This was a pretty big week. Not only were we starting to get back in the groove of school but it was time for my very first race of 2016. No rest for the weary!
Sunday – rest
I must say that our Sunday wasn’t the most exciting. It involved hanging ceiling fans and cleaning up all the holiday cheer. Normally, I wait a little longer to take down the tree, but I didn’t want to waste a lazy day where we didn’t have much going on. I was glad when the last lights were rolled up and the last pine needles were swept away.
Monday – rest
Little man had a canceled playdate and we honestly ended up spending the dreary cold day inside in our PJs. Not the way I usually do things, but you know what? Sometimes it’s good for the soul to snuggle on the couch with movies, or color or build Legos. We had a wonderful, peaceful, lovely day.
Tuesday – 3.1 miles
The threat of rain caused us to cancel our group run. I was a little sad, but I got an extra hour of sleep before I had to go out on my own. Can’t argue with that.
Seemingly overnight, the temperatures had dropped into the 40s! It was really the first real peek at winter we have seen. I bundled up with an ear warmer (cold wind does a number on my ears) and went out for a solo session.
Three point one miles later, and feeling great.
While I was at work, Mr PugRunner and little man made the most of the last day of winter break with another trip to The Force Awakens, this time in IMAX.
After dinner, we packed the backpack, picked out an outfit and set the alarm for 7:00 AM. We all needed a good night’s sleep.
Wednesday – rest
It was back to school for little man. While we had a wonderful winter break, it was kind of nice to be back to the routine of getting up and making lunches. Little man was excited to get back to his classroom and teacher and friends, and the morning went quite smoothly.
He even rode his skateboard to the bus stop! Like a boss!
Even after his nasty scrapes, he’s worked up his confidence again and is doing a great job. He really wanted a penny board, but friends advised that a longer board would be easier for him to get started, and I promised him that once he mastered this one, we could upgrade him to what he really wants. I think he took that very much to heart, so we shall see.
Mr PugRunner and I had a lunch date while doing some research for his work. It was nice to get some alone time with him.
Thursday – 3 miles
Our group run resumed, and we braved the cold yet again. The wind was pretty rough on our way out, but it was behind us after the turnaround and I couldn’t believe how warm I was getting.
It was a solid run.
Friday – rest
I had volunteered to chaperone little man’s field trip on Friday, and we were all pretty excited about that. They were learning about estuaries, so we made the drive out to a nature preserve/park to see the river in action. The kids learned all about the different animals that make their home in the brackish waters, and even got to try out binoculars get a better look at some of the birds (including two bald eagles and their nest!).
After lunch, I took little man and his friend home for a playdate for the rest of the afternoon. They had a blast.
Saturday – Princess Place 5K
This was a pretty exciting day: my first ever trail race!
I can’t wait to share the experience – it was very different but very cool.
After the race, I met up with the boys for breakfast and then it was home for a much-needed shower. It gets dirty out there in the woods!
I’m feeling great about this year. I know it’s early to say that, but I love the feeling of taking on new challenges and I am excited about so many new experiences.
How was your week in training?
What’s something new you’re excited to take on this year?

I’m excited to hear about your trail race! I’m thinking about doing one in the fall. It would be my first.
Wendy@Taking the Long Way Home recently posted…Loving/Not Loving/Winning
You definitely should. I think you would absolutely love it.
It’s so strange to see you all bundled up and running.
I’ve done one trail race and it was only a 5k. i’m nervous about them since I am so clumsy.
Darlene recently posted…Monday Running Update
This one wasn’t particularly technical, which made it a great first effort for me. You do have to slow down and pay attention, but it’s definitely a cool experience.
Tomorrow is going to be in the 30s! I don’t have enough clothes to handle that!
I’m starting Whole 30 today. Wish me luck–I will need it! LOL!
Margo recently posted…Brooklyn Fit Chick News: The “Name Tag Challenge,” “Waiting to Exhale” and a Piriformis Update!
Good luck! You’re going to do great!
Winter did seem to come out of nowhere this week as we have been spoiled with such a warm fall. I am excited to get back to running a half this year and hopefully avoiding injury!
Deborah @ Confessions of a mother runner recently posted…Faux Pho-Vegetarian Noodle Soup
You should check out the Women’s Half in Savannah on April 2!
I can’t believe how cold it’s gotten. We just aren’t ready!
Can’t wait to hear more about the race!!
Nicole @ Fitful Focus recently posted…Why I’m Trying Paleo
It was a lot of fun!
I am smiling at your 2 shirts. 40 would be so warm here. We’re minus 14 today. Love the little man on his board! Can’t wait to hear about you trail race. I run trails a lot here but have only done a few 5k trail races. Perhaps something longer should be in my future?
Marcia recently posted…Quick. I Need a Race
So I showed up to my Thursday group run in long sleeves and shorts and the other ladies absolutely lost their minds. They had on gloves and hats and jackets. But it was almost 50*, so totally warm enough for bare legs! Tomorrow, not so much. Granted, it’s not -14, but it’s cold for us.
I only did a 5K this time, but I am going to go longer next time.
I like your Garmin! I’ve been thinking about getting one…
Michelle Rogers recently posted…Come home to hearty, healthy vegetable beef soup
I love my 220 and highly recommend it. It doesn’t have the built-in heart monitor, but I wasn’t looking for that.
You had an awesome week! That’s cool that your son is enjoying skateboarding…if only I could be so coordinated! The weather in Philly has been all over the place – from the 60’s, to the 20’s, and back. I can’t handle it! Looking forward to the race recap!
Janelle @ Run With No Regrets recently posted…Weekly Meal Plan for 1/10/16
I confess: I tried to hop on the board while I was taking it back to the bus stop and I almost fell and broke my face. Nope.
Our temps have been up and down, too. Make up your mind, East Coast!
40’S?! Florida should never be so cold! Oddly enough, it was 60 here in CT yesterday. But now it’s 30. Good thing I head south one more time on Saturday!
Awesome job on all of your runs, you’re getting faster! Can’t wait to read all about the trail race.
Little man looks BOSS on that skateboard! Nice going!
Stacie Seidman recently posted…Thursday’s Threads
I know! How does it even happen??? The puggies are cold!
Have a great trip!
Can’t wait to hear about your first trail race!
Carmy recently posted…Monday on the Run #40
I’m putting all my thoughts together!
Great week! I am actually going to start running again this year. I stopped for a few years and am going for my 1st run today…so nervous!
Maureen recently posted…12 Whole30 Tips for Beginners
Welcome back!
Congrats on running your first trail race. Can’t wait to read your recap!
Kathryn @ Dancing to Running recently posted…Tips for a Healthy Weight Gain During Pregnancy
Thanks! It was so much fun!
I’m excited to hear more about the trail race. I’ve only done 2 trail races ever. The first was a 5 miler and the second was a half marathon. I loved both of them! In fact, I need to run some more trails, it’s so different than regular running!
Sue @ This Mama Runs for Cupcakes recently posted…Weekly Wrap: Outdoor running and big changes
SO different! This was a 5K to try. I will do more going forward.
I love trail races!
I’m going to be honest: I think I do, too!
I love cozy, winter days that keep you inside every once in a while! Sounds like you guys had a wonderful winter break!!
Congrats on the trail run!!!!
Natalie recently posted…14 Weeks Till Boston
It was really great.
I like PJ days, but the cold would have been nicer with snow.
We’re having our first week of typical winter. Ugh!
I’m beyond excited to take on YTT200. Becoming a yoga teacher just feels right.
jill conyers recently posted…Strong and Lean Triple Set Workout
I’m so glad you’ve found that thing that feels right! It makes everything better!
Winter seems to finally be here as well. I kind of miss the “winter” that was December.
I’d love to see the new Star Wars movie at Imax. I bet it was awesome.
MCM Mama Runs recently posted…Bizarre race dreams – have you had them?
On the one hand, yay cold-weather running. On the other hand, I miss my tank tops. And feeling warm.
yes out of no where it got cold! It is in the 20s by me now ughhh. I’ve never done a trail race but want to get more into trail running in general…I fell once and it kinda scared me off lol but I know it has many benefits!
Patty @ Reach Your Peak recently posted…Does Spinning Make You Faster?
You definitely have to keep your eyes open on those trails. A guy in front of me hit a root and went down 🙁
However, it’s definitely something different to mix in.