Week 5 of marathon training has come and gone. It was a bit of a rough week, fitness wise, so my plan is to cull out the positives and learn from the negatives. Sunday - rest day Monday - 3.1 miles I loved this run. Loved. It was hot and humid and yet everything about it was ...
weekly recap: 7/20 – 7/26
release of fear
When I was growing up, there was a pretty irritating phrase I heard semi-regularly. "Can't is won't." I probably don't have to tell you how much I dreaded hearing those words. Not that I didn't try hard or that I was a slacker. But there were things with which I really struggled (especially ...
weekly recap: 7/13 – 7/19
I didn't feel particularly productive this week, but maybe it's one of those things that is quality over quantity. Obviously, being away on vacation kind of throws a bit of a wrench into things, but I did bring my running gear so I could make the effort. Here's how I did on Week 4 of my marathon ...
vacationing in vero
One of the things we look forward to in the summer is getting to vacation with my brother- and sister-in-law and their kids. We normally spend a few days in the Orlando area, usually going to Disney, but this time, they mixed it up and chose Vero Beach as their destination. Plans were made and early ...
showing off the bling
Since we began running last year, the PugRunner family has accumulated quite a bit of hardware. While I know medals aren't important to some runners, they are incredibly meaningful to me. Each has a story and many memories behind it, and I love seeing them hanging on display. The only problem was ...
weekly recap: 7/6 – 7/12
Week 3 of marathon training? Check! I think the most notable achievement of the week is cracking 800 miles. Who would have ever guessed? Definitely cause for celebration! Sunday - rest. Quite frankly, I don't think we did anything all day. It was nice. Monday - 3.1 miles. This was a ...