Running in January is tough, but challenging times breed strength of character, and so we press on. While we don’t endure traditional winters in Florida, we still reap some mental benefits to logging miles this time of year.

Cold Weather Running Has Its Place
With January comes freezing temperatures, snow, sleet, wintry mix, and so many other frosty weather conditions. Safety comes first, but running in extreme conditions can add some variety and extra intensity to your regular workout. Any time you can acclimate to something out of the norm, it’s great to take advantage of the chance. You can also practice running in heavier layers, making a more difficult workout. And let’s not forget your lungs work differently in the cold, which creates new opportunities for them as well! Enduring uncomfortable and difficult conditions definitely improve your mental toughness!

It’s A Great Time To Catch Up On Treadmill Running
Listen. I’m the last person to extoll the virtues of the treadmill, but January running sometimes calls for you to take it inside. Personally, the treadmill is a bit painful for me, but it does bring some variety into your typical runs. You can work on speed, elevation, and more even pacing, when you’re on the treadmill, and that makes winter a great time to reacquaint yourself with this important piece of equipment. And you’ll find yourself mentally stronger as you spend time with just yourself and the treadmill!

January Running Helps With Balance And Strength
Slushy and icy road conditions can be hazardous, but if you feel safe enough, your feet, ankles, hips, and even core will surely get a good workout as you navigate the slipperiness. Different terrain can provide opportunities to build up muscles in places you normally might not, and January is a wonderful time for this. Trail or off-road runners can reap an added bonus by trekking through deeper snow, which is less responsive and certainly more challenging! You’ll sleep better on those nights, for sure, which is great for your overall mental health!

What mental benefits do you gain from running in January?
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I’d rather run on the treadmill when it is cold and icy. I am afraid of falling.