And the heat wave and humidity continues. Could we get a break anytime soon? I’m really not sure, but I hope so. Sigh. Despite it all, the regular routine still had to go on. All we can do is make the best of it and hope for cooler days.

- Cardio: 5.11 miles, walking
So the week started with a walk. Honestly, these are feeling more and more like slogs. I feel like if I can just keep putting one foot in front of the other, it will all be ok.

We went to visit my parents, and then we had dinner with some friends. It was a busy day, but it was good to be out and about, too.
Oh, and I also made more sourdough. I am feeling way more confident in my skills.

- Cardio: 6.32 miles, walking + running
- Strength: Arms + Abs, 50 minutes
I really tried with the running. There was some, but it wasn’t impressive. And here I am, getting busted taking selfies by this lovely woman who rides her bike in the morning.

Then it was arm day in the gym. I was glad to be back, but I was also frustrated by all the machines that were broken and in need of repair. Fortunately, I was able to swap out some of the moves for others, and still got in a solid workout.

A started band camp this week. Due to the heat, the kids are doing two practices a day, one in the morning and one in the evening. I’m not sure we like it any better, but it’s what we’re working with.
- Cardio: 6.46 miles, running + walking
I met up with J and we did our best out there. Ugh.

I helped with volunteering at camp, met a friend for lunch, and had a meeting later at night. Good times.
- Cardio: 3.15 miles, walking
I did not get much sleep, but I did have to be up and out super early. I had to squeeze in my miles before showing up to poll worker training at 8:30. Both got done and I checked them off my list.

In the evening, Mr PugRunner and I attended the summer menu launch of Chez L’Amour, a tapas and jazz venue in town. It was delicious and a wonderful night out.

- Cardio: 6.47 miles, running + walking
- Strength: legs + abs, 50 minutes
I was so exhausted, but I got up and out, because consistency is key.

And then I took myself to the gym again. Leg day was harder than I remember, and I am still sore a few days later. On the plus side, there was more bread.

I felt kind of lazy for the rest of the day. It happens.
- Cardio: 8.07 miles, walking
We got a little carried away with the miles today. It was swampier than every other day this week and we just needed to walk through all the things. Still didn’t feel great. I’m sharing a picture of the pugs because they were mad at me for coming home smelling like other dogs. The grudge lasted a while.

- Cardio: 4.53 miles, walking
- Strength: Wall Pilates, Glutes + Abs, 20 minutes
I slept in a little, but still got in a solid walk. I also decided to try Wall Pilates. I keep seeing ads for it on social media, and thought it looked interesting. Yoga isn’t working out in my schedule, and I definitely want to work on my flexibility a bit. If it come with strength training attached, that’s a bonus. I’m using Rachel’s Fit Pilates series on YouTube, and so far, so good.

Mr PugRunner and I went out for lunch, and talked about renovating the kitchen and bathrooms over the next few years. That’s kind of exciting.
Thoughts + Goals
So we are moving forward, right? It’s not fast or glamorous, but it’s going and that’s all we can do.
My passport has been renewed and is shipping back to me, so that’s exciting. We are starting to look at trip options. On the table: Banff, Iceland, Ireland, Scotland, and Greece. I am also thinking Portugal. Of course, we are open to just about anything. Planning will be fun.
I have a few fun events coming up in August, and school starts in just a few weeks. A has his schedule, and I just can’t believe he will be driving to and from school, most days. Who ever believed we would get to this point?
What You Missed On The Blog Last Week
- Back To Reality (Weekly Rundown)
- My Favorite Recovery Aids (Tuesday Topics)
- Running In Chattanooga (Runners Roundup)
- Runfessions For July (Fit Five Friday)
How was your week in training? Any suggestions for international travel? Anyone try Wall Pilates?
Weekly Rundown
I am linking up with the Weekly Rundown, with Confessions of A Mother Runner and Running on the Fly! Check them out!

