The countdown is on until my first Gate River Run. I'm trying to get past the apprehension and disappointment and on to the excitement. A lot of times, I have felt great about saying "Hey. I'm running this for fun. I'm going to soak it all up and enjoy and not worry about anything ...
the state of the gate (river run)
race report: march to get screened 5k run/walk
This is a sponsored post. I received two complimentary registrations to the March To Get Screened 5K walk/run for my own use as well as two to give away to readers as compensation for helping to promote the event. All opinions are my own. I got home from the Neon Vibe at about 10:30 PM (after a ...
race report: the neon vibe 5k
I think I've come to the conclusion that night racing is not for me. It's hard to get myself going and it's even harder to keep up my stamina. However, a glowing, nighttime fun run? I'm always up for something new. The Neon Vibe 5K came to Metropolitan Park in Jacksonville on Saturday ...
an interview with jenny jurek
This is a sponsored post. I received a complimentary Ultimate Direction Meow Waistpack and Handy 10 as a result of being a race Ambassador for ZOOMA Florida and as compensation for sharing this interview. All opinions are my own. One of the most important components to training and racing is ...
and now? the bad news
Here it is. I'm injured. Things have been touchy since I ran ZOOMA in January. I'm not sure what went wrong, exactly, but something happened on my left side, that, when the dust settled, led to some foot pain. It came and went. There were days and weeks where it really didn't bother me at all. ...
race report: runDONNA 5k
The alarm rang at 5:30 AM. Finally, it was race day. Time for the DONNA 5K. I got a decent night's sleep. Not as long as I would have liked, but I was ok. I showered and dressed in my gear, before letting the pugs out and feeding them and double-checking to make sure my race bag was packed ...