For Tuesday of Teacher Appreciation Week, the theme was flowers.
Easy enough.
I scoured Pinterest for some cute ideas, and with little man’s help, we decided on flower pots.
Fortunately, I had some plain, terracotta pots at the house that were perfect for our project. I gave them a coat of bright yellow spraypaint, and when they had dried, I taped off the lip at the top of the pot, and covered the base with black chalkboard spray paint.
When they were completely dry, it was time to get to work. I used a black Sharpie paint marker to create a ruler effect around the yellow border of the pot, marking the increments with a pencil, first.
At this point, you can use chalk or a white paint marker for the message. I chose the paint marker, so the words wouldn’t rub off during planting and transport. It even looks like chalk.
Little man and I hit up the nursery and he picked out the most gorgeous, iridescent purple petunias. We had to buy a flat of them, so the teachers aren’t the only ones who will benefit from the pretty flowers.
Little man sure does know how to pick petunias. I can’t get over how vibrant these are in the sunlight.
For a variation on this theme, you could fill the pot with M&Ms or other sweet treat, and then “plant” hand-colored paper flowers on lollipop sticks in that.
Happy planting!

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