Somehow, school started again on Monday. A is in his junior year of high school. He’s all suited up and ready to go, and that means the schedule and routine shifted yet again. Our last week of summer was a little derailed by Hurricane Debby, so here’s two weeks of recap to make up for it!

- Cardio: 4 miles, walking
With Hurricane Debby looming to arrive later in the day, I took advantage of the clear morning.

From there, we visited my parents, went to lunch, and took A to finish his back to school shopping. He did most of it himself, so it was nice to be able to experience just a little with him. Then it was home to hunker down for the weather.
- Cardio: 4 miles, treadmill running
- Strength: Legs + Abs, 50 minutes
We woke up to wind and pouring rain. Common sense got the best of me, and I went to the gym with Mr PugRunner to do some treadmill work. Yuck.

It was just a gross and dreary day. We’re not used to nonstop rain here, even during storm season. Usually it’s just an hour or so, and then everything clears. This was pretty dismal, but I was glad we were all safe. School events were canceled too, so we had the kids at the house all day.
- Cardio: 9.13 miles, running + walking
We were able to get in some serious miles with some strong headwinds and spitting drizzle. Yuck.

Our plans to go float on Itchetucknee (a local natural spring) were rained out, so we picked up smoothies, and the kids were rockstars and painted A’s bathroom upstairs. No pictures because it’s not entirely finished up there, but they did a great job and it was a huge help.
- Cardio: 4.82 miles, walking
Another wet morning. So gross.

Nothing special happening on this Wednesday. I used the time to catch up on work.
- Cardio: 7.12 miles, running + walking
We loved that the rain was no longer really threatening.

We were invited to check out the new First & Gold brew from Ancient City Brewing, crafted in honor of the Jacksonville Jaguars. After sampling, we went out for some appetizers and dessert in St. Augustine. Absolutely lovely.

- Cardio: 6.32 miles, running + walking
TGIF for sure!

We just took it easy as the last Friday of the summer. Nothing wrong with a chill day.
- Cardio: 3.24 miles, walking
Good morning and happy Saturday! I got in a little walk!

And then I made the drive to Orlando to join Meghan and her friend for Taste Central Florida, an annual charity gala to raise awareness and money for Second Harvest Food Bank.

We ate too much and drank too much, laughed and danced as much as we could, and had a wonderful time for a good cause.
- Cardio: 3.38 miles, walking
True facts: it was rough waking up. And it was rough going out. But I got in a little over three miles, and then I played the role of Coffee Fairy and brought the ladies some caffeine.

We had a nice brunch, enjoyed a quick dip in the pool, and then I said goodbye and made the long drive home.
- Cardio: 6.13 miles, running + walking
Happy Back To School Day! I started with a run/walk!

And then I made it home in time to see our new junior off to school! Crazy that he can drive himself!

He had a good first day!
- Cardio: 5.48 miles, running + walking
It was a fairly hectic morning. We got in some miles, and then I had to bring Luna to the vet. Turns out, she was maybe just a little nauseous.

- Cardio: 2.43 miles, walking
Today started my time working the early voting location, so I had to get up crazy early to sneak in some miles before heading to my job site for the day.

For the most part, the day went smoothly, with a nice flow of voters. Election season is always exciting and I really enjoy doing my part for democracy.
- Cardio: 2.88 miles, walking
Day 2 of working the primaries. Of course, I didn’t get in any impressive miles because it’s so early, but I did what I could.

I will say that this was probably the best team of poll workers with whom I’ve had the pleasure of serving. I’m sad to go our separate ways. But the day was a success, the numbers balanced, and we said our goodbyes.
- Cardio: 6.31 miles, running + walking
Finally, a day to myself. And it was just a tiny bit colder than it’s been. Still brutal, but I was able to run a little. I was thrilled with that.

The morning was a little chaotic: it was senior sunrise, so A was up early to meet his girlfriend after the event, and I actually got to see them both before school.
Mr PugRunner and I went to lunch at a waterfront spot that’s finally reopened after being destroyed by hurricanes about ten years ago. I just wanted to sit on the swings at the bar.

And then, that night, it was back to Friday Night Lights. I worked concessions for the first half of the game, and then caught the marching band at halftime.

Mr PugRunner and I went home to wait for A to get finished. He texted us that he left school, but called us minutes later to tell us that they had been hit by a deer. Everyone was ok, including the deer (we think), but the car (and their emotional states) took a beating.

- Cardio: 5.48 miles, walking
I didn’t fall asleep until after 1AM, so I didn’t get right out this morning. Sigh. Fortunately, it was slightly cooler.

We dealt with placing our insurance claim and getting the rental car and mechanic scheduled. Things didn’t look much better in the daylight, but at least the insurance company is moving quickly to get us sorted out.
In the evening, we had dinner with friends, which was a nice little break for us, while A got some rest.
Thoughts + Goals
While I was hoping for some more fitness related goals this week, I think it’s going to be all about keeping my head above water. We have to drop off the damaged car and pick up the rental. Tuesday, I’m working the general election. And then we will figure it out from there.
What You Missed On The Blog Last Week
- My 5 Best Training Tips (Tuesday Topics)
- Fueling On The Run (Runners Roundup)
- 5 Songs To Get You To The Finish Line (Fit Five Friday)
How was your week in training? See any movies lately? When is school back in session for you?
Weekly Rundown
I am linking up with the Weekly Rundown, with Confessions of A Mother Runner and Running on the Fly! Check them out!

What a busy couple of weeks! It’s hard to believe school is back in session already! Glad your son was ok after his collision with the deer. Hopefully this week will be uneventful for you!
It was pretty scary 🙁
Looks like you back to school week was hectic! Glad everyone is ok after the accident. Scary! We have lots of deer here everywhere and they really are a menace.
Incredibly hectic! No time for any rest!
I feel badly for the deer as they are being pushed out of their homes… I just wish it hadn’t pushed into the side of our vehicle.
Yikes- glad everyone is okay. I”ll bet A was shaken up though- that’s a scary situation. And, no matter how quickly it moves, it’s always a pain dealing with the insurance.
We also started school this week, and I felt like I was just keeping my head above water. Sometimes that’s all we can do, right? You still got out there every day, so I think you did great.
Super shaken up. He did so well and I’m so proud of him, though.
Hang in there!
Yikes on the deer. We have a lot deer around here… Glad no injuries besides the car.
So much fun in your week but you get your workouts done too. You inspire me.
We have some, but of course, you never want to have it happen!
It was a fun week, but I’m really, really tired lol.
Isn’t it crazy how much damage an innocent deer can do? Thankfully, I’ve managed to steer clear of them (in the car, that is). I do see them frequently on the trail when I’m running or biking…I saw three tonight, on my ride (but only one actually crossed the trail in front of me)!
$7100 in damage!
Oh Jen, how scary is that! I’m so glad everyone was okay (including the deer.) What a scare for everyone…
Back to school…summer is just too short!
Hopefully the weather is better this next week!
Honestly, I have beef with the deer at the moment lol. But yes. It was scary, and yes, we are so grateful that everyone is ok.
Summer is sooo short, but I’m also glad to have a little bit of routine back.
Yikes! Glad everyone was okay! That deer must have hit them so hard! Poor kids, that’s so scary.
So scary and they are still processing. I hate it for them because there is literally nothing anyone could have done, but here we are.
That’s so scary about the deer hitting A’s car. Glad he’s okay! That happened to one of my sons while he was in college. Luckily, in both cases the deer hit the car from the side and didn’t bounce in through the windshield.
I think Debby dropped a lot of rain on our area, but we were on our road trip and din’t experience it.
OMG I don’t think any of us could have handled it coming through the windshield! My heart!
Oh snap on that deer collision!! That really stinks, but I’m glad everyone was OK. I hope it doesn’t take too long to get it fixed. My daughter had a tiny fender bender and it took a very long time to get it back.
We should get it back today. So far, everything has been very efficient and seamless.