Even though I'm all grown up, I still feel under the spell of Disney. It's even more magical now that we have a little one to enjoy it. Visiting the Magic Kingdom is always special, on its own. We go often, thanks to our Annual Passes, and we love everything about it (ok, everything but the ...
just a little bit of pixie dust
wordless wednesday
It's not a good beach day until someone gets buried in the sand. ...
food, reframed
In the past week, I've touched on all the negatives of my post-op condition. There are a few positives, though. Some I was expecting, such as dropping some weight. Others, I was not, such as my body's reaction to food. The return to eating solid food has been an incredibly slow process. Not ...
back in the game
I have to give my ENT credit. He said I would be seeing a marked improvement by this weekend, and he was absolutely right. None too soon, because we were expecting house guests, and I wanted to enjoy the visit. First, I do have to have to thank Mr PugRunner. He really took the reins on ...
happy 4th of july!
I hope you are all enjoying this wonderful holiday! Best of luck to all my fellow runners at their races today! I wish I was out there with you, but I am excited to hear about and read all your recaps! I'm looking forward to lunch out with Mr PugRunner and Little Man. I might not be able to ...
looking ahead
Yesterday, I had my pity party. It felt good to get it out, and now I can (try to) put the bad feelings behind me and look to the future. We saw the ENT this morning. Due to the medications I am taking, I should absolutely not be operating any kind of heavy machinery (this includes cars, ...