodge quite a few deep puddles and navigate some soggy grass on my route, but that’s just all part of the game.
Today will be a day for reading and catching up on some tasks. I might even start my needlework tonight for some downtime.
Thoughts + Goals
Deep breaths.
Things were heavy this week for a variety of reasons, and of course, I’m going to talk about it all.
And then we have Gate. I have to go to the Expo this week to pick up my bib and packet, and then keep my fingers crossed that Saturday will be pleasant. Right now, the weather keeps changing, and I have no idea how to get a handle on what’s to come. Boo. Mr PugRunner finally signed up for the 5K, so it will be interesting to get a report from his side of things, too!
Things You Missed Last Week On The Blog!
- A Week Of Love (Weekly Rundown)
- My Running Pet Peeves (Tuesday Topics)
- Get Ready For Best Damn Race Orlando (Runners Roundup)
- Love These February Runfessions (Fit Five Friday)
How do you feel about Leap Week? When’s your next big race? Have you ever take a rest day and been surprised by the results?
Weekly Rundown
I am linking up with the Weekly Rundown, with Confessions of A Mother Runner and Running on the Fly! Check them out!
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I’m sorry to hear you had a heavy week, but hopefully, your runs alleviated some of the stress! Deep breaths indeed!
Completely forgot about leap day. This month just flew by! Sorry you had a rough week and hope this one is better for you. Keep moving forward!
J’s dog is a cutie! He’s definitely worthy of a selfie! 🙂
Good for you for going to the networking event when you really didn’t want to go. I never enjoyed attending those types of things when I was required to back when I did some marketing for a gym, but of course it came with the territory.
I wanted to do something fun for “leap day,” but it’s on Thursday which is typically my hardest day of the week. Then I thought I would do something for “leap day eve” (because Wednesday is my day off) but right now it looks like I’ll be home all day waiting for the dishwasher repairman. SIGH!!!
Although I don’t know specifically what was going on with you this week, I do know those heavy weeks. All we can do is keep moving forward, right? I hope this next week is a better one for you, and good luck to A and the band! Our MPA is coming up soon, too.
Sorry for the tough week. I hope this week feels like a 180 difference. (Hugs)
Sorry about the tough times this week. Funny you mention cleaning out the pantry. Since my kids are away at college the pantry and fridge are so empty!! It’s so weird to go back to only having food that only my husband and I eat.
I hope your week is starting out better!
I have to hear you had a rough week, those are hard for so many reasons. You also had a really busy week! I am glad you had a great run on Friday, hope this week is better for you!
Wow, good work with the pantry! I need to start doing something similar in my home office.
I’m sorry to hear you’ve had a rough week… I hope it will get better soon for you and that this week brings what you need.
I’ve never really thought much about Leap week. Right now I just wish February to end because March gives so much more hope about spring.
You are so lucky that your hubby will run a race with you!
Also nice that you have a running buddy. I’m mentoring a group that will use couch 2 5k… not a fan of the app at all.
Sorry to hear you had some rough moments this week… you accomplished so much so don’t be hard on yourself. Hope next week is better.