I don’t live in Florida, but we’ve had some ferocious heat this summer, so I can only imagine how steamy it is by you. Glad to see you getting out and pushing through it. LOL on the pugs being upset with you about smelling like another dog–Cocoa does the same thing. Since she lost her hearing, her sense of smell is much more acute!
Your bread looks professional!
Yum that sourdough looks so good! I love baking but gave never gotten into bread making– but you are tempting me!
Kudos for getting out in the heat and humidity. You’re definitely an inspiration!
It’s a process for sure, but I like it. It’s nice having fresh bread, too.
Thank you – that’s a huge compliment!
Usually they don’t care TOO much if I smell like dog, but we spent a lot of time cuddling this mastiff. And we had to walk him home, because he wouldn’t go without us. So I guess I understand their reaction.
Your bread looks sooo good! So impressive!
I have seen some stuff about wall pilates as well and intrigued. Let me know how you like it.
Oh those pugs…so darn cute, even when they’re mad at you 🙂
I like it a lot. Lots of glutes and holding poses and stretching things. And it’s so quick.
They are adorable – their faces are very expressive.
It’s been a very steamy and humid summer here too. I am sure yours is much more prolonged! All we can do is keep moving the best we can. Your bread looks so amazing!
It’s really good. The cinnamon sugar is perfect for breakfast.
Iceland sounds good right about now! I don’t mean to be the voice of doom, but we won’t cool down until sometime around… November. Sigh.
My daughter had band camp this week as well. I was beside myself because one day she wore JEANS because they “went with her outfit.” She did not pass out or have a heat stroke, so I guess it was okay??? I mean can you imagine being out in the heat wearing jeans… I’m still traumatized by the thought.
Anyway, nice job getting out there every single day!!! And you went to the gym. 8 miles is a long way to walk- the pugs do look pretty disgruntled in that photo.
In fairness, when I was younger, I probably would have worn jeans. I didn’t feel the heat. Our kids have to wear white t=shirts, black shorts and black sneakers for marching practice. No jeans.
The pugs were furious. It was so funny.
Splitting up brand practice souns lke a good idea, but also a pain logistically. Of course safety comes first!
It sounds like you are considering a lot of fun places to visit! You can’t go wrong with any of them!
We are very glad A can drive now, that’s for sure. We drop him off and pick him up for morning session, and then he takes the car for afternoon session. I feel bad for the kids who have parents that can’t help out. And A is only allowed to have his girlfriend in the car right now. I’m not comfortable with him driving around a lot of kids quite yet.
I also have seen a lot of Pilates stuff on social media in recent months. I’m trying a few of the Peloton classes, to add some variety into my regimen. The humidity has been crazy here!
I’m glad I’m not the only one! Sometimes, those ads feel super targeted.
The humidity can kindly take off.
Some days here felt like Florida.
And yes forward is motion… walking is better than staying still.
You are dong great.
Europe? How exciting!
Europe is in the running for sure. We’ve seen several countries, but there are so many more.
I love your attitude about getting it all done despite the heat. How annoying about the gym machines! Why aren’t they getting them fixed, are they all on holiday? Your bread looks fabulous!
Wait, you’re going to Ireland? Any chance you’re going to the south? Remember those country lanes..
A bunch were fixed today, thank goodness. I guess they figure if they are replacing them, they don’t need to fix them? Who knows.
We are both part Irish and it would be beautiful to visit. It’s definitely on the list.
Ugh, I don’t know how you run in the heat in Florida. It’s been much hotter than usual in the DC area the last few weeks, and then today it was 99° in the Badlands in South Dakota – at least it wasn’t humid.
Banff is on our bucket list as well! We’re hoping to go to Glacier National Park next summer.
Oh, that would be so fun!
I don’t know how we do it either. It’s just so hard.
I will try to keep my comment short but there are so many things I love about this post. Firstly, the consistency given the awful heat – love that you just keep getting out there. Yes, it may not be glamourous but you are getting it done. Talking about glamourous though – you and that green dress on date night?! Hot, hot, hot! Love the design, colour, everything! As for getting caught taking photo, LOL – I still feel awkward when that happens! Finally, the wall pilates – we are clearly in the same algorithm but that’s all I’ve had on my feed for weeks! I will check out the link you shared.
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It’s a good algorithm, for sure!
The green dress is from the TIkTok shop! It has a corset back and it’s super comfortable!