Happy Monday! It’s time for the Weekly Wrap with HoHo Runs and Taking The Long Way Home!
If you do a weekly recap post, this is a great way to check in with other active bloggers for extra support, sharing and accountability.
Here’s the week in numbers:
Sunday – rest
Monday – rest
Tuesday –5 miles, speedwork
Wednesday – HITT session, arms
Thursday – 6.1 miles, running
Friday – rest
Saturday – 2 miles, running
I keep saying things will calm down, but I’m proving myself to be a quite a liar with that. This past week was chock full of fitness and events and all kinds of things, and I was really flying around like a lunatic to keep it all in check.
Sunday – rest
It was time to say goodbye to camping. As soon as little man was awake, we broke down the tent, packed the car, and helped clean up the common camping areas. I loathe breakdown, but it’s the price we pay for all the fun, and the more people who chip in, the easier it goes.
We didn’t take long to get home and settled in, and all of us were ready to just chill out in the house for the rest of the day. It was a little gloomy, so couch time was perfect.
Monday – rest
We thought about going to the gym, but we were all pretty tired, and decided to make Monday a rest day.
Good thing because we had a ton of activities scheduled for the day. It was the start of Teacher Appreciation Week, so some of the pTA members got there a little early to confirm that everything was set up for the “A World of Thanks” theme.
In addition to that, little man was starting his first day of Safety Patrol training, so he had to be at school early to get his rules, regulations, new belt and first assignment.
I left him in charge of the Kindergarten hall, and hurried home to grab some jeans and boots. My neighbor had invited me to go riding at the nearby stable, and I was so excited and grateful to get some more horsey time!
Tuesday – 5 miles, speedwork
On the agenda was some speedwork. I had scheduled a set of intervals where we would run slowly for seven minutes, than walk briskly for 3.5 minutes, run a little faster for six, walk for three, and so on until a one minute sprint. It’s good for pacing and working on increasing speed on tired legs.
I helped with a breakfast tea set up for the teachers and then stuck around to help proctor a test for one of the teachers. No comment on that.
Little man had one last Battle of the Books rehearsal, and then I had two PTA meetings back to back. Long story short, I will be the new Vice President for little man’s fifth grade year. I’m a little excited and a little overwhelmed, but there are a lot of big ideas and it’s going to be good.
Wednesday – HIIT session
Oh, and happy birthday to me. We worked on arms, and it ended up being some pretty intense circuits, especially for our shoulders.
I was grateful to have these ladies start the day with me. Maybe I should have done 41 burpees, but… it was my birthday and I didn’t want to.
Mr PugRunner and I had an early meeting at the school to talk about some ideas for donations for food insecure students in the county. We brainstormed some wonderful ideas and we are excited to put them into action.
After school, the PTA treated the teachers to an ice cream social. It was a lot of fun, and I was pretty excited to get a little ice cream as a mid afternoon snack.
My parents were waiting for us when little man and I got home, and we all went to dinner at a new restaurant I’ve been wanting to try – the St. Augustine Seafood Co. We ate outside and had a really fabulous meal. I’m not a cake fan, so for dessert we got waffle cones (twice in one day???!!!) from Kilwin’s. It was really perfect.
They all spoiled me, too. I got a gorgeous hydrangea and gift card from my parents, horse back riding lessons from little man (I just ordered boots and breeches and can’t wait to get started!) and these beauties from Mr PugRunner.
Thursday – 6.1 miles
I didn’t break in the new shoes, but I did have a fairly good run.
Today was the big Battle of the Books competition. The team took a bus to a local middle school to test their knowledge against 12 other local elementary schools. We had quite the cheering section with school colors and signs, and it was an awesome (although stressful) event.
They tied for fifth with little man’s old school, and we were all very proud of them for a strong first time at the event.
In the evening, I took little man to his school’s Kindergarten musical performance. He knew some of the kids and he loves his music teacher, so l couldn’t say no. It was, to use the teacher’s words, ‘basket of puppies cute.”
Friday – rest
After I got little man off to school, I finished my Mother’s Day article for the Run Rock ‘n’ Roll Tempo (you can read it here) and then headed back in. We were serving Tiuana Flats all day for the teacher’s luncheon to end Teacher Appreciation week. It was heart warming to see how many people showed up to volunteer and how much the teachers and staff loved it.
I am so lucky to be able to spend time with these amazing people.
When I got home, it was time to pack. I was taking my mom and little man to Jekyll Island for the Turtle Crawl 10K on Sunday and we were going to go up a day early to enjoy the island.
Saturday – 2 miles
I wanted to break in my new shoes before the race, so I took them for a successful two mile spin.
Then we loaded up the car and drove to grab my mom on the way to Jekyll.
Our first stop was Driftwood Beach, which was every bit as stunning as I imagined.
Little man found a ton of HUGE shells, and he was so excited.
We had pizza for lunch and then visited the Georgia Sea Turtle Center, just in time for a feeding.
When we checked into the hotel, little man wanted another beach walk, and we ended up just walking all the way down to the little main street for dinner. To be honest, we did about seven miles of walking that day. We did a little pool time back at the hotel, I laid out my outfit for the morning, and we turned in.
Spring/summer training is going really well.I’ve been a little bit of a slacker on the gym, but I am being fairly diligent on the runs and speed workouts. I’m pretty happy about that, and I know it’s going to be tough as vacation looms. We already have a ton of events and plans on the calendar, and I’m hoping we can fit everything in easily.
How was your week in training?
Do you enjoy walking on the beach and shelling?

I don’t live super close to a beach so any time I get to walk on an ocean beach, it’s a treat!
We are coastal, but even with that, it’s always nice to get to try new beaches.
Great recap of your week. I miss walking on the beach, but I plan to visit my hometown beach in the next month or two when I visit my family in FL.
Sandy recently posted…Mother’s Day Half Marathon Recap
I bet you will have a wonderful time! Enjoy that salt air!
oh I remember when my son did the safety patrol training! So cute how serious they are about it. Hope you had a fantastic Mother’s Day
Deborah @ Confessions of mother runner recently posted…Hummus, Spinach and Feta Baked Egg Rolls
SO serious. It doesn’t hurt that he loves being in charge of things.
We did have a great Mother’s Day! Hope you did the same.
Happy birthday! What a busy week but fun! Love that you are so invloved at your son’s school.
I’m very fortunate to be able to volunteer so much for the kiddos. It’s important to me, especially since this year was a brand new school and he was very nervous about what was going to be offered.
Happy Birthday and Happy Mother’s Day! So awesome that you were able to celebrate both in one week!
Thank you and thank you! Sometimes, they even hit on the same day for a perfect vortex of celebrations!
same here LOL
The best thing about being an adult is that you can choose to have ice cream twice in one day! I would never let my 4 year old on to that though!
I love the beach photos! Driftwood beach looks so wonderful!
Lucie Palka recently posted…Road to Iron Girl Chronicle Week 3
I was kind of thinking about having ice cream for breakfast. Because why not? I’m an adult!
Driftwood Beach was STUNNING! I could have sat there with my camera for hours.
Wow, Driftwood Beach looks so beautiful!! I’ll have to visit there sometime soon.
Rachel recently posted…Three Beans Walk into a Salad…
You absolutely should. It’s gorgeous, and every day, it changes with the tides. Amazing.
I’m kinda jealous of your son’s shell find! I love shelling when I go to Florida. I have quite a collection but nothing big like that! How fun!!
Happy birthday, Jen!
You would not believe what he found! Next week, I’ll share some of the sand dollars! I’ve never seen them in the wild like that, but he got handfuls! My mom is a crazy avid beachcomber, and she was totally eating it up while we were there.
Thank you. It’s going to be a great year.
Wow that sounds like a crazy busy week. Happy Birthday! and congrats on the PTA position. I love how involved you are.
I spent a lot of time working behind the scenes. The last two years I’ve somehow stepped up into more visible positions. It’s so ridiculously far out of my comfort zone, but my son loves the Scouts and he loves school, and so I’ve felt more moved to make that leap.
Living in Iowa, whenever we get to a beach I’m all over the sand. I love beach walking and searching for unique shells. One time (in Daytona) we found a washed up jellyfish (yuck!).
We see plenty of washed up jellyfish. They are so gross. We saw a whole train of horseshoe crab shells washed up on the beach, too. It was kind of sad 🙁
Great job getting those miles in! I really miss riding–definitely hopeful that I’ll get to do it again sometime! Happy belated birthday too!
It’s the best!
wow Jenn, super busy week! and not just you! seems like everyone in your family is busy with activities!! your speedwork interval sounds really interesting! I may need to look into that!
I love going to the sea and the beach. I only saw the ocean for the first time when I was 18 and I was hooked after that! I used to look for interesting rocks and shells and would bring them back with me from trips, only to not have anywhere to put them! so I stopped doing that 😀
Renée recently posted…Week 19 – The Week On Two Wheels
It’s the end of the school year (7.5 days to go!) so we are getting everything done before summer vacation!
Oh gosh! I have always lived on the east coast, so being close to the beach (90 minutes at most) is just something that is normal for me. My mom is a huge beachcomber and has jars, vases and actual aquariums full of shells on display in her home. She’s quite dedicated to the cause.
Mr PugRunner did good with those shoes! Wow, they are gorgeous! Happiest of birthdays to you and yes, I think you are allowed to say no to 41 burpees on your big day, LOL! Well done on another busy week and best of luck in your new role as VP.
I was really obsessed with the idea of red shoes and I’m so glad to have them! They are definitely speedy!
I really wanted to be that girl who did the burpees. But I hate them so much. Thanks! I’m going to need the lucky! It’s going to be a big year!
Obviously my favorite part is the pony time…
So much going on! Little man’s school is pretty event heavy, but maybe that’s just how school is? I can’t remember! I’m sure the kids love it though. And it’s awesome that the parents did so much for teacher appreciation week.
And Happy Birthday too!
Stacie Seidman recently posted…Truthful Tuesday: Rio edition
Yay for pony time!
Our principal is very big on family and community events and so we just go along for the ride. Things will settle down next year, I think. 🙂
Thanks! It was a great day!
Happy birthday to my birthday twin. Glad you had a great day and week.
I love the beach and looking for shells. One of my favorite Florida activities.
Darlene recently posted…Tropicool 5K Race Recap
Looks like you had a wonderful week as well! I’m so happy!
I was just commenting on how crazy the month of May is now that I have kiddos and mine aren’t even in school full time yet! Way to keep up with the workouts on top of everything else you have going on. Summer is so close!
OK, I’m totally jealous of your horse ride. I haven’t been in years! And to get lessons for your birthday? Awesome present! I can assure you I will not be doing my age in burpees on my next birthday! I hope you had a wonderful birthday and Mothers Day. Thanks for linking!
Wow, I’m amazed by everything that you managed to fit in last week. Your new shoes are beautiful. What a pretty color for summer running!
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