Yes, even in Florida, the winter blues are a real and devastating thing. We have frosts and gray days, and even that awful dreary, drizzly rain that just sucks the joy from everything. Can running help? You know it!

A Reason To Get Out Of Bed In The Morning
When you’re committed to something like running, it helps get you up and moving. As long as I can get vertical, I feel like I have a chance to have a decent and productive day.

Something To Work Towards
Goals are a great thing to have in your back pocket, especially when you’re facing down those winter blues. Running gives you something to work towards, and I like to have a race or two on the schedule to motivate me to get out and moving.

Fresh Air & Sunshine Brighten Everyone’s Day
When the winter blues threaten to get the best of me, I try to take it right outside. Yes, it can be cold. But that hit of Vitamin D and the crisp air can be an incredible mood booster. To be honest, I generally push my winter runs a little later if I can, just to let things warm up a bit, but even a mile of outside motion can be a great way to recharge.

New Perspectives Can Bring New Mindsets
Things look different in different seasons. Spring brings flowers in bloom, summer offers sunny days, fall can come with changing leaves, and winter might have snow and ice. This switch up in the appearance of the scenery can help with mental resets, and that can be key in fighting the winter blues!

Join us next week for Tuesday Topics —> How To Share Your Love Of Running With A Partner Or Friend
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Unfortunately I can only run where there is no ice. This winter it has been a challenge but I try to mix it up as best as I can.
Getting outside is key to my mental health and if I sign up for a big race, it also motivates me to get it done.
No ice is the goal, for sure.
I do need a big race on my calendar.
All great points and it’s so important to remember that a good workout can completely change our perspective on the day.
Getting out in the fresh air even if it is cold is always invigorating to me. Agree it can completely change your day
Yup. Th cold doesn’t bother me too much, at least not right now. I guess hot flashes have some value.
Great tips, Jenn! Fresh air and movement can be such a mood booster! I always encourage my parents to get out for their daily walks—it’s so important at any age.
I will never stop pushing myself outdoors. My husband loves the treadmill and I’m like GO. OUTSIDE. At least a couple of time a week. He doesn’t listen, but that’s ok.