Setting realistic running expectations can be a bit of a challenge. After all, isn’t it in our nature to shoot for the stars and reach for our dreams? The good news is that we can do both those things, while still keeping our feet on the ground. Here’s how!

Be… realistic
Ha! Maybe this is a little bit of common sense, but your realistic running expectations should be, in fact, realistic. Focus on smaller stepping stones: conquering a new distance that you’ve been working towards or reaching a new PR that you have your eye on. Each time you hit a target, you can bump your way up to the next one! Making smaller steps rather than giant ones helps you build on a more solid foundation.

Have some patience
Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is a running career. For best results, take your time and build your strength and stamina, brick by proverbial brick. Use plans like Couch To 5K to increase your speed and mileage, and always be sure to take the time to cross train, stretch, and recover. This will preserve your running longevity and help prevent injury.

Adjust en route
Whenever you set expectations, you might learn that you like or dislike things about it. Rather than give up on your original resolution, make adjustments so your resolution is more in line with your newly discovered preferences. For example, if you resolved to run a fast 5K on the road, but suddenly discovered the joys of trail running and want to switch to an ultra in the woods, do that! Instead of quitting or feeling uninspired, give yourself every reason to keep going!

Make sure you have the tools you need
The right tools are essential to helping you set and reach your goals. In order to have a chance, you’ll need to ensure you have the time, the gear, the knowledge, and the desire. That’s right. You’re not going to be able to train for a marathon if you don’t have the space in your calendar to train for those long mileage runs. Similarly, you won’t be able to mitigate injury if your running shoes are too old and falling apart. When you have the right equipment, you’ll be able to meet and exceed your expectations!

How do you set realistic running expectations?
Join us next week for Tuesday Topics —> What are some mental benefits to running in January?
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These are great tips and I find your summary very good: to meet your running goal, you will need the time, the gear, the knowledge, and the desire. Training for a marathon can take a lot more time and perseverance than people think.
But once you’ve achieved that goal, you will never let go!
That’s the recipe for success!
Setting realistic running goals can be so challenging! Really starting where you are at that exact time and being willing to be flexible are key fo Rome
Deborah Brooks recently posted…A Year’s Worth of 30 Day Challenges You Can Do At Home
It really can be so hard!
Do you mean I cannot run a marathon now and get a BQ? :-). I need to be realistic and be patient.
I mean. You still can! But I don’t know if you can achieve that in like a week!