Although running is absolutely not a substitute for medical care, it can be an extremely effective way to combat the winter blues. Shorter days, dark mornings, and lack of sunlight are enough to bring anyone down, which makes it incredibly important to have the right coping mechanisms at the ready.

The Runner’s High Is Real
When you run, your body releases endorphins, which help boost your mood on those shorter, darker days. The endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine you experience after a good run (or workout), help make you happier, regulate your mood, and increase your energy. It’s a good deal!

Enjoy The Sun(Light) Therapy
Natural light is a great way to combat the winter blues, so getting outside a few days a week is just what the doctor ordered. Winter is a great time for those morning runs, too, when the exposure to the rays of the sunrise helps get your day started right. In the dark winter months, we need all the light we can get, so use that as a reason to log your miles!

Maintain A Healthy Routine
When you’re in the winter doldrums, it’s super easy to lapse into cycles of sadness or depression. Seasonal affective disorder can lead to self-neglect and feelings of being overwhelmed. By creating and sticking to a running schedule, you can establish a routine that might help you from getting stuck in those negative or destructive feelings.

Staying Connected With The World
As an introvert, this one hits hard. In the winter, it becomes incredibly easy to hermit and shut yourself away from the world. Running can help keep you out and connected, even if you are training alone. It can be important for your overall mood to keep one foot in society, and running absolutely provides that opportunity!

Do you find that winter running helps keep you in a better frame of mind?
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It can be tough to get outside in the winter but it definitely helps me feel better when I do! If I didn’t run I would probably stay inside all winter.
Harder for you than for me, I’m sure! But is’ so grounding for me to just fill my lungs with that good outside air!
For sure. Although I hate the cold and dark, fresh air is the best medicine.
I do need to have races on my schedule or I may wimp out.
Fresh air is the best. If I can’t get outside on a given day, I’m a mess